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何か危なそうなことがある時に、注意をうながすフレーズです。 「夜道は危ないから気をつけて」 と友達に呼びかけたいです。
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2018/01/29 14:19
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  • Be careful when walking outside at night, it can be dangerous.

  • Always be alert when driving at night.

▪ Be careful when walking outside at night, it can be dangerous. Careful = to make sure you avoid danger that can come your way. This sentence explains that the person must try to avoid danger when walking outside at night. ▪ Always be alert when driving at night. Alert = to be fast to notice danger that can come your way. This sentence indicates that you want the person to be watchful when driving at night because of possible danger.
"Be careful when walking outside at night, it can be dangerous." (夜外を歩くときは気を付けてね。危ないかもしれないよ。) "careful"=危険を回避するよう気を付ける この文章は夜に外を歩くときには、危険を回避するよう努めなければならないと説明しています。 "Always be alert when driving at night." (夜道を運転するときは警戒するんだよ。) "Alert"=危険にすぐ気づく この文章は危険が潜んでいるので、夜運転するときはよく見てほしいということを表しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful, it might be dangerous.

  • Please be cautious.

  • Be careful when you're walking outside at night

To be careful means to avoid a potential danger or harm. When you are careful you take preventative measures to ensure your safety from something. This expression can be used as a warning in any situation you consider to be harmful or dangerous. Example: "Be careful when you're walking outside at night." - You might say 'be careful' in this regard because it is dark outside and walking in the dark could be dangerous, perhaps because of criminals. 'Be cautious' is another way of saying 'be careful' since the word 'careful' and 'cautious' mean the same thing. Example: "Be cautious when lifting that pot. It is very hot.'
"Be careful"は起こりうる危険や危害を避けるようにという意味です。注意深くなっているときは、安全を守るための予防策を取っているのです。この表現は危険な状況であればどんな時も、警告の文句として使うことが出来ます。 例文: "Be careful when you're walking outside at night." (夜に外を歩くときは気を付けてね。) これは外が暗く、暗闇で歩くのはおそらく犯罪者がいて危険だからという配慮から"be careful"と言っています。 "Be cautious"は"be careful"と同じ意味です。"cautious"と"careful"は同じ意味だからです。 例えば、このようになります。 "Be cautious when lifting that pot. It is very hot." (その鍋を持ち上げる時は気をつけてね。とても熱いから。)
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Please be vigilant when you are walking outside at night.

  • Please be alert when you are walking outside at night.

Parents often advise their children not to go walking into the night because it can be very dangerous. Thieves often lurk in the dark corners waiting to pounce on people who walk alone. You would do your friend or family member a lot of good if you advised them to be vigilant or alert. The adjective 'vigilant' in this context means to 'always be careful to notice possible danger'. The adjective 'alert' is interchangeable with 'vigilant'. So, if you would like to advise a family member or a visitor, you may say: Please be vigilant when you are walking outside at night. or Please be alert when you are walking outside at night.
親は時に、危ないから夜に出歩かないように子供に注意しますよね。泥棒は暗闇に潜み、一人で歩いている人を狙っています。友達や家族に警戒するようにとアドバイスすることはとても良いことです。 形容詞"vigilant"は「起こりうる危険を察知できるようにいつも注意深くいてね」ということを回答例では表しています。また、形容詞"alert"は"vigilant"と入れ替えることができます。 よって、以下のように言うことが出来ます。 "Please be vigilant when you are walking outside at night." (夜に外を歩くときは気を付けてね。) "Please be alert when you are walking outside at night." (夜に外を歩くときは気を付けてね。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Pay attention and be careful!

When we want someone to be more careful, we can ask them to pay more attention. Telling someone to pay more attention lets them know that the situation is not normal and they should not relax. They need to pay attention, which makes them more careful.
相手に気をつけてもらいたいとき、"Pay more attention"(気を付けて)といいます。 「Pay more attention! (もっと気をつけて)」と言うことで、今は普通の状況でないのでリラックスするべきではないことが伝わります。 "Pay attention"ということで、注意をうながすことができます。
Bogy DMM英語講師
  • Keep an eye out

  • Be alert

  • Beware

"Keep an eye out" "Be alert" "Beware" "Beware" is a verb. When using the word "beware" you are telling the person to take caution and "be alert" of any dangers. For example it is dangerous using the subway at night so you would tell the person to be alert when coming through the subway."Keep an eye out" is a synonym and you are telling the person to watch with special attention when walking. For example you have to walk through an alley and there are always people sitting in the alley so you would tell the person to "keep an eye out" when walking done the alley.
Keep an eye out 警戒する be alart 用心する beware(動詞) 警戒する bewareは、相手に「注意するように」、「危険なことに気をつけるように」、と伝えたい時に使います。例えば「夜に地下鉄を使うことは危険が伴うので気をつけて」などというように使います。keep an eye outも同じような意味で、相手に「歩く時は気をつけて」と注意を促すことができます。例えば通りを歩くとき、座り込んだりしている人もいるので、「そのような場所を歩く時は気をつけて」、”keep an eye out”と言います。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful when walking outside at night, there could be a killer on the loose.

  • Walking outside at night can be very dangerous, you have to be careful

  • When walking outside at night, you should always be mindful of your surroundings.

All of these expressions can be used to say that walking outside at night is not safe.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful

  • Take care

日本の会話で「気をつけて」をよく使いますよね。英語で "be careful" か "take care" を使っていいと思います。 「夜道は危ないから気をつけて」と言いたい場合は "The streets are dangerous at night, so be careful." を使えます。 "Take care" はもうちょと軽い感じに会話で使います。注意とか危ない状況ではあんまり使わないです。
  • be careful

注意を促すときの「気をつけて」は英語で be careful になります。Be careful of ○○ や Be careful not to ○○ というパターンが多いです。 例) スリに気をつけて Be careful of pickpockets 落ちないように気をつけて Be careful not to fall ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Be careful

  • It's dangerous at night. Please be careful

注意するとき、「気をつけて」は英語でbe carefulになります。 例えば、 It's dangerous at night 夜道は危ない Please be careful 気をつけてください ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Be vigilant

  • Be watchful

  • Be on guard

The above are different ways to tell someone to be careful. In the context of warning someone about possible danger, you can say something like "be vigilant when you go out at night because it could be dangerous. The above phrases mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably.
回答例は、気を付けてという言い方です。誰かの身に起りうる危険を警告する時に"be vigilant"(気を付けて)と言うと、危ないかもしれないから夜に外に出る時は気を付けてという意味になります。どの回答例も同じ意味で、お互いに言い換えて使うことができます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful.

  • Watch out.

「気をつけて」という表現を英語で表すと、「Be careful.」という表現と「Watch out.」という表現を使っても良いと考えました。気をつけるべき物も入れても良いです。例えば、「Be careful with the dog.」と「Watch out for the dog.」と言っても良いです。「Be careful」を使うと、「with」を使ってください。「Watch out」を使うと、「for」を使ってください。文法がちょっと違いますが、意味が同じです。
  • be careful

  • take care

  • look out for ~

「気を付けて」は英語で「be careful」や「take care」、「look out for ~」、「stay alert」などの言いかたになります。 It's dangerous walking alone at night so be careful. It's not safe walking the streets alone at night so stay alert. Take care when you walk home at night. (夜道は危ないから気をつけて。)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • Be careful

「(夜道は危険だから)気をつけて」と言うニュアンスを伝えたいときの英語は、 be careful とシンプルに言うのが適していると思います。 Please be careful when you come back home at night. 「夜に帰宅する時は気をつけてください」 また別れ際や具合の悪い人に対してはtake careと言うことが多いです。
  • Be careful

  • Be safe

「気をつけて」は英語で一般的に 'be careful' と訳します。 注意をうながすときは 'be safe' でも使えます。注意する上に安全を祈るニュアンスもあります。 例文: 「夜道は危ないから気をつけて」 'Be careful, It is dangerous to walk alone at night.' 'Be safe, It is dangerous to walk alone at night.'
  • "You gotta be careful. It's not safe to walk alone at night."

"You gotta be careful. It's not safe to walk alone at night." →夜一人で歩くのは危ないから、気をつけてね。 「夜一人で歩くのは危ないから、気をつけて」は上記のように表せます。 「気をつける」は「careful」などで表せます。 「careful」は「気をつける」「用心する」という意味の形容詞です。 【例】 "Be careful, it's hot." →熱いから気をつけてください。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
DMM Eikaiwa F DMM英会話
  • take care (of yourself)

  • be careful / be cautious (of...)

  • be aware (of...) / be wary (of...)

この例に、take care + of + yourself 以外に、yourself をつかいません。 Take care of yourself when walking alone at night. It's dangerous at night, so be careful! この二つの表現は単にこのままに使えます: Take care of yourself! Be careful! Be cautious / Be wary of... の表現は、危険なものとつけったら完了です。 Be cautious of strangers. Be wary of dark areas. Be aware は普通に surroundings (周囲) や belongings (荷物) と使われています。 Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Be careful

  • Take care

  • Watch out for

Be careful of「のことを考えて気を付けて」 stray dogs「野良犬」 in the 3rd world.「発展途上国に」 Take care「気を付けて」 when you go to「行くときに」the club「ナイトクラブ」 alone at night.「一人で行くときに」 Watch out for「気を付けて」 trick questions「ひっかけ問題」 when you take the test tomorrow.「明日にテストを受けるときに」
  • Take care when you are walking outside at night.

Examples: These streets are dangerous, please be careful when you are walking around outside at night. Make sure you always walk around at night with someone else, it is dangerous if you walk around at night by your self.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Please be careful when you are walking alone at night as it could be dangerous

  • Take extra care when you are out alone at nighttime.

There are some places that we visit, and they can be very dangerous at nighttime. Their could be bad people waiting to attack. It is better to go out during the day rather than the night. Although, if we are accompanied by someone, it is much better. These two sentences can be used in any situation.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful it could be dangerous.

  • Watch yourself and be careful.

  • Take care of yourself and stay safe.

Be careful it could be dangerous. Watch yourself and be careful. Take care of yourself and stay safe. When you want to tell someone to be careful when going outside since it might be dangerous, or when you want to tell them to be careful in any dangerous situation, you can use one of these three sentences. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful walking around at night.

  • Be careful when you're walking around at night.

  • It's dangerous to walk outside alone at night, be careful.

Here are three examples to let someone know to be careful when walking outside at night, there are many ways to say and structure this sentence so find one that is most comfortable for you. The first two examples use similar structures but are either using the gerund, "walking," or the progressive, "are walking." Lastly, the third example tells us that it is dangerous and therefore, one should be careful when walking alone at night.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Please be careful. I want you to remain as healthy as possible.

  • There is lots of snow and ice on the roads. Please be careful.

  • Please be careful. Walking alone at night can be very dangerous.

気をつけて to be careful, to take care お気をつけください。 できるだけ健康でいてほしい。 Please be careful. I want you to remain as healthy as possible. 道路には雪や氷がたくさんあります。 お気をつけください。 There is lots of snow and ice on the roads. Please be careful. お気をつけください。 夜一人で歩くのはとても危険です。 Please be careful. Walking alone at night can be very dangerous.
  • 'Please keep your eyes peeled and watch out for trouble'

  • 'Don't put yourself in any danger outside'

  • 'Please proceed with all due caution'

Well, there are 3 suggested warnings above. The third one is a little more formal - or possibly a little military in tone. If you 'keep your eyes peeled' it means that, for some reason, you need to stay alert and observant. Perhaps there is something dangerous or important that you need to know about.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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