世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/02/06 16:00
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  • I'm so exhausted

I'm so exhausted →疲れた、 exhausted は「疲れ切った」という意味の形容詞です。 「疲れた」と言う時によく使われます so は「とても、すごく」という意味の副詞です。 参考になるといいです。 ありがとうございました
  • I'm exhausted, what about you?

  • I'm pooped, how about you?

Exhausted- very tired Pooped- very tired (informal) That was a great game but I am pooped! How about you? How about you? - asking how the other person is feeling. That was a great game! Are you as tired as I am? Another way to say you are tired and also ask if the other person is also feeling the same way.
Exhausted- very tired(とても疲れた) Pooped- very tired(カジュアル) That was a great game but I am pooped! How about you?(いいゲームだったけど、すごく疲れた。あなたは?) How about you? - 相手の気持ちを尋ねています。 That was a great game! Are you as tired as I am?(いいゲームでしたね。あなたも疲れましたか?) これも同じです。「疲れた」の後に「あなたは?」と尋ねています。
Talitha O DMM英会話講師
  • Aren't you tired? I know I am.

  • I'm so tired, aren't you?

  • I'm exhausted now. Aren't you tired yet?

When you want to ask someone if they are as tired as you are when you're playing a sport together; then you may ask in the following ways: -Aren't you tired? I know I am. -I'm so tired, aren't you? -I'm exhausted now. Aren't you tired yet?
誰かとスポーツをしているとき、相手に「あなたも疲れた?」と聞きたいということですね。次のように言えます。 -Aren't you tired? I know I am.(疲れていないんですか?私は疲れました) -I'm so tired, aren't you?(疲れました。あなたは?) -I'm exhausted now. Aren't you tired yet?(疲れました?あなたは疲れましたか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm jaded now, all that sport has worn me out

  • I'm wrecked and I can't do anymore

  • I'm absolutely shattered

These are all ways of saying you are extremely tired. "I'm wrecked" or "I'm jaded" are phrases that I have only ever heard in Ireland, so maybe they are part of Irish slang. "Worn out" means that you can't physically do another thing. It can also be used to describe an object like a mattress or a pair of shoes. "Absolutely shattered" also conveys that you are no longer able to continue doing whatever it was you were doing that made you tired. If you can imagine a mirror that is shattered, it is impossible to do anything with it. In the same way, this is how we feel if we are overtired
これらはすべて「とても疲れた」と伝える言い方です。 "I'm wrecked" と "I'm jaded" は、私はアイルランドでしか聞いたことがありません。アイルランドのスラングなのかもしれません。 "Worn out" は「疲れてもう体が動かない」という意味です。これは靴やマットレスなど物についても使われます。 "Absolutely shattered" は「疲労困憊(こんぱい)でこれ以上続けられない」という意味です。"Shattered" には「粉々になった」という意味があります。粉々に割れた鏡を想像してみてください。これは使いものになりませんよね。ヘトヘトに疲れたときの感覚に似ていませんか。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Spent

  • Dog-tired

  • Exhausted

Are you tired after all this exercise? I am spent! I am truly dog-tired after this game. Are you exhausted as well?
Are you tired after all this exercise? (この運動のあとで疲れてる?) I am spent! (疲れた!) I am truly dog-tired after this game. (この試合の後で疲れ切った。) Are you exhausted as well? (あなたも疲れている?)
Leren DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so exhausted

"I'm" referring to myself and this is a shorten word meaning I am "So" really emphasising the feeling "Exhausted" showing that the person is really weak with little energy
"I'm" は、私はという意味で、I amの省略形です。 "So"は、とてもという意味で、強調の言葉です。  "Exhausted"は、とても疲れてエネルギーがない状態のことを指します。
Yazzyd DMM英会話講師
  • I'm exhausted, aren't you?

  • I'm so tired after that, aren't you?

  • That was tough, I'm worn out.

Exhausted' is to be extremely tired, to the point of collapse but is often used to emphasize being tired after something strenuous. To say something was 'tough' implies it was not easy and took a lot of effort. To be 'worn out' means you have no energy left. Other words which mean the same are: drained, beat and knackered,
Exhausted' は「倒れそうなくらいに疲れた」という意味ですが、しばしば「疲れ」を強調して使われます。 'Tough' は、「大変な努力を必要とする事」を表します。 'Worn out' は「力が残っていない/疲れ切っている」という意味です。 同じ意味の言葉には他に: drained = ヘトヘトに疲れた beat = ヘトヘトに疲れた knackered = ヘトヘトに疲れた
Derek Nl DMM英会話講師
  • I'm exhausted

  • I'm so tired

  • I'm burnt out

If you want to express that after playing sports that you are tired, you can use any of these expressions:- 1. I'm exhausted Example:- Johnny, did you enjoy the sports day today? Yes I had so much fun, but now I'm exhausted! 2. I'm so tired Example: Lisa, you won so many gold medals at sports day today. Yes I did! but now I am so tired. 3.I'm burnt out. Example: John, you look so tanned, you must have had a great time at sports day today? Mandy, yes I really did! but now I am so burnt out!
スポーツをした後、「疲れた」と言いたいなら、次の表現が使えます。 1. I'm exhausted 例: Johnny, did you enjoy the sports day today?(ジョニー、今日の運動会は楽しかった?) Yes I had so much fun, but now I'm exhausted!(楽しかったよ、でもめちゃくちゃ疲れた) 2. I'm so tired 例: Lisa, you won so many gold medals at sports day today.(リサ、今日の運動会でたくさん金メダル取ったね) Yes I did! but now I am so tired.(うん、でもすごく疲れた) 3.I'm burnt out. 例: John, you look so tanned, you must have had a great time at sports day today?(ジョン、よく日焼けしたね。今日の運動会は楽しかった?) Mandy, yes I really did! but now I am so burnt out!(マンディー、すごく楽しかったよ。でもすごく疲れた)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so exhausted.

  • I'm really fatigued.

  • I'm so tired.

The adjectives tired, fatigued and exhausted are all synonyms of each other and can be used interchangeably to express that you feel tired or exhausted after playing works or doing something active. Example dialog : Doug - That was a good game, I'm really tired. You? Bobby - Yeah, good game. I agree, I'm really exhausted as well. Doug - Well hopefully if we keep practicing with each other we won't feel as fatigued in the future. Bobby - Agreed!
形容詞の "tired" "fatigued" "exhausted" 、これらはすべて同義語で、置き換えて使えます。「〔運動・仕事をして〕(とても)疲れている」という意味を表します。 会話例: Doug - That was a good game, I'm really tired. You? Bobby - Yeah, good game. I agree, I'm really exhausted as well. Doug - Well hopefully if we keep practicing with each other we won't feel as fatigued in the future. Bobby - Agreed! ↓ ダグ - いい試合だったね。ヘトヘトだよ。ユーは? ボビー - うん、いい試合だった。僕もヘトヘトだよ。 ダグ - まあ、練習を続けていけば、だんだん疲れないようになってくるんじゃないかな。 ボビー - そうだね。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm totally pooped, what about you?

In American English, the phrase "pooped" means that you are really tired. This is a very informal phrase so it's good to use with friends but not in a professional situation. I hope that this helps. :)
アメリカ英語では、"pooped" は「ヘトヘトに疲れた」という意味を表します。これはとてもカジュアルな表現なので、友達に使う分には問題ありませんが、ビジネスシーンでは使わないのが無難です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I'm shattered, aren't you?

  • That's completely done me in! What about you?

After playing sports with someone, you want to say something like, "I'm so tired, aren't you?"You want to know what to say. If you are shattered you are really tired. To be done in means to be 'killed' - or, in this case, extremely tired (so you may look like a dead person).l
スポーツをした後、「疲れたね」のように言いたいということですね。 'Shattered' は「ヘトヘトに疲れた」という意味です。 'To be done in' は「殺される」という意味ですが、ここでは「(死体に見えるほどに)ヘトヘトに疲れた」という意味を表します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am shattered, aren't you?

  • I am knackered, aren't you?

  • I am exhausted, aren't you?

I am shattered, aren't you? I am knackered, aren't you? I am exhausted, aren't you? I think shattered and knackered are incredibly British words, and exhausted is much more universal. Of course, you can drop the question tag, and just say them each as a statement. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
I am shattered, aren't you? I am knackered, aren't you? I am exhausted, aren't you? (疲れた。あなたは?) "Shattered" と "Knackered" は完全なイギリス英語だと思います。"Exhausted" は英語圏で広く使われています。 もちろん、付加疑問(aren't you?)は省いてもいいです。それぞれ単純な平叙文で伝えることもできます。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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