maimaiさんのおっしゃるとおり「share house」は和製英語です。
英語では「shared house」と言います。
I was living in a shared house with two other students.→私は他の二人の学生とシェアハウスに住んでいました。
I lived in a shared house for a time in London.→ロンドンで一時、シェアハウスに住みました。
We share a kitchen, but men and women use separate toilets and baths.→キッチンは共同ですが、トイレ、シャワーは男女別々です。
例文中の「toilet」は「トイレ, 便所」、bathは「浴室, ふろ場」との意味です。
Shared ResidenceもあるけれどShare houseの方が使うと思います。
I have lived in a share house for 5 years.
I lived living in a share house because you can meet many people.
an establishment which provides inexpensive food and lodging for a specific group of people, such as students, workers, or travellers.
>House share
This is a property rented out as whole by a group of sharers under a joint tenancy. Joint tenants are "jointly and severally liable", which means that any one (or all tenants) can be held responsible for the rent payments
- Hostel
- House share
「Joint tenants」とは「jointly and severally liable」のことです。これは、何人かもしくは、全ての借主が家賃の支払いに責任を負うことを意味する表現です。
A communal house is a house used or shared in common by everyone in a group. You can also have communal land.
For example:
Building the playground was a communal project.
"A communal houseとは、グループや人々とシェアするお家の事を言います。communal land という事もできます。
Building the playground was a communal project.
Why would 20 people live together in one house?
It seems like far too many people for one property! In the UK this would be classified as a house in multi occupation (HMO) and would require a licence from the local council.
It may also be classified as 'overcrowded' and the council would take steps to evict the people staying here.
A doss house
= traditionally, a cheap lodging house for homeless people and tramps.
these days the term would be used for any run down place that is overcrowded and probably classed as 'unsuitable for human occupation.'
"John is homeless and is a drug addict. He sleeps non the street, or sometimes, finds a doss house to escape the winter cold."
UKでは a house in multi occupation (HMO) と定義され、地域の役場で免許を取得する必要がUKではあります。
もしくは 'overcrowded' とも呼ばれるでしょうね。役場も退去に乗り出すでしょう。
A doss house
= 昔ながらのホームレスの人たちのためのロッジングハウスのことを指す。
"John is homeless and is a drug addict. He sleeps non the street, or sometimes, finds a doss house to escape the winter cold."
A shared house if often the most frequent and casual way of describing an occupancy with many residents, when talking about a shared house it can also be refeered to a 'house share' and 'shared residence'.
"residence" is another term used for a persons home.
A share house is a house where two or more unrelated people live. In your case, there are 20 people living together in this share house. In a share house, the tenants live in separate rooms. However, a tenant might want to share a room with somebody else to reduce the rental costs. The kitchen and the bathrooms you share are called communal facilities. The adjective 'communal' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'a facility that is for common use'.
So, you may say:
There are 20 of us living in a share house with communal bathrooms and kitchen.
"share house"(シェアハウス)とは親族ではない2人以上の人が共同で生活する場所の事です。
"share house"(シェアハウス)ではそれぞれ住人は個別の部屋に住みます。
"kitchen"(台所)と "bathrooms"(お風呂)は共同で使い
"communal facilities" (共同施設)と呼ばれます。
この 'communal'とは色々な意味がありますが、
ここでは 'a facility that is for common use'(共同で使用される施設)と言う意味になります。
"There are 20 of us living in a share house with communal bathrooms and kitchen."