世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2016/02/06 07:27
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  • Thank you for taking time to buy me a can of coffee.



thank you for taking time to 動詞の原形


ex. Thank you for taking your time to help me!



LLD外語学院 学院長 前川 未知雄

  • Thank you for going out of your way to buy me a cup of coffee.

go out of one's way to... わざわざ...する
buy 人+もの 人にものを買う

コーヒーは a cup of coffeeにしましたが、缶コーヒーの場合は a can of coffeeとして下さい。(缶コーヒーは海外では見たことがないので、日本以外にはあまりないのかもしれませんね)

Miho Noguchi バイリンガルフリーアナウンサー / MC / ナレーター
  • Thank you! You didn't have to do that.

  • That's very nice of you. Thank you!

The first response is usually said with a kind, friendly voice. It expresses the thought that the person didn't have to do the kind deed, but you appreciate that they did it.

A: Here Cathy. I bought you a coffee.
B: Aww thank you! You didn't have to do that.
A: You're welcome.

C: John I picked you up a sandwich from the store.
D: Oh, thanks! That's very nice of you.
C: No problem!

picked (someone) up (something) = bought something for someone (informal)
I picked you up a sandwich = I bought you a sandwich
I picked me up a new watch = I bought me a new watch


A: Here Cathy. I bought you a coffee.(はい、Cathy。コーヒーを買ってきたよ)
B: Aww thank you! You didn't have to do that.(わぁ、ありがとう!そんなことしなくていいのに)
A: You're welcome.(どういたしまして)

C: John I picked you up a sandwich from the store.(John、お店でサンドイッチを買ってきたよ)
D: Oh, thanks! That's very nice of you.(あーありがとう!なんていい人なんだ)
C: No problem!(どういたしまして)

picked (人) up (物) = bought something for someone(誰かに何かを買った) (カジュアル)
I picked you up a sandwich = I bought you a sandwich(あなたにサンドイッチを買った)
I picked me up a new watch = I bought me a new watch(新しい時計を自分に買った)

Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for your kindness.

  • Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

  • That was very kind of you, thank you.

You may use any of these expressions:-

  1. Thank you for your kindness.
    Go shinsetsu ni arigatōgozaimashita.

  2. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

3.That was very kind of you, thank you.


  1. Thank you for your kindness.

  2. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

3.That was very kind of you, thank you.

Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for putting yourself out to help me!

  • I really appreciate that!

To put oneself out — phrasal verb with put, to make an effort to do something to help someone, even if it is not convenient:
"Ethan is always willing to put himself out for other people."
Definition of appreciate for English Language Learners. : to understand the worth or importance of (something or someone) : to admire and value (something or someone)
"I really appreciate the fact taht you supported me when i really needed it!"

To put oneself out

"Ethan is always willing to put himself out for other people."


"I really appreciate the fact that you supported me when i really needed it!"

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A) Thank you for the coffee, that was very nice of you.

  • B) That was very generous of you, thank you.

A) Thank you for the coffee, that was very nice of you.
*very nice of you -How nice of you! What a lovely thing to say or do!
-That new haircut makes you look 10 years younger Barbara. -That's very kind of you.
(a) kind (person): (a) caring, good-hearted, thoughtful (person)

B) That was very generous of you, thank you.
-generosity NOUN. -If you refer to someone's generosity, you mean that they are generous, especially in doing or giving more than is usual or expected.
Example- She is well known for her generosity

I hope this helps :-)

A) Thank you for the coffee, that was very nice of you.
*very nice of you -優しいね、なんて良いことをしてくれるの、言ってくれるの!
-That new haircut makes you look 10 years younger Barbara. -That's very kind of you.

(a) kind (person): (a) 気遣いのできる、心配してくれる、優しい、ここの優しい(人)

B) That was very generous of you, thank you.
someone's generosityと表現すると、何かしてくれることが、普通よりまたは予想より優しいと言うときに使います。

She is well known for her generosity


Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you very much for buying me a cup of coffee.

  • Thank you for going out of your way to buy me a cup of coffee.

  • Thank you so much for buying me a cup of coffee. I appreciate it.

When someone goes out of his/her way to buy you a cup of coffee, you definitely are obligated to thank that person because coffee can sometimes be expensive. Your appreciation of the good deed may be a straight forward 'thank you very much', or you may add 'for going out of your way', which means he/she tried very hard, by all means, to buy you the coffee probably despite the cost. Apart from thanking him/her so much, You may add 'I appreciate it' which actually means that you recognize the value of his/her deed.
So, you may say:
Thank you very much for buying me a cup of coffee.
Thank you for going out of your way to buy me a cup of coffee.
Thank you so much for buying me a cup of coffee. I appreciate it.

誰かがあなたにコーヒーを買うために出かけた場合、コーヒーは時として高価であることもあるので、あなたは確かにその人に感謝する必要があるでしょう。よいことをしてくれたことに対する感謝としては、単純に'thank you very much'(どうもありがとう)または費用にかかわらずコーヒーを買いに行ってくれたということに対して'for going out of your way'(わざわざ)とつけてもよいでしょう。thanking him/her so much(どうもありがとうと伝える)他には、実際にあなたがその行為の価値を認識していることを表して'I appreciate it' と付け加えることができます。

Thank you very much for buying me a cup of coffee.
Thank you for going out of your way to buy me a cup of coffee.
Thank you so much for buying me a cup of coffee. I appreciate it.

Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • "Thank you so much for going out of your way, that was so kind of you"

  • "That is so kind of you, thank you so much"

  • "You didn't have to do that for me, but thank you so much"

If someone has done something nice for you that they didn't have to do, you could say any of the following: "Thank you so much for going out of your way, that was so kind of you", "That is so kind of you, thank you so much" or "You didn't have to do that for me, but thank you so much".


"Thank you so much for going out of your way, that was so kind of you"(親切に、わざわざどうもありがとうございます)

"That is so kind of you, thank you so much"(親切に、どうもありがとうございます)

"You didn't have to do that for me, but thank you so much"(そんなわざわざしてくれなくてよかったのに、ありがとうございます)

Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • thank you for going out of your way to do that for me, you really didn't have to.

  • I really appreciate you going out of your way for me to do that, thank you.

If you would like to show someone some appreciation for going out of their way for you, you can say something like "thank you for going out of your way to do that for me, you really didn't have to." or "I really appreciate you going out of your way for me to do that, thank you.".


"Thank you for going out of your way to do that for me, you really didn't have to."

"I really appreciate you going out of your way for me to do that, thank you."

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you, you didn't have to.

  • Thank you for going out of your way and getting this coffee, you didn't have to.

  • That was very nice of you, you didn't have to.

These are different ways to say thank you to someone that when out of their way and let them know what they did for you does not go unseen. Below are a few examples on how you can thank someone that went out of their way for you.

I would like to thank you for going out of your way and helping me.

You really didn't have to but thank you for helping me.

Thank you for going the extra mile, I appreciate it.

Thank you so much, you really went out of your way today, I was able to finish the project thanks to your help.



I would like to thank you for going out of your way and helping me.(わざわざ手を貸していただいてありがとうございました)

You really didn't have to but thank you for helping me.(こんなにしてくれなくてよかったのに。でもありがとう)

Thank you for going the extra mile, I appreciate it.(わざわざありがとう、感謝しています)

Thank you so much, you really went out of your way today, I was able to finish the project thanks to your help.(今日はわざわざありがとう、おかげでプロジェクトを終わらせることができました)

Berta DMM英会話講師
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