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naoki inoueさん
2018/03/03 21:56
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  • I like the high, but suffer in the morning

  • The night was fun, but I suffered in the morning

  • I love drinking, but hate hangovers

There is a large slang terminology built around drinking and the morning after, including: "hair of the dog" a drink taken in the morning to alleviate suffering.
飲酒と飲酒した次の日の朝に関するスラングはたくさんあります。その中には"hair of the dog" があり、酔いを和らげるために朝に飲むお酒のことです。
Diston DMM英会話講師
  • I regret drinking a lot last night, this hangover is killing me.

*I regret drinking a lot last night, this hangover is killing me.- regret is a feeling of disappointment after doing something. Hangover is a feeling one gets as they become sober after having alcohol. Example Sentences: Next time no shots please guys, otherwise I will regret it the following day. I think I will make a blood Mary cocktail thishangover is killing me.
例文 *I regret drinking a lot last night, this hangover is killing me. 昨晩飲みすぎたことを後悔している、二日酔いで死にそう regretは、何かをした後の後悔の気持ちです。 Hangoverは、お酒を飲んでシラフになるにつれて味わう気持ちです。 例文 Next time no shots please guys, otherwise I will regret it the following day. 次回はお酒を1滴も飲まないようにする、そうしないと次の日後悔するだろう I think I will make a blood Mary cocktail thishangover is killing me. ブラッディ・メアリーにするよ。この二日酔いで死にそうだ。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoy social drinking but pay the penalty later

Explanation: The downside of alcohol consumption is that you may suffer from both a physical and a mental hangover in the aftermath. This may be referred to as a "penalty" or "a price to pay." Example sentence: "There is both a short and long term price to be paid for late night dtinking!"
お酒を飲む際の不都合な点は、後になって肉体的にも精神的にも二日酔いに悩まされることかもしれません。これは、ペナルティや代償と言われています。 例文: "There is both a short and long term price to be paid for late night drinking!" 夜遅くにお酒を飲むことは代償がつきものです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's fun to drink while I am doing it but not so fun afterwards

  • After a fun night of drinking, I always regret it the next day

  • I think it's fun to drink but not the way it makes you feel the next day

It's fun to drink while I am doing it but not so fun afterwards. After a fun night of drinking, I always regret it the next day. I think it's fun to drink but not the way it makes you feel the next day. I really enjoy drinking except for the hangovers the next day.
It's fun to drink while I am doing it but not so fun afterwards.(お酒を飲んでいるときは楽しいけど、その後は楽しくない) After a fun night of drinking, I always regret it the next day.(楽しくお酒を飲んだ次の日は必ず後悔する) I think it's fun to drink but not the way it makes you feel the next day.(お酒を飲むのは楽しいけど、次の日の気分は愉快ではない) I really enjoy drinking except for the hangovers the next day.(お酒を飲むのは、次の日の二日酔いを除けば大好きです)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I fly high when I drink but feel like a rock in the morning.

"Flying high" is a term used by the British public to mean that someone is feeling very good or enjoying a state of 'ecstasy.' Feeling like a rock means that one is feeling like one looks which is dirty and low down. It gives the impression that one has to literally drag themselves to do anything and that one feels inwardly heavy.
"Flying high" はイギリスで使われる表現で、「気分がいいこと」「感情が高揚した状態」を表します。 "Feeling like a rock" は、汚くて重たい「岩になったような気分」という意味です。 「疲れた体をやっと動かす」あるいは「精神的に重い」というイメージです。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoy drinking but I don't enjoy all the regrets I wake up with the next morning.

  • Drinking is fun until things get too carried away.

  • Drinking can be fun but it can lead to many problems if I'm not drinking responsibly.

"I enjoy drinking but I don't enjoy all the regrets I wake up with the next morning." This sentence expresses that you enjoy the feeling of drinking and being drunk but you don't enjoy the outcome of being drunk. It's common for people to make bad decisions under the influence of heavy alcohol consumption. "Drinking is fun until things get too carried away." This sentence expresses that the activity of drinking is enjoyable until people get too drunk to function properly, think responsibly and take care of themselves. Too much drinking often leaves people with the feeling of regret due to bad decisions they made while drunk. "Drinking can be fun but it can lead to many problems if I'm not drinking responsibly." This sentence expresses that you can drink and have a good time but if you drink too much and aren't aware of your sobriety level the possibility of having a regretful experience may increases due to your lack of awareness.
"I enjoy drinking but I don't enjoy all the regrets I wake up with the next morning."(お酒を飲むのは楽しいけど、次の朝すごく後悔する) = この文では「お酒を飲んだり酔っ払うのは楽しいけども、その結果は楽しくない」と言っています。お酒に酔っ払って失敗するというのはよくあることですね。 "Drinking is fun until things get too carried away."(お酒は飲み過ぎるまでは楽しい) = この文では「酔っ払ってまともに考えたり行動できなくなるまではお酒は楽しい」と言っています。お酒を飲み過ぎて間違った判断をして後で後悔するということはよくあります。 "Drinking can be fun but it can lead to many problems if I'm not drinking responsibly."(お酒は楽しいけど、飲み方を間違えるといろいろと問題も起きる) = この文では「お酒は楽しいけど、節度を持って飲まないと後で後悔することになる」と言っています。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • Drinking is fun but regret follows the next day.

  • It is always so fun to have a few drinks but I always regret it later.

  • Drinking is fun but it comes with so much regret later on.

Hangover: the state of feeling sick and lethargic after drinking a lot. Most people feel regretful when they have had one too many drinks. They wake up the next day with a hangover or feeling hungover. The process of enjoying a few drinks is always fun but regret usually follows.
Hangover: お酒をたくさん飲んだ後に、吐き気やだるさを悩まされること。 たいていの人はお酒を飲み過ぎると後で後悔します。翌朝二日酔いで目が覚めます。 お酒を2、3杯飲むのは楽しいですが、その後にはたいてい後悔が待っています。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • It's all fun and games when I'm drinking, but I regret it later on!

  • Drinking is a lot of fun, but I regret that I did it later on.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you have fun when you are drinking but than you regret it. In the first sentence you will see the term fun and games. This means something is enjoyable. This term is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family.
上記二つの例文は、「飲んでいるときは楽しいけどその後後悔する」のすごく良い言い方です。 一つ目の文では 'fun and games' というフレーズが使われています。これは「楽しいこと」という意味です。このフレーズは家族や友達と話すときなどインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I like to drink but I always regret it

  • I enjoy drinking alcohol but I don't enjoy hangovers

"I like to drink but I always regret it" To 'like' something is to enjoy or have fun doing something. When using the term 'Always' this expresses all the time or a lot. To 'Regret' is to feel sad or disappointment towards something, in this case the effects of drinking. The term 'Hangover' or 'Hungover' is used to describe the feeling of the effect you get after drinking alcohol, these effects usually consist of headaches, feeling sick, being sick etc.
"I like to drink but I always regret it"(お酒を飲むのは好きだけどいつも後悔する) 'Like' は、何かを楽しむことをいいます。 'Always' は「いつも/しょっちゅう」という意味です。 'Regret' は、物事を悲しく思うことや、失望することをいいます。ここでは「飲酒の影響」について言っています。 'Hangover'(二日酔い)または 'Hungover'(二日酔いの)は、お酒を飲んだ後に感じる飲酒の影響を表します。普通は、頭痛や吐き気などをいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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