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2016/02/09 09:07
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  • I take a bath every morning.

  • I take a bath around 6, every morning.

Yukaさんのご説明とおりtake a bath=お風呂に入るになります。 起きることを省略して I take a bath around 6 every morningと言うと 毎朝6時頃にお風呂に入ってます。 と言う表現になります。
  • I take a bath every morning.

  • Every morning, I wake up at 6 and take a bath.

お風呂に入る= take a bath. *アメリカなどではお風呂につかるというより、シャワーで済ませる人が多いです。その場合、"take a shower"となります。 毎朝= every morning
  • I hit the shower at 6 every morning.

かなり砕けた言い方でなおかつシャワーにしか使えませんがネイティヴが良く使う言い回しなので覚えておいて損はないと思います^_^ hit the shower = シャワーを浴びる 私は朝毎日6時に起きてお風呂に入って、お化粧をして、出勤しています。 I hit the shower at 6 every morning, put on my makeup and go to work.
  • I take a bath every morning.

  • Everyday I take a bath in the morning.

「お風呂に入る」はtake a bath、「シャワーを浴びる」ならtake a showerとなります。 ちなみに、「夜にお風呂に入る」なら、 - I take a bath in the evening / every evening. - I take a bath at night / every night. のように言えます。 Everyday I get up at 6:00, take a bath, do my makeup and go to work. 私は朝毎日6時に起きてお風呂に入ってから、お化粧をして、出勤しています。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I shower every morning.

  • I shower every day in the morning.

We can say that we shower, "every day in the morning," to explain in full detail that it happens on a daily basis in the mornings, or we can simply say that it happens, "every morning," as this also explains that it happens on a daily basis with the word, "every."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I take a bath every morning.

  • I shower on a daily basis in the morning

  • I always kick off my day with a shower

  • I invariably start my day with a shower

A shower is such a refreshing way to dive into the brand new day! You could talk about doing something on 'a daily basis' which means 'every day.' Or you could use the phrase 'kick off,' which signifies the start of a game such as football. But this expression has an extended use for whenever anything activity starts: "We will kick off our discussion at 1030 am." Invariably = in every case or on every occasion; always. "Ranch meals are invariably big and hearty."
A showerは新しい一日へ飛び込むために自分をリフレッシュさせるものですよね。 'a daily basis'と言えば、それは'every day.を表します。 また、kick off:サッカーでいうゲーム開始の言葉は、日常生活などあらゆる局面で、何かの開始に用いることができます。 "We will kick off our discussion at 1030 am." Invariably =どんあなときでも、状況でも、常に"Ranch meals are invariably big and hearty."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Its my personal tradition to bath every morning before doing anything else.

  • Every morning, before I do anything or go anywhere, I take a bath or a shower.

A personal tradition is not everyone's tradition, it is a personalized tradition. It means that he/she does not miss a day without bathing or showering early in the morning before doing anything or going anywhere. It is his/her tradition of cleanliness, an obsession. When one is obsessed with something, one is continually doing or talking about something. So you may say: I have made it my personal tradition to bath every morning before doing anything else. or Every morning, before I do anything or go anywhere, I take a bath or a shower.
personal traditionは、一般的な習慣ではなく、個人的な習慣を意味します。 この文は必ず毎日、なにを差し置いても早朝にお風呂やシャワーを使う習慣があることを意味します。 清潔さへの執着からくる習慣ですね。 be obsessed with 〜というと、〜のことを常に継続して行ったり話していたりすることを意味します。 このように言うことができます。 I have made it my personal tradition to bath every morning before doing anything else. または Every morning, before I do anything or go anywhere, I take a bath or a shower.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I bathe...

  • I bathe every single morning, either with with a bath or I take a shower...

The Japanese are wonderful with personal hygiene...they really do bathe very frequently indeed.... It's perhaps a traditional/learned habit. "I bathe every single morning, either with with a bath or I take a shower..."
日本人はとてもきれい好きです...本当によくお風呂に入りますね...それが伝統なのか、経験からなのか... "I bathe every single morning, either with a bath or I take a shower..." (毎朝お風呂に入ります。湯船につかるか、シャワーの時も...)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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