My girlfriend' would be the first choice to describe the woman you are going out with
Girlfriend could also be used to descibe a girl you are friends with though, particularly amoungst other women, with no romantic significance.
'My partner' indicates a slightly longer term, more settled relationship. My partner is a term that can be used for either gender, but could also be used to describe a business or other non-romantic relationship
In the UK, a couple of informal, rather tongue in cheek descriptions would be 'Significant other' or 'other half'.
'I'm going to the cinema with my girlfriend on Friday'
'My partner likes to take me for romantic drives'
'My business partner will be slightly late to the meeting'
'I'm not sure if I can commit to spending another evening at the pub. I had better check that with my significant other'
'My other half drives me crazy by always leaving his socks on the floor'
付き合っている人を表すなら、'my girlfriend'が最初の選択肢になるでしょう。
'my partner'は、より安定した長期的な関係を表します。'my partner'は男女どちらにも使えますが、恋愛関係でないビジネスなどのパートナーも表します。
イギリスでは、インフォーマルでちょっと皮肉っぽい言い方として、'significant other'や'other half'が使われることもあります。
'I'm going to the cinema with my girlfriend on Friday'
'My partner likes to take me for romantic drives'
'My business partner will be slightly late to the meeting'
'I'm not sure if I can commit to spending another evening at the pub. I had better check that with my significant other'
'My other half drives me crazy by always leaving his socks on the floor'
A female person you're romantically involved with is usually called a girlfriend or a partner or other-half. Partner and other-half are gender neutral terms.
For example:
-I am going to the movies with my girlfriend this Saturday.
-I am in love with my partner. She is amazing.
-My other-half is a brilliant lawyer. She graduated first in her class when she was in university.
恋愛関係にある女性は、一般的にgirlfriend,partner other-halfと言います。Partnerとother-halfは、性別の区別のない用語です。
-I am going to the movies with my girlfriend this Saturday.
-I am in love with my partner. She is amazing.
-My other-half is a brilliant lawyer. She graduated first in her class when she was in university.
The most explained word would be girlfriend meaning the girl you are going out with. You could also refer to the woman as your 'partner' although this can be used for both woman or man.
The informal term is 'other half' meaning the other part of your relationship
Well, you could drescribe this wonderful person as 'the love of my life,' either seriously or as a joke.
'Girlfriend' is overwhelmingly the top choice when referring to this person.
In the UK, 'my other half' is also quite a popular phrase.
恋人のことを‘ the love of my life’ 人生最愛の人です、と冗談半分に、もしくは真剣にも言うことができますが、この3つの回答の中では ‘girlfriend’ がやはり1番一般的でしょう。
イギリスでは ‘my other half’ (私の片割れ)というフレーズもよく使われます。
Girlfriend - Standard to express that you are in a relationship with this person. Also, you can change it to "Boyfriend" if the partner is male. "Will you be my girlfriend? I really want to be your boyfriend!".
Significant other / partner - A bit more formal & sophisticated. As for work parties for example; "Employees & their significant others are invited to the Christmas do!"
Me Julie - (informal & a joke) I would only use this between male friends. This is taken from the song by Shaggy & used by Ali G; "One time for my Julie, ay!" :D
Girlfriend - 恋愛関係にある女性を表すスタンダードな言い方です。相手が男性の場合は"Boyfriend"と言います。
"Will you be my girlfriend? I really want to be your boyfriend!"
Significant other / partner - もう少しフォーマルで洗練された言い方です。
"Employees & their significant others are invited to the Christmas do!"
Me Julie -(インフォーマル & 冗談)私ならこれは男友達にしか使いません。
これは"Ali G"で使われた"Shaggy"の歌から来たものです:
"One time for my Julie, ay" :D
This is my girlfriend, Kim.
My girlfriend works at a department store.
I met my brother’s new girlfriend yesterday. She’s beautiful.
I want a girlfriend. I’m so lonely.
彼女は英語で girlfriend と言います。
This is my girlfriend
I'll introduce you do my girlfriend
I'll bring my girlfriend to the party
丁寧な言い方なら、「May I introduce you to my significant other?」「Let me introduce you to my significant other」でいいと思います。
まだ述べていないのは、「my bae」です。
「This is my bae, Kelly.」のようなうな表現が考えられます。
My girlfriend and I recently decided to get married.
My new girlfriend rides the train to work in downtown Tokyo.
My girlfriend is very good at saving money.
彼女 girlfriend
My girlfriend and I recently decided to get married.
My new girlfriend rides the train to work in downtown Tokyo.
My girlfriend is very good at saving money.