[ここ](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/55031/)が私のふるさとですーThis is my hometown/ This is where I come from/ This is where I am originally from.
My hometown is the best way to describe the town or city where one has grown up. Even if it is a city, we still say "hometown". "My hometown is New York City" is fine. Your place of origin is often used for a formal statement or when you are filling out paperwork/documents, it is written "place of origin" or "place of birth" for an official declaration. Sometimes we say "my city" or "my town", this is maybe a bit more slang or modern and used to conveniently say where you grew up or where raised because you are expressing a feeling of possession or territory. If someone says "New York is my city" you can assume they spent a lot of time there.
"hometown" が自分の育った[町](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/52377/)、[都市](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/62743/)を表すベストな言い方です。それが都市(city)だったとしても、"hometown" と言います。"My hometown is New York City"(私の故郷は、ニューヨークです)で大丈夫です。
"place of origin" は、公式の文書や書類などを記入するときによく使われます。正式な申告書では、"place of origin" や "place of birth" と書かれます。
時々、"my city" や "my town" と言って、自分の育ったところを表すこともあります。これはややスラング的(最近の表現)です。その場所に対する所有感、自分のテリトリーであることを表しています。
"New York is my city."(ニューヨークは私の街です)と言うと、自分がそこでたくさんの時間を過ごしたことを表します。
The two sentences you see above are terrific ways to express that a certain town or city is where you were raised. In the second sentence you will see the term stomping grounds. This is an informal phrase that we use to describe our hometown. The first sentence is appropriate for formal settings, while the second sentence is appropriate for informal settings.
You would like to know the name of the place where you were born and raised. Well, in the UK, this would be your 'hometown' or perhaps 'home county'.
"I'm going back to my hometown this weekend."
イギリスではこれは 'hometown' 、あるいは 'home county' とも言うかもしれません。
"I'm going back to my hometown this weekend."
The most common word is "hometown."
Most native speakers uses "hometown" when referring to their birth place.
Hometown ----> birthplace
Residence ----> current city/town
A : Where is your hometown?
B : I am from Cape Town, South Africa. How about yours?
A : I am from Kyoto, Japan.
Hometown ----> 生まれ故郷
Residence ----> 現在住んでいる都市 / 町
A : Where is your hometown?(あなたの故郷はどこですか?)
B : I am from Cape Town, South Africa. How about yours?(私は南アフリカのケープタウン出身です。あなたはどこですか?)
A : I am from Kyoto, Japan.(私は日本の京都出身です)
To describe the country that you were born and raised in you can call it your homeland or motherland.
"I consider Japan as my homeland."
"I believe Africa is the motherland of all languages."
The words birthplace or place of birth describes where you were born.
"I finally get to visit my birthplace. It has been so long since I've been back home."
"California is the place of my birth."
'Old stomping grounds' is an idiom that describes a favorite place where you used to spend a lot of time. "I can't wait to visit my old stomping grounds."
自分が生まれ育った国のことは homeland や motherland と言えます。
"I consider Japan as my homeland."
"I believe Africa is the motherland of all languages."
birthplace や place of birth は、あなたが生まれたところを表します。
"I finally get to visit my birthplace. It has been so long since I've been back home."
"California is the place of my birth."
'Old stomping grounds' とは、自分がかつてたくさんの時間を過ごした大好きな場所を表すイディオムです。
"I can't wait to visit my old stomping grounds."
There is only a slight difference between a birth place and a hometown and that can simply be on one's perspective. In many cases ones place of birth and one's hometown can be the same place however some people can be born in one place and raised within another, therefore one's, "Hometown," and, "Birth," place may be different.
故郷 は英語で Hometown/Birthplaceと言います。
1) I visited my hometown last year.
2) He left his hometown and never returned.
My hometown is in a quiet countryside with lots of open space and scenery.
My birthplace was a crowded, noisy city with lots of traffic and congestion.
A hometown should be a place you enjoyed as a child.
故郷 home town, birthplace
My hometown is in a quiet countryside
with lots of open space and scenery.
My birthplace was a crowded,
noisy city with lots of traffic and congestion.
A hometown should be a place you enjoyed as a child.
'That's my neck of the woods' is an idiom that is commonly used in English as slang to say where you come from.
Birth place literally means as it is said, the place where you was born.
'Im excited to go back to my neck of the woods to revisit old friends'
Brith place.
Personally, I tend to use the term hometown, or, 'it is where I am from,' although that is a bit more wordy. Hometown and birth place can be a bit different since you might not be raised where you were born. So, the safest bet is to call it a hometown.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
Birth place.(生まれ故郷)
個人的には 'hometown' あるいは、少し長いですが 'it is where I am from'(私はそこの出身です)を使うことが多いです。
'hometown' と 'birth place' は少し違います。必ずしも生まれた場所で育つわけではありませんよね。ですから、'hometown' が最も無難だと思います。
a) Home town
b) Birthplace
--> The place where you grew up / the place where you were born.
eg. Kyoto is my home town
Kyoto is my birthplace
The above is saying that you were born in that specific place/ you are from that place.
I hope this helps :-)
a) Home town(故郷)
b) Birthplace(出生地)
--> 育った場所 / 生まれた場所
Kyoto is my home town(京都は私の故郷です)
Kyoto is my birthplace(私は京都で生まれました)
上記の文は、話し手がその場所で生まれた / その場所の出身、という意味です。
Birthplace, Place of birth and Hometown all refer to the place where you
were born and raised, i.e. where you spent the earliest years
of your life with your family. Your earliest memories as a child
would all relate to your birthplace or hometown.
"Birthplace"、"Place of birth"そして"Hometown"、すべて「生まれ育った場所」つまり「家族と幼少期を過ごした場所」を表します。
In the United States, we normally and frequently use the term "hometown" to express the place where we were born. On official documents, you will see "place of birth" or "birthplace" listed to indicate where you are originally from. You could also state your "origins" by saying that you originate from where ever you are from!
公式な文書では「place of birth(出生地)」または「birthplace(出生地)」が使われます。
また「I originate from ~(~の出身です)」で出身地を表すこともできます。
The place where you were born or raised is usually called a "hometown" or you can simply use the phrase "where I grew up".
For example, you can say:
-I have been living in Tokyo for a year now because I came here to work. I miss my hometown sometimes.
人が生まれた(育った)場所の事は普通、"hometown"(故郷)と言います。またはシンプルに "where I grew up"(育った場所)というフレーズを使うこともできます。
-I have been living in Tokyo for a year now because I came here to work. I miss my hometown sometimes.
"Birthplace and Homeland" are both words used to describe where you were born and raised. However, there is a slight difference. Birhtplace is where you were born but homeland can be where you were raised. Both can be used interchangeably.
It reminds me of my hometown.
This song is about my hometown.
Do you miss home?
I was born and raised in London.
Where are you from?
The place where one was born and raised is most commonly referred to as either a "hometown" or a "place of origin".
Example sentence: I go back to my hometown often to see my parents.
人が「生まれ育った場所」は一般的に "hometown" または "place of origin" と呼ばれます。
I go back to my hometown often to see my parents.(両親に会いによくふるさとに戻ります)
Birthplace のほうが生まれたところ、生まれた場所という意味が強く、Hometownのほうがより慣れ親しんだ、生まれ育った、長く暮らしていた場所。似ている単語ですが、少しニュアンスが異なります。
Though I have lived in Tokyo for a long time, I still have a strong memory in my hometown, Osaka.
Sometimes I want to go back to my hometown and just do nothing.
A lot of my friends have left my hometown.
Sometimes I just want to go back to my hometown.
Any of the above two words could be used to describe the place in which you were born.
- My hometown is Port Elizabeth.
- My place of birth is in England.
(例文)I visited my hometown to see my family.
(例文)This is my hometown.
family 家族