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 10ヶ月ぶりに、ここに来ました。最後、ここに来たのは10か月前です。と同じ意味で、便利な表現。"The last that 文 is 期間 ago."という文法で良いと思うのですが・・・ The last that I went here is 10 months ago. で可?  3年ぶりにラーメン食べた= The last that I ate ramen is 3 years ago.
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2018/04/03 09:29
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  • I haven't been here for 10 months

  • I was here 10 months ago

Either expression will let the listener know that you hadn't been to the location for 10 months prior to the current visit. For example "Yes I love it here, I was here 10 months ago and now I am back!" or " I have missed this place I haven't been here for 10 months"
I haven't been here for 10 months ここには10ヶ月来ていません。 I was here 10 months ago ここには10ヶ月前に来ました。 どちらの表現も、あなたがその場所にくるのが10カ月ぶりであるということを伝える例です。 例: "Yes I love it here, I was here 10 months ago and now I am back!" そうここが大好きなの。10カ月前にいて、また戻ってきたの。   " I have missed this place I haven't been here for 10 months" 10カ月ぶりのこの場所にずっときたかった。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • for the first time in 〇〇

  • my first visit in 10 months.

  • first time here in 〇〇

〇〇年・月 etc.という範囲内(in)で初めて・・・というニュアンスでは the first time in 〇〇 という言い方はいかがでしょう? I visited Osaka yesterday. That was my first visit in 10 years. Look at the photo; things have been totally changed! なんて流れで使えるかと思いますが、いかがでしょう?
Kimochi 英語落語家・パブリックスピーカー
  • I was here ten months ago

  • I have not been here in ten months

  • It has been ten months since I last came here

When you want to explain that you have not been in a place for ten months, then you may say it in the following ways: -I was here ten months ago -I have not been here in ten months -It has been ten months since I last came here
そこに来るのが10カ月ぶりだと説明したいときは、以下のように言えます。 -I was here ten months ago. (10カ月前にここに来ました) -I have not been here in ten months. (ここに来るのは10カ月ぶりです) -It has been ten months since I last came here. (最後にここに来てから10カ月が経ちます)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • It's the first time in ten months that I have come here.

By using the phrase "first time" it shows just how long it has been since you last visited the place. It is commonly used in American English for emphasis. I hope that this helps. :)
"first time"(初めて)は、最後にそこを訪れてからどのくらい経つのかを表します。これはアメリカ英語では強調したいときによく使われます。 お役に立てれば幸いです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • The last time I was here was 10 months ago

  • I haven't been her for 10 months

  • It's been almost a year since I was last here

Well, if you have not yet mastered the present perfect, then the first example using the past simple may be the easiest. The second example is probably the most common form using the present perfect. If stating the exact number of months is not critical to your statement (sometimes unnecessary detail is distracting) then example 3 seems the most conversational of the three.
現在完了形をまだマスターしていないのなら、過去形を使った最初の例が一番簡単かもしれません。 二つ目の例は現在完了形を使っています。たぶんこれが一般的な形です。 何か月なのかがあまり重要でない場合(あまり細かく言い過ぎるとわかりづらくなることがあります)、三つ目の例が最も会話的な感じがします。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The last time I visited here was 10 months ago.

  • It has been 10 months since I was last here.

"The last time I visited here was 10 months ago.": Here you are letting the listener know that the last time you were at this place was 10 months ago. "It has been 10 months since I was last here.": In this is example you are explaining to the listener that you have been here before but it was 10 months ago.
"The last time I visited here was 10 months ago." 最後にここにきたのは10カ月前です。 これは相手に、その場所に最後にきたのは10カ月前だどいうことを伝えるフレーズです。 "It has been 10 months since I was last here." 最後にここにきて10カ月経ちました。 これは相手に、10カ月前にここに来たことがあることを伝える文です。
Kirst English teacher
  • It's been 10 months since i've been here

  • It's been 10 months since i last came here

  • I haven't been here for 10 months

If you want to say you haven't been to somewhere in 10 months then you could say 'it's been 10 months since i've been here', 'it's been 10 months since i last came here' A simple way of saying it would be 'I haven't been here for 10 months'
10ヵ月ぶりに来たことを伝える際、"It's been 10 months since I've been here"(ここに来るのは10ヵ月ぶりです)または "It's been 10 months since I last came here"(最後にここに来てから10ヵ月が経ちました)という風に表現出来ます。 もっとシンプルに、”I haven't been here for 10 months"(10ヵ月もここに来ていない)と表現することも出来ます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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