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I have was stolen my bicycle 〜ことがある。はhave+past participle 盗まれたことがある。は受け身形。現在形 is past participle. 過去形 was participle
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2018/04/17 22:23
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  • I've had my bike stolen before

I've had my bike stolen before →前に自転車を盗まれたことがあります [have+目的語+動詞の過去分詞]を使いました。 「〈目的語〉を〈過去分詞〉される」という意味になります。 「stolen」は「steal」の「過去分詞形」です。 回答は一例ですので、 参考程度でお願いします。 ありがとうございました
  • I had my last bike stolen

  • I’m careful these days as I have had a bike stolen in the past

Two options both telling you that an action occurred in the past. Both using verb had and past participle stolen
この2つの選択股は、どちらも過去に起こった事を伝えています。 どちらも動詞"had"と過去分詞"stolen"(盗まれる)を使っています。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Have you ever had a bicycle stolen?

  • I had a bicycle stolen in 1973.

This is the past perfect passive form. Positive statement: Object PLUS had PLUS been PLUS verb (past participle) Question: Had PLUS object PLUS been PLUS verb (past participle) ? In this case, the example sentence is referring to your life experience. 'Have you ever...?' is a great way to ask about someone's life experience. :"Have you ever been swimming naked?"
これは過去完了の受け身の文です。 受け身の文:物+had+been+動詞(過去分詞) 疑問文:Had+物+been+動詞(過去分詞)? この場合、例文はあなたの人生の経験を表しています。 'Have you ever...?が人の経験について素晴らしい尋ね方です。 例文 :"Have you ever been swimming naked?" 今までに裸で泳いだことがありますか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Someone stole my bicycle

  • I have had my bicycle stolen.

If your bicycle was stolen in the past, you can say "I have had my bicycle stolen..." or you can just say "someone stole my bicycle [last month]". You can also give a time when your bicycle was stolen just to add detail to the incident.
もし過去に自転車が盗まれたのであれば、 "I have had my bicycle stolen..."(私は自転車を盗まれたことがある。) または "someone stole my bicycle [last month]". (誰かが[先月]私の自転車を盗んだ。) いつ自転車が盗まれたか事件の詳細を補足するために[時間]を加えることもできます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My bicycle had been stolen before.

  • My bicycle was stolen in the past.

Had/ has/have been is usually used for something that was done in the past and still applies presently whereas was and were usually applies to something done in the past that no longer applies presently. To provide an example: I had been running or I was running.
Had/ has/have beenは過去に起きた事でまだ現在にも当てはまる事に 通常使われます。 was/wereは過去に起きた事で現在にはもう当てはまらない事に使われます。 例: I had been running(私は走っていた) I was running.(私は走っていた) 例1 My bicycle had been stolen before.(私の自転車は以前盗まれたことがある。) 例2 My bicycle was stolen in the past.(私の自転車は過去に盗まれた。)
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Someone stole my bicycle once.

  • I've had my bicycle stolen before.

  • I have been the victim of bike theft.

In American English you can say bike or bicycle interchangeably. When you say "once" as I did in the first answer, you mean at a point in the past that isn't specified. This says at some point in the past, someone stole your bicycle. The same is true with the word "before". It just means that before the point in time when this sentence was said, your bicycle was stolen. To be a victim of crime is to be the person who suffers from crime. In this case you are saying that you have been the victim of bike theft. This means your bike has been stolen.
アメリカ英語では、"bike" と "bicycle" は同じ意味です。 最初の例では "once" を使っていますが、これは「過去のある時点において」という意味です。「過去に、自転車を盗まれたことがある」と言っています。 "before" についても同じことが言えます。「過去に自転車を盗まれたことがある」という意味になります。 "victim" は「〔犯罪の〕被害者」という意味です。ここでは、"I have been the victim of bike theft" と言っています。これは「自転車を盗まれたことがある」という意味です。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • My bike has been stolen before.

  • In the past, my bike has been stolen.

"My bike has been stolen before." - This is a simple way to express that my bike, in the past, was stolen. "In the past, my bike has been stolen." - This is just another way of expressing the same thing.
"My bike has been stolen before."(以前自転車を盗まれたことがあります) - 昔自転車を盗まれたことがあると伝えるシンプルな言い方です。 "In the past, my bike has been stolen." - これは同じことを別の言い方で伝えています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
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