世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/16 20:30
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  • When I got to the top of Mt. Fuji I ate the most amazing ramen!

You can use this example to say exactly what you want to say, you went to Mt. Fuji and at the top you ate really yummy ramen!
この文であなたの言いたいことがしっかりと伝えられます。 「富士山に行って、頂上で最高においしいラーメンを食べた!」という意味です。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • The ramen I ate at the top of Mt Fuji was really delicious.

Well, probably the exceptional circumstances accentuated your taste buds. Possible adjectives: Delicious, Exceptionally good Mouth-watering Very enjoyable
なるほど、おそらくその特別な状況が味覚を引き立てたんで しょうね。 使用可能な形容詞: Delicious (美味しい) Exceptionally good (非常にいい) Mouth-watering (よだれの出そうな) Very enjoyable (とても楽しめる)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
2018/05/18 04:06
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  • The ramen that I had at the top of Mt. Fuji was good.

ラーメンはそのままramenで伝わります。 富士山山頂で=at the top of Mount Fuji 「おいしい」は、good, tasty, deliciousなどと表現できます。
  • The ramen you can get at the top of Mount Fuji is delicious

"The ramen you can get at the top of Mount Fuji is delicious!" - You could follow this sentence with a little joke, for example: 'It was worth the climb!', or 'The ramen was better than the view from the mountain!'
"The ramen you can get at the top of Mount Fuji is delicious!" (富士山の頂上にあるラーメンはおいしいよ) この文にちょっとしたジョークを続けてもいいです: 'It was worth the climb!' (登ったかいがあった) 'The ramen was better than the view from the mountain!' (眺めよりラーメンのほうが良かった)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • The ramen I had at the top of Mount Fuji were excellent

  • The ramen I ate at Mount Fuji made me feel on top of the world!

You could simply say "The ramen I had at the top of Mount Fuji were excellent" If you want to make a joke you could say "The ramen I ate at Mount Fuji made me feel on top of the world!" To feel on top of the world means to feel very happy. It also means to to be high up, so this sentence has a double meaning that would be humorous in English.
シンプルに: "The ramen I had at the top of Mount Fuji were excellent" 〔富士山の頂上で食べたラーメンはすごくおいしかった〕 冗談っぽく言いたいなら: "The ramen I ate at Mount Fuji made me feel on top of the world!" 〔富士山でラーメンを食べて最高の気分(on top of the world)になった〕 「feel on top of the world(=とても幸せな)」は、高いところいることも表します。ここでは二重の意味になって面白いです。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • When I was at Mt. Fuji, I feasted on some delicious Ramen.

  • At the Mt. Fuji base, I enjoyed some great Ramen!

  • I enjoyed some great Ramen while I was on the top of Mt. Fuji.

Ramen is a delicious looking noodle soup. It is a combination of healthy ingredients that make up a great looking soup. You can enjoy some ramen at a small restaurant found at the top of Mt. Fuji. "I was so relieved when I reached the top of Mt. Fuji after a long climb, I decided to enjoy some ramen with the others at a small restaurant located at the top of the mountain." Combination: mixture
ラーメンは食欲をそそる見た目のスープ麺です。 スープの中には麺と共に体に良い食材がたくさん入っています。 富士山の頂上には小さなレストランがあって、ラーメンを食べることができます。 "I was so relieved when I reached the top of Mt. Fuji after a long climb, I decided to enjoy some ramen with the others at a small restaurant located at the top of the mountain." (長い登山の末、富士山の頂上に到着してすごくほっとしました。その後、みんなと一緒に山頂にある小さなレストランでラーメンを食べました) Combination: 組み合わせたもの
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • The ramen I had at the top of Mt. Fuji was great

  • The ramen I ate at the top of Mt. Fuji was delicious

When you want to explain that you ate something that was delicious/great/tasty, then you can say: -The ramen I had at the top of Mt. Fuji was great -The ramen I ate at the top of Mt. Fuji was delicious
何かを食べて「美味しかった」と言いたい場合は次のように言うことができます。 -The ramen I had at the top of Mt. Fuji was great. (富士山の頂上で食べたラーメンは美味しかった。) -The ramen I ate at the top of Mt. Fuji was delicious. (富士山の頂上で食べたラーメンは美味しかった。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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