How long a married couple spend some time together, they’re whole other persons after all.
How long a married couple spend some time together, they cannot think like a same person after all.
How long a married couple spend some time together, they’re whole other persons after all.
How long a married couple spend some time together, they cannot think like a same person after all.
「他人」をもっと冷たい感じにするなら、stranger =知らない人 という単語がありますが、この場合にはあてはまらないですし…
→ <追加> Even though a married couple spend a long time together, it's hard to understand each other completely.
No matter how many years a couple has been together, they are still ultimately strangers.
「何年一緒にいたって夫婦はしょせん他人です」という表現は英語で "No matter how many years a couple has been together, they are still ultimately strangers." と言います。「No matter how many years」は「何年〜しても」という意味で、「a couple has been together」は「夫婦が一緒にいる」、そして「ultimately strangers」は「しょせん他人」を指します。
例えば、ある調査によると「所詮夫婦は他人だと実感したことがある人は、全体の約8割いるそうです。」を次のように言えます: "According to a survey, about 80% of people have felt that, ultimately, a couple remains strangers." 「ある調査によると、約8割の人が所詮夫婦は他人だと実感したことがあるそうです。」