Marriage doesn't [won't] guarantee (your) happiness.
Marriage isn't all there is to happiness [being happy].
It's possible to be unhappy even if you're married.
- Just because you're married doesn't mean you'll be happy.
I don't think that marriage can always mean happiness.
Marriage does not mean a perfect happiness.
I don't think that marriage can always mean happiness.
と、I think I don't think で始めると良いと思います。
Marriage does not guarantee happiness.
Marriage is not the guarantee of happiness.
Getting married does not mean you will always be perfectly happy.
Marriage is no guarantee of perfect happiness.
In the first sentence, you have used the noun 'guarantee', meaning ' something that ensures a particular outcome' and in this case, that particular outcome is 'perfect happiness'.
You have used the adjective 'perfect' to mean 'complete' to emphasize happiness.
So you may say: Marriage does not guarantee perfect happiness.
In the second sentence, you have used the adverb 'perfectly' meaning 'in a perfect way'.
So, you may say: Getting married does not mean you will always be perfectly happy.
You may be happy sometimes, but not perfectly happy.
The last sentence is exactly the same as the first one but said in a slightly different way.
Marriage does not guarantee perfect happiness.
Getting married does not mean you will always be perfectly happy.
I am not going to bend over backwards for someone!
The grass always isn't greener!
It doesn't mean it will bring you happiness!
I am not going to bend over backwards for someone!
- (common expression) 'Bend over backwards" is when you do a lot for a person.
By saying "I am not" makes it clear that you are not going to change your life because the situation has changed.
Grass always isn't always greener!
- (common expression) States that things are not always for the best when you change/do something.
Can be used in many ways, great expression!
It doesn't mean it will bring you happiness!
- simple and blunt.
I am not going to bend over backwards for someone!
- (慣用句)「Bend over backwards」は人のために全力を尽くすことをさします。
「I am not」と言うことで、あなたは状況が変わっているからといって、あなたの人生を変えるつもりはないということを明確にします。
Grass always isn't always greener!
- (慣用句)あなたが何かを変えても、物事はいつも最高の状態とはならないと述べています。
It doesn't mean it will bring you happiness!
- 完結で単刀直入です。
Well, it may seem that you are pouring cold water over hot coals but sometimes it may be appropriate to point out the pitfalls of a life together - forever.
Marriage does not make life perfect nor does it guarantee happiness
When you want to explain that getting married does mean that someone will have a life where they are happy and things are perfect; then you can say:
-Marriage does not mean one has a happy life
-Marriage does not make life perfect nor does it guarantee happiness
Marriage does not mean one has a happy life.
Marriage does not make life perfect nor does it guarantee happiness.