「フライパン」はa frying pan又は
省略してa panと言います。
Put the oil in the pan.
Toss the frying pan.
I forgot to buy a frying pan.
We don't have a frying pan.
For this kind of cooking equipment, there are two very common expressions we can use.
The most common one is "frying pan", but we could also use the word "skillet".
These two types of pans are very interchangeable and can be used in many of the same situations. However, the "skillet" is a little wider on the bottom, while the frying pan is used a lot more for flipping food.
A frying pan is a metal cooking container used over direct heat - in the UK, on the hob of an oven usually.There is a well-known expression:"Out of the frying pan, into the fire," meaning that someone move from an uncomfortable position to a worse position in any situation."He has just got divorced and now he is marrying a stripper! He's jumping from the frying pan into the fire!"
「frying pan」は、イギリスでは、オーブン上部の直火の上で使われる金属の調理器具です。以下のような良く使われる表現があります:
「Out of the frying pan, into the fire.」
「He has just got divorced and now he is marrying a stripper! 」
「He's jumping from the frying pan into the fire!」
This is called a frying pan or simply a "pan".
For example, you can say:
-I usually use the frying pan to fry eggs
-I need a new non-stick pan because my old one burns my food.
これは"frying pan"、又は単に"pan"と言います。
-I usually use the frying pan to fry eggs
-I need a new non-stick pan because my old one burns my food.
Most commonly in the US, it is called a frying pan. It is also called a skillet and saute pan depending on the region and jargon of that area. A frying pan, skillet, and saute pan all look very similar and usually only professional chefs know the difference.
A frying pan has a variety of uses in the kitchen and restaurants.
Many people use a small coating of oil to keep food from sticking to a frying pan.
Frying pans can have different sizes.
フライパン frying pan
A frying pan has a variety of uses in
the kitchen and restaurants.
Many people use a small coating of oil to keep
food from sticking to a frying pan.
Frying pans can have different sizes.
フライパンは英語で frying pan といいます。
fry 揚げる / pan 平らな鍋 という意味です。合わせて「揚げるための平らな鍋」→ フライパンですね。
カタカナの発音で「フライパン」というとFly pan となってしまうので発音に気をつけてください。
We need to buy a new frying pan.
Is this frying pan big enough?