世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




Do you watch soccer tonight? Are you watching soccer tonight? どちらも使えるでしょうか? また違いも教えてください。
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2018/07/03 10:18
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  • Are you going to watch soccer tonight?

  • Will you be watching soccer tonight?

"Are you going to watch soccer tonight?" 「今夜サッカー見ますか」直接翻訳したものです。"Are you going to..."は「○○しますか」に相当します。 同じ意味の別の言い方は: "Will you be watching soccer tonight?" 相手を誘いたいなら、 "Do you want to watch soccer with me tonight?" 「今夜私とサッカー見ますか」と言えます。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Will you watch the soccer match tonight?

  • Are you going to watch the match tonight?

  • Are you going to watch the game tonight?

We can refer to a game of soccer as a "match" or "game", if the person you are talking with knows that you are referring to soccer. "Will you...?" and "Are you going to...?" are ways we can ask questions about the future.
もしも相手が、あなたがサッカーのことを話していると分かっている場合、サッカーの試合のことを "match" や"game"と言うことができます。   "Will you...?" や "Are you going to...?"は、~するつもりですかという意味の、未来のことを尋ねる方法です。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Are you going to watch soccer tonight?

  • Will you be watching soccer tonight?

To ask someone if they are going to watch soccer tonight, you can say: "Are you going to watch soccer tonight?" "Will you be watching soccer tonight?"
「今夜サッカーを見ますか」と質問したいなら、次のように言えます。 "Are you going to watch soccer tonight?" "Will you be watching soccer tonight?" (今夜サッカーを見ますか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Are you going to watch soccer tonight?

  • Will you watch soccer tonight?

If we want to ask about plans that someone has later at night, it is important that we use the future tense to express this. For example we could say: "Are you going to watch soccer tonight?" This form of the future tense uses "going to". "Will you watch soccer tonight?" This uses the future tense form as "will watch". So both of these forms can be used to talk about watching soccer tonight. And they are interchangeable so we can use whatever form we like as long as it is the future tense.
誰かの夜遅くの予定を尋ねたい時はこれを表すために未来時制を使うことが大切です。 例えば私たちは以下のように言うことができます: "Are you going to watch soccer tonight?" (今夜はサッカー観戦をするのですか) 未来時制のこの形は"going to”を用います。 "Will you watch soccer tonight?" (今夜はサッカー観戦をしますか) これは未来時制を"will watch”として使います。 したがってこれらの形はどちらも今夜サッカーを観ることを話すために使うことができます。 そしてこれらは入れ替えが可能であるため未来時制である限りどんな形でも使うことができます。
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • Are you watching the football game tonight?

  • Are you watching football later today?

In the UK we rarely say 'soccer' - we say 'football'. Use the present perfect continuous for future plans or appointments. "I'm watching England game in the pub tonight."
イギリスでは、めったに 'soccer'(サッカー)とは言いません。'football'(フットボール)と言います。 未来の予定や約束には 'present perfect continuous'(現在完了進行形)を使いましょう。 【例文】 "I'm watching England game in the pub tonight." (今夜パブでイングランドの試合を見ます)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are you planning on watching the soccer game tonight?

  • Are you planning on watching the football match tonight?

In American English, we say soccer for the ball game where you kick a ball into a goal. I would ask the person if they have plans to watch the game, so that way they can explain what they will be doing in case they will not be watching the game. In British English, football is the name of the ball game where you kick a ball into a goal and they say match instead of game. Again, I would ask if the person is planning on watching the match.
アメリカ英語では、ゴールに向けてボールを蹴るゲームのことをsoccer(サッカー)と言います。 私なら、試合を見る予定があるかどうかを相手に聞くでしょう。そうすることで、試合を見ない場合何をするつもりか説明できるからです。   イギリス英語では、football はサッカーのことを指し、game(試合)のことをmatch と言います。これもまた、私なら相手にmatch(試合)を見る予定があるか聞くでしょう。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Do you fancy watching the football tonight?

  • How about we watch the game later?

"Do you fancy" can be used to ask - do you want to do something Football - is the English name for soccer. "How about we watch the game later?" - asking "how about" is again asking someone if they want to do something. "The game" - could refer to any sport, but if you both know a particular game of soccer is happening later, you can refer to it as just "the game".
"Do you fancy" は "Do you want to do something"(~しませんか)の意味で使えます。 "Soccer"(サッカー)はイギリスでは "Football" といいます。 "How about we watch the game later?"(後で試合を見ませんか) = "how about" も「~しませんか」の意味です。 "the game" はあらゆるスポーツの試合を指しますが、お互いにサッカーの試合がこれからあることを知っているなら、単に "the game" と言えます。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Are you planning on watching the soccer match tonight?

  • Are you going to watch soccer tonight?

When you want to inquire as to whether a person has plans to watch a soccer game in the evening; then you may ask in the following ways: -Are you planning on watching the soccer match tonight? -Are you going to watch soccer tonight?
夜サッカーを見るつもりかどうか尋ねたいなら、次のように言えます。 -Are you planning on watching the soccer match tonight?(今夜サッカーの試合を見ますか) -Are you going to watch soccer tonight?(今夜サッカーを見ますか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Will you be watching soccer tonight?

  • Are you going to watch soccer tonight?

  • Do you plan on watching soccer tonight?

Plan on: Whether or not it is it part of your day's schedule. "Are you watching soccer tonight?" is correct whereas "Do you watch soccer tonight?" is incorrect.
Plan on: それを予定しているかどうか。 "Are you watching soccer tonight?"(今夜サッカーを見ますか)は正しいですが、"Do you watch soccer tonight?" は正しくありません。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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