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飲食店などでオーダーする際、メニューを指差して「Two this one,please .」で通じるでしょうか。日常会話ではどのような言い方が一般的ですか?
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2018/07/05 07:28
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  • Two of these please.

  • Could I please have two of 〇〇/these?

[2つ](なので this ではなく these になります。 指で指しながら、Two of these, please. と言うと良いでしょう! または 「これを2ついただけますか?」という言い方で、 指で指して言うなら→ Could I please have two of these?(これを2つもらえますか?) [メニュー](の名前で言うなら → Could I please have two of 〇〇?(〇〇を2つもらえますか?) とも言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • I'll have two of those/these, please.

  • I'll take two of these, please.

  • Can I get two of those/these please?

To politely tell a waiter that you want two of something from the menu, you could say, "I'll take two of these, please."
ウエイターに[メニュー](からあるものが2つ欲しいことを伝える場合、次のように言えます: "I'll take two of these, please." これを2つ[ください](。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Two of these please.

  • Could I get two orders of _______?

Sometimes, when you go to a restaurant, you know that just ordering one of something is not going to fill you up. In these cases, you could say some different expressions. You could point to something you like on the menu and say: "Two of these please." Another thing you could say is: "Could I get two orders of _______?" and you can say whatever dish or meal you are interested in getting. Afterwards, when the waiter writes it down, a nice "Thank you" is always appreciated! :)
時々レストランに行き、一品のみの注文では満腹にならないことを知っていることがあります。このような場合はいくつかの表現を使うことができます。 あなたはメニューを指差して"Two of these please." (これらを2つお願いします) と言うことができます。 または、"Could I get two orders of _______?” (_______を2つ注文できますか) です。そしてあなたが注文したい料理や食事をなんでも言うことができます。 後でウェイターがそれを書き留める時に”Thank you"(ありがとうございます)と言うことは親切でいつも感謝されます。
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like two of these.

  • Two __food or drink name(s)__ please.

  • I'll have a double order of __food or drink name(s).

These easiest way to ask is simply to point at the menu and say "I'd like two of these." You can also try to say the plural form of name of the food or drink you're ordering, because it might be easier for the waiter to just listen to you rather than have to look at the menu for each item you order. You can also call two orders of the same thing "A double order" especially if both orders are just for you, or will be shared among a group of people. This allows the restaurant to serve both orders on the same dish to be enjoyed by everyone at your table. Examples: I'd like two fries. Two fries please. I'll have a double order of fries.
一番簡単なのはメニューを指さして、"I'd like two of these."(これを二つください)と言うことです。 注文する料理や飲み物の名前を言うこともできます。メニューをのぞかなくていいので、ウェイターはこの方が楽かもしれません。 一人で食べるつもりで、あるいは友達とシェアするつもりで、同じものを二つ注文したいなら、"A double order" が使えます。これは、(みんなでシェアするように)二人分が同じお皿で提供されます。 例: I'd like two fries.(フライドポテトを二つください) Two fries please.(フライドポテトを二つください) I'll have a double order of fries.(フライドポテトをダブルでください)
Jessika DMM英会話講師
  • I'll have two of these, please.

  • I'd like to have two of these

When you want to point to a menu and indicate that you'd like two of the same items; then you can say it in the following ways: -I'll have two of these, please. -I'd like to have two of these -Can I have two of these please?
メニューを指して、あなたがそれを2つ欲しいとき、以下のような言い方ができます: -I'll have two of these, please. -I'd like to have two of these -Can I have two of these please? (これを2つください。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Two of these please

  • Can i have 2 of these please?

When you go to a restaurant you generally only order one of an item/meal so if you wanted 2 then you would need to let the waiter/waitress know this. The simplest way is to point to the menu and say 'Two of these please' you could also say 'Can i have 2 of these please?' this is seen as a more polite way of asking.You would add thank you as a polite ending to your ordering.
レストランでは、たいてい、メニューを一つずつ注文します。ですから、二つ頼む場合には、それをウェイター/ウェイトレスに伝えなければなりません。最も簡単なのは、メニューを指して、「Two of these please(これ二つください)」と言うことです。 「Can I have 2 of these please?(これ二つ頂けますか)」と言うこともできます。こちらの方が丁寧に見られます。 注文の最後に「thank you」と言うと丁寧です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Could you double up on that please?

  • And the same again please!

  • One more of those please.

You order one thing and then realise you need to order another of the same thing. 'Could you double up....' is a great way to ask for the same again.
一つ注文した後に、同じものをもう一つ注文しなくてはいけないことに気が付きます。 'Could you double up....'(2つにしてください) これは同じものをもう一度頼む時に、とてもいい表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please get two of these?

  • Two of these please.

When you want to order 2 of the same thing, while pointing at the menu, you can say: "Can I please get two of these?" "Two of these please."
レストランで同じ物を二つ注文したいなら、次のように言えます。 "Can I please get two of these?" 「〔メニューを指さしながら〕これ二ついただけますか」 "Two of these please." 「〔メニューを指さしながら〕これ二つください」
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have two of this please?

  • Could I get two orders of this please?

Both of these are good options to make sure that the waiter understands that you want two orders of the same item on the menu. The second option is closer to what a native English speaker would normally say while the first one was a little more formal.
どちらもウエイターがメニューのそのアイテムを二つ頼みたいことを理解してくれる良い表現です。 一つ目が少しフォーマルなのに対し、二つ目は、ネイティブスピーカーが、一般的に使うフレーズに近いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Can i have two of these please?

  • I'll take two please.

When your in a restaurant and want to ask the waiter for two of something then you could point to the menu and say "Can i have two of these please?" or "I'll take two please".
レストランで同じものを二つ頼むときは、メニューを指さして、 "Can I have two of these please?"(これを二ついただけますか) または "I'll take two please"(二つください) と言えます。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Could I have two of these please?

  • I would like to grab two of these.

  • Could I get two orders of this?

We can simply say that we would like to order two of a certain item. We can say the item name, we can point at the menu and we can also hold two fingers up to indicate that that is the quantity of the item that you would like.
シンプルに「~を二つください」と言うか、 あるいは、 品名を言って、またはメニューを指さして、指を2本立てても、その品物が二つ欲しいことが伝わります。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to have two of these, please

  • Could I get two orders of this, please?

It is a very common question people have at a restaurant. I would recommend you to use the above-mentioned phrases. The first one is more directive sentence, whereas, the second one is more a polite question to ask.
これはレストランでよく使う質問ですね。上におすすめの言い方をご紹介しました。 一つ目はより直接的な言い方です。二つ目の方が丁寧です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Two of this meal please.

  • The burger meal times two please.

  • Two of this please.

When ordering two of the same things you can use any of the sentences above. times two (x 2) meaning double. "Can I have two of these and three of that." "Please give me the burger meal times two."
同じものを二つ注文したいなら、上記の文どれも使うことができます。 'times two'(x 2)は「2倍/ダブル」という意味です。 "Can I have two of these and three of that."(これを二つと、あれを三ついただけますか) "Please give me the burger meal times two."(ハンバーガーセットを二つください)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have 2 of the (insert food here) please?

  • I would like 2 orders of (insert food here) please

  • Can I get 2 of these please?

Every time you request food in a restaurant, you are placing an order. So you can easily say "I would like two orders of (whatever food you would like), please." When requesting something, you always want to be polite so you want to include "please" in the request. You can also speak in slang and say " can I get two of these please", which means the same thing as "can I order two of these please."
レストランで料理を「注文する」ことは、"order" といいます。 ですからシンプルに、 "I would like two orders of (whatever food you would like), please."「(欲しいもの)を二つください」 と言えます。 頼み事をするときは「丁寧に」が大切です。ですから、"please" を忘れずに。 カジュアルな言い方もできます。 例えば: "Can I get two of these please?"「これ二つもらえますか」 これは "Can I order two of these please?" と同じ意味です。
Estter DMM英会話講師
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