世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/04 09:36
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  • To be seen to quickly, please make sure you have your ticket ready.

  • Please have your ticket in hand, thank you.

  • To save you time when checking in, please have your tickets ready.

All three of these answers are a good way of saying "Please have your ticket ready while you wait in line." When working in a museum, which is a formal environment it is important to be polite by using the words please and thank you. It is also in the guests interest to have their tickets ready as they will be able to spend more time in the museum rather than standing in a queue waiting to enter.
これら三つの回答は全て、 "Please have your ticket ready while you wait in line." (お手元にチケットをもってお並びください) と言う時にとてもいい表現です。 博物館で働いている場合、フォーマルな環境なので、"please"(お願いします)や"thank you"(ありがとうございます)をつかって丁寧にすることはとても重要です。 またこれは、チケットを用意しておくことで、並んで入場を待つより、博物館をゆっくり見て回る時間が出来るので、お客さんの利益にもなります。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Please Que here and have your tickets ready.

  • Please have your tickets ready to be checked.

  • Please wait here and have you tickets ready.

To Que - To stand in line typically waiting for something. We commonly use the word Que. Example: Q: Do you want some shaved ice? A: Yes, but the Que is too long! The best way to ask them to be ready so as to save time is to say: Please have your tickets ready/accessible/handy.
to Que - 一般的に、何かのために列に立って待っていることです。 Queという単語をよく使います。 例: Q: Do you want some shaved ice? かき氷を食べたい? A: Yes, but the Que is too long! うん、でも列が長すぎるよ! 時間が掛からないように、準備するよう頼む最も良い言い方は、下記になります。 Please have your tickets ready/accessible/handy. チケットを手元に準備しておいて下さい。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Please keep your tickets ready for checking.

  • Please have your tickets ready.

  • To save time, please have your tickets in hand while waiting for your turn.

have in hand: means to hold it in your hand. To save time: is your way of telling the guests your reason for asking them to keep their tickets ready. for checking: means that you'll be checking their tickets when their turn comes. All three phrases can be used when telling museum guests to have their tickets ready. Hope this helps!
have in hand: 手に持つという意味です。 To save time(時間を節約する): チケットを準備しておく理由を伝えます。 for checking: 順番がきたらチケットを確認するという意味です。 三例とも、チケットを用意しておくよう美術館のお客さんに伝えるときに使えます。 参考になるといいです!  
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Please have your ticket handy while you wait in line.

  • Please make sure you have your ticket with you while you are waiting in line.

When you want to tell people that they should have their tickets while they wait in line, then you can say: -Please have your ticket handy while you wait in line. -Please make sure you have your ticket with you while you are waiting in line.
あなたが人々に、チケットを持って列に並んでくださいと言いたい場合、以下のように言えます: Please have your ticket handy while you wait in line. Please make sure you have your ticket with you while you are waiting in line. (列に並んで持っている間、チケットを持っていてください。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Please queue ready to present your tickets

Waiting in line is usually referred to as 'queuing' in the UK. If you are ready to present somethnng, it means that your are prepared to show someone something at the appropriate time.
列になって待つことは、英国ではたいてい「queuing」と言われます。あなたが「ready to present something」であるなら、何かを適切なときに示す準備ができているという意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please wait in line with your ticket in hand.

  • Please have your ticket in hand while you wait in line.

  • Please queue with your ticket ready in your hand.

Use the above sentences to let others know they need to wait in line and have their tickets in their hands. Queue: line of people waiting to be served. In hand: ready, in your hand. cut in line: push in, try to take someone else's place by entering the queue anywhere else but the end. We should have our tickets ready in our hands for a quicker service once we reach the front of the line. We may have to wait long in line if there are more clients than there are consultants. When we are in a queue, we should wait patiently for assistance, we should not cut in line as this will make many people angry.
これらの例は、手にチケットを持って列に並ぶように伝えるフレーズです。   Queue: 待っている人の列 In hand: 手に持って cut in line: 横入りすること、割り込むこと 最前列にくると、早く入ることができるように手にチケットを持っておくべきです。 たくさん人がいるなら長い間列に待たなければいけないかもしれません。列に並んでいると、我慢して待つべきです。割り込んで、相手を不快な気分にさせることはしてはいけません。  
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Please wait in line with your ticket in your hand.

  • Please have your ticket ready while you wait in line.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that they need to have their ticket in their hand while they wait in line. In the second sentence you will see the word handy. This means close or ready. This word is commonly used in our everyday conversation, it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
これら2つの文は、待っている間に手にチケットを持っておいてほしいことを伝えるのにぴったりのフレーズです。 2つ目の文には、handyという言葉があります。これは、近くに、準備してという意味です。これは日常会話でよく使われるので、ボキャブラリーに追加しておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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