世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/08/04 22:30
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  • I only have 5000 yen on me.

  • I have 5000 yen in cash right now.

"I only have 5000 yen on me."

When using "I only" this implies that there's a limit, or that you only have a certain amount of something, for example, "I only have 10 minutes" is saying they can spare 10 minutes worth of time before they need to go. So saying I only have 5000 yen means that 5000 yen is your current limit for cash. Saying "on me" means that you have that you are currently carrying that much at that moment.
"I have 5000 yen in cash right now."
Saying "I have 5000 yen in cash" means that you are in possession of that specific amount of money, and "right now" determines time, in this case that you are currently in possession of 5000 yen in cash. The "in cash" part implies that you physically have that much money.

"I only have 5000 yen on me."

 "I only" とは、制限がある、またはある量だけ何かを持っているということを指します。例えば、"I only have 10 minutes"とは、行く前に10分だけ時間を作ることができるという意味です。 ですので、I only have 5000 yen とは、現金で5,000円だけ持っているという意味になります。 "on me"とは、自分が今それだけ持ち合わせているという意味です。 

"I have 5000 yen in cash right now."

"I have 5000 yen in cash" とは、ある金額のお金を持っているということです。"right now"は、時間を意味し、この場合、今現金で5,000円持っているということです。 "in cash"は、物理的にそれだけのお金を持っていることを指します。

Samantha B DMM英会話講師
  • I have 5000 yen cash

  • I physically have 5000 yen

When people talk about money in their wallet or purse it may be clearer to emphasise that the money is in cash rather than credit on a card.
"I have £20 cash and can get £200 on my credit card."

(例文)"I have £20 cash and can get £200 on my credit card."(現金で20ポンド持っていて、クレジットカードで200ポンド引き出せるよ。)

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have 5000 yen with me right now.

The phrase "with me" when you talk about money implies that you are talking about cash. It's important to use the phrase "right now" to make sure that your listener understands that while you may have more cash, at this moment, you only have 5000 yen.

I hope that this helps :)

お金について言う場合、"with me" を使うと、現金というニュアンスになります。
相手に、本当はもっと現金を持っているが今現在は5000円しかないということが伝わるように、"right now"(今は)を使いましょう。


Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Right now, I only have 5000 yen in cash

  • I have 5000 yen in cash on me.

When you want to speak about how much money you have on you; then you can say:
-Right now, I only have 5000 yen in cash
-I have 5000 yen in cash on me

-Right now, I only have 5000 yen in cash
-I have 5000 yen in cash on me

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I have 5000 yen in cash.

cash が「現金」という意味です。日本でよく言われるキャッシュカードは和製英語ですので、カードのことをcash cardと言うと「どっちだよ(笑)」となります。cardは credit card か debit card のことです。

  • I have 5000 yen on me right now.

  • I got 5000 yen in cash at the moment.

  • 5000 is what I got on me right now.

You can use the phrase "I have" or "I got" to express that you own something.

"On me" is a common way of saying that it is physically with you. When talking about money, it usually means that you have it in cash.

"Right now" and "at the moment" are both good ways to express the time now. You could also use "currently" or "for the time being".

"I have" または "I got" は、何かを所有していることを表すときに使われます。

"On me" は、何かを「身につけている」ことを表す一般的な表現です。お金について使うと、普通は現金で持っていることを表します。

"Right now" と "At the moment" はどちらも「今現在」を指します。他に "currently"(今現在)や "for the time being"(同)も使えます。

Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • Right now i have 5000 yen in cash

  • I have five thousand yen on me in cash

When talking about the amount of money you have on your person you would say 'right now i have' or 'i have ............................ yen on me' by adding 'in cash' this suggests it is actual physical money and not what you can get on your credit card

'right now I have ........'(今........を持っている)
'I have ........ yen on me'(今........円持っている)

'in cash' を加えると、「(カードではなく)現金で」という意味になります。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
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