move on は「[次に](進む、[移動する](」という意味です。
Before we move on, can I ask you a question?
Before we move on, there's something I've been thinking about.
move on の代わりに get startedと言うこともできます。
-Before we get started, can I ask you a question?
Could I ask a question first?
"I just have a quick question. " - By using the words "just" and "quick," you are letting your teacher know that the question will not take long.
"Is it OK if I ask a question first?" - It is always good to ask permission if you are going to interrupt a lesson. You can use the following as well:
- Would it be alright if I ask a question first?
- Would you mind if I asked a quick question first?
"Do you mind if I ask a quick question?" - This basically combines the first two suggestions. Again, it a good idea to ask permission if you are going to ask the teacher to stop the lesson for any reason. It is also nice to let them know the question will be fast.
I just have a quick question.
Is it OK if I ask a question first?
- Would it be alright if I ask a question first?
- Would you mind if I asked a quick question first?
Do you mind if I ask a quick question?
Excuse me, I have one question before you start...
何回も話している先生でしたらHey, I have a question...と言ってカジュアルに話しかけても良いですし、Excuse me, やSorry, と加えて I have a questionとかCan I ask a question first?と聞いてOKだったら続けて質問すれば良いと思います。
Before we begin our lesson, may I ask you a question?
May I ask you a question first?
Using the word "may" in both sentences is more polite as opposed to using the word "can".
Using the word "can" isn't incorrect. The appropriate term is 'may'
There is the option to ask - if you can ask a question using 'May' or 'Could'. However, as you are the student, it is perfectly reasonable for you to ask a question anytime during the lesson. So you could just say, for example: "May I ask, why did you use the past tense in that phrase?" This saves time.
'May'か 'Could'を使って質問をできるかなど、尋ねる方法がいくつかあります 。しかし、あなたは生徒なので、レッスン中にいつでも質問をする権利があるでしょう。そのため、たとえば、 "May I ask, why did you use the past tense in that phrase?”と最初につけることで、質問をいうときの手間が省けます。
I would like to ask a question before we proceed with the lesson.
I want to ask a question before we begin.
Proceed means to move forward
A: Are you ready to begin the lesson?
B: I would like to ask a question before we proceed.
Proceed means to move forward
A: Are you ready to begin the lesson?
B: I would like to ask a question before we proceed
A. レッスンを始める準備は良いですか?
B. その前に(進む前に)一つ質問をしたいのですが。
If you would like to tell your teacher that you would like to ask a question before beginning your lesson, you can say:
"Before we start, can I please ask a question?"
"Can I ask a question before we begin the lesson?"
"Before we start, can I please ask a question?"(レッスンを始める前に、一つ質問をしてもいいですか)
"Can I ask a question before we begin the lesson?"(レッスンを始める前に、一つ質問をしてもいいですか)