Freelancing will become a lot more common in the years to come.
●More people will be freelancing in the future.
"in the future"→今後は、将来的に
●Freelancing will become a lot more common in the years to come.
"a lot more common"→更にもっと一般的になる
"in the years to come"→何年か先に、今後
I think that freelancing will become a more common practice in the future.
"I think" is a great way to start off something that is your opinion. "Freelance" is a verb for someone who works on their own and someone who freelances is a "freelancer." I hope that this helps :)
"I think"(~と思う)は、自分の意見を言うのに良い表現です。
"Freelance"とは、自分一人で働くことを表す動詞です。フリーランスする人のことを "freelancer."と言います。
I think in the future more people will be freelancers.
I think that freelancing will become more common.
"I think" is used to show that it is your personal opinion or thought, so beginning with this will let the person know what it is that you believe. "The future" tells when you think it will happen, and "more people will be freelancers" is saying that there will be an increase in the number of people that will freelance, which is the term for a person that is self-employed. Freelancers is the form of the word that describes a person as someone who freelances.
"I think that freelancing will become more common."
This sentence says that the practice of being self-employed, freelancing, will be more common, or that more people will be self employed. Saying "will become" implies that this will happen in the future.
"I think" (~と思う)は、個人的なあなたの意見や考えを述べるのに使われます。ですので、これで始めると、あなたの考えは何かを相手に伝えるということになります。
"The future"(将来) とは、いつそれが起こると思うかということを言います。 "more people will be freelancers" とは、フリーランス(自営業になる人という意味の言葉)になる人の数が増えていくということです。
"I think that freelancing will become more common."
この文は、フリーランスがより一般的に、またはより多くの人が自営業になるということを意味します。 "will become" は、将来これが起こるであろうということを指します。
More and more people will be freelancers in the future.
Self employment is the growth sector of the future.
Well, we can all make predictions about things. Some people make wild predictions that may well be off the mark, while others may make safe predictions that anyone could predict.
"Global warming will affect the entire planet." (safe prediction)
"The world will end on 25th June next year." (wild prediction, off the mark)
"Global warming will affect the entire planet." (safe prediction):温暖化は地球全体に影響する(ありきたりな予言)
"The world will end on 25th June next year." (wild prediction, off the mark):世界は来年の7月25日に終わる(荒っぽい的外れな予言)
I think freelance work will become more and more popular.
I think more people will work freelance as time goes on.
"I think freelance work will become more and more popular."
This is giving your opinion saying 'I think...' 'more and more' means that it will become something larger and larger.
"I think more people will work freelance as time goes on. "
Again, this will let the person know this is your opinion. 'as time goes on' means in the future.
"I think freelance work will become more and more popular."
-「I think...」と言って、意見を伝えています。「more and more」は「より大きくなっていく」という意味です。
"I think more people will work freelance as time goes on."
- これも意見として言っています。「as time goes on」は「将来は(in the future)」という意味です。
I think more people will work freelance jobs down the road.
I believe more people will work freelance jobs in the future.
The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you think more people will work freelance jobs in the future. In the first sentence you will see the term down the road. This term means in the future. This term is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family.
最初の文に"down the road"という表現があります。これは「将来は」という意味です。この表現は家族や親しい友人と話すときなどインフォーマルな場面に適しています。