世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/08 23:48
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  • I'm flattered.

  • That's very kind of you.

  • It's nice of you to say that.

紹介する3つのフレーズは、相手の言葉に対する感謝を表します。必ずしもその人が言ったことに対して同意しているわけではないので、謙遜するニュアンスも含まれるのではないかと思います。 I'm flattered.  「褒められて(お世辞でも)[嬉しいです](。」 That's very kind of you. 「ご親切にどうも。」 It's nice of you to say that. 「[そう言って頂けて嬉しいです。](」 flattered = 嬉しく思う very kind = とても優しい nice of you to say that = そう言って頂けて嬉しい これらのフレーズは頻繁に見聞きしますので、覚えておくと便利ですよ! あとは自信を持って英会話の練習されてくださいね。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • You’re good with your words.

  • You have a way with words.

もし謙遜の意味も込めて伝えたいのであれば、このフレーズがぴったりです。 You’re good with your words. 言葉がが[得意](です。 このフレーズは日本語に相当すると思います。 A: You’re awesome! B: Haha. You’re good with your words. You have a way with words. このフレーズは相手は褒めが上手くて好きになるというニュアンスが強いです。 A: What do you like about me? B: Well, you have a way with words.
  • You always have the kindest words for me.

  • You give the best compliments.

  • Your compliments are always from another world.

▪ You always have the kindest words for me. Kind is to be friendly. This sentence indicates that the teacher always have friendly words to compliment you. ▪ You give the best compliments. This is saying that this teachers compliments are always nice and better than others. ▪ Your compliments are always from another world. This is an expression that indicates that the teachers compliments are very impressive.
▪ You always have the kindest words for me. いつも私にとても親切な言葉をかけてくれますね。 Kind とは、親切なという意味です。この文は、先生があなたを褒めるのにいつも親切な言葉を使ってくれることを言います。.   ▪ You give the best compliments. 一番の褒め言葉をくれます。 これは、先生がいつもやさしくて、他の誰よりもいい褒めことばをくれるという意味です。  ▪ Your compliments are always from another world. あなたの褒め言葉にいつも感動します。 これは、先生がとても素敵な褒め言葉をくれるという意味です。  
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • You have a way with words

  • You have the 'gift of the gab'

  • Thank you, you flatter me!

Way with words' is an idiom that means to be very good at speaking and structuring sentences, and knowing when to say the right things. 'Gift of the gab' is a UK phrase that means to be articulate and say the right things to people, at the right time, which makes them happy. 'Gab' means to talk. The last example explains that you really like the compliment you have been given, and you are thanking the teacher for saying such things to you.
Way with words'とはイディオムで秀でた話術の才能と言う意味で、話や文章を作るのがとても上手で いいタイミングでいい事を言うという意味になります。 'Gift of the gab' とはイギリスの言い回しで雄弁に正しいタイミングでいい事を人を喜ばせるようなことを言う、と言うという様な意味になります。 'Gab' とはお喋り、話と言う意味です。 最後の例文は褒めてもらった言葉がとっても気に入ったので先生に感謝します、という様な事を表現しています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • You are very good with your words

  • Thank you, I am flattered.

Both of these sentences express that said person really likes the complements given to them by their teacher.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Nice of you to say so.

  • Kind of you to say so.

  • I appreciate your compliment.

Be careful at a moment like this because, if you tell your teacher that she or he is very good at complimenting people, it may sound like you think the teacher is one of those people who always talk sweetly, even if perhaps they are not sincere. It's better to say that you are happy to receive a compliment from the teacher.
David McA DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for your kind words

  • You are a great motivator

  • You know how to boost my confidence, thank you!

If you would like to thank your teacher for the great positive feedback on your performance then you can use the sentences above to assist you in doing so. It is good for the teacher to boost the student's confidence by giving compliments and celebrating correct answers and moments where a student finds clarity in a specific idea or topic. Motivator: something or someone that give Boost: to increase Clarity: understanding "Thank you, teacher your compliments make me feel more confident about myself when learning English."
先生が自分に対してとても素晴らしいフィードバックをしてくれたことに感謝したいときは、これらの例がぴったりです。   先生が、生徒を褒めたり、正解したことや、あるアイディアやトピックがしっかりと理解できたことを喜んだりすることで、生徒の自信を高めるのは良いことです。  Motivator: きっかけ Boost: 増やすこと Clarity: 理解すること   "Thank you, teacher your compliments make me feel more confident about myself when learning English." (先生ありがとうございます。褒めてくれたことで、英語を学んでいて自信になります。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I am very flattered

  • Thank you for the compliments

"I am very flattered" and "Thank you for the compliments" these two expressions are used when in reply to someone who compliments you often, to compliment someone is to praise someone for their efforts/work ex. "You did a great job on your math test". 'Flattered' is the term used when someone has been complimenting you and you feel pleased with your actions.
"I am very flattered"(褒めてもらいうれしいです)と "Thank you for the compliments"(褒めてくれてありがとうございます) これらの表現は、自分のことをよく褒めてくれる人に対して使われます。 'compliment' は「〔努力・仕事について〕(人)を褒める」という意味です。 例えば: "You did a great job on your math test". (数学のテスト、よく頑張ったね) 'flattered' は、人に褒められてうれしい気持ちを表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for praising me, you're a very good teacher!

  • That is very kind. Thank you.

Thank you for praising me, you're a very good teacher!' This sentence explains that you are grateful to receive the compliment and that you think the teacher is good at their job. 'That is very kind. Thank you.' explains that you feel good about their kindness, and you thank them for it.
Thank you for praising me, you're a very good teacher!' 褒めてくれてありがとうございます。とてもいい先生ですね! これは、先生が褒めてくれたことに対して感謝の気持ちを伝える文です。   'That is very kind. Thank you.' とても親切ですね。ありがとうございます。 これは、先生の親切さをうれしく思い、感謝を伝える表現です。
Hannah E DMM英会話講師
  • You really know how to praise someone!

  • Your praise is well-received!

  • Your praise is much appreciated!

During an online English lesson, when your teacher compliments you, you want to say that he/she is good at complimenting. Any of the above responses may be appropriate for this scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • That's so kind of you!

  • Thank you for the compliment!

  • You're great at giving compliments! Thank you!

"That's so kind of you!" This is a great way to let your teacher know that you are thankful for a compliment that they have given you. This is an informal sentence, but you can always use it in your lessons. Keep in mind that you can be formal or informal with your teacher. It's your choice! :) Example: Teacher: "You're doing great with your pronunciation today!" You: "That's so kind of you!" "Thank you for the compliment!" This is a slightly more formal way to express to your teacher that you are grateful for a compliment your teacher has given you. Example: Teacher: I'm glad to see you're improving with translation practice!" You: "Thank you for the compliment! " "You're great at giving compliments! Thank you!" This is a great way to express to your teacher that you feel that teacher is good at making and giving compliments, and that you are thankful for the compliment. It is polite, of course, but informal. Example: Teacher: "I'm so impressed with your listening skills today!" You: "You're great at giving compliments! Thank you!"
"That's so kind of you!" (優しいですね!) これは、先生にあなたを褒めてもらった事への感謝の気持ちを伝えるのに素晴らしい表現です。 これはインフォーマルな表現ですが、レッスン中にはよく使うことが出来ます。 先生に対してフォーマルかインフォーマルかということを心に留めておいてくださいね。 あなた次第ですよ :) 【例】 Teacher: "You're doing great with your pronunciation today!" (先生:今日のあなたの発音は素晴らしいですね!) You: "That's so kind of you!" (あなた:先生、優しいですね!) "Thank you for the compliment!" (褒めて頂きありがとうございます!) これは、先生の褒め言葉にあなたの感謝の気持ちを表す、少しだけフォーマルな表現になります。 【例】 Teacher: I'm glad to see you're improving with translation practice!" (先生:翻訳の練習が上達していますね、嬉しいです) You: "Thank you for the compliment! " (あなた:お褒めの言葉ありがとうございます) "You're great at giving compliments! Thank you!" (褒めるの上手ですね!ありがとうございます) これは、先生が褒めることがとても上手で、その褒め言葉に対してあなたの感謝を伝える表現になります。 これは丁寧です、もちろん!でも、インフォーマルです。 【例】 Teacher: "I'm so impressed with your listening skills today!" (先生:今日のあなたのリスニングのスキルには感心します!) You: "You're great at giving compliments! Thank you!" (あなた:褒めるのが上手ですね!ありがとうございます)
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for the compliments.

  • Thank you for the encouragement.

  • You have a way with words.

You have a way with words.' - We would say this if someone always finds the right words to say. If your teacher is supportive and always encouraging you then you can say: 'Thank you for your encouragement.' You can also say 'Thank you for the compliments, you are very kind.' after someone compliments you.
You have a way with words.' - これは、言葉の使い方がうまい人に言います いつも励ましてくれるような先生なら: 'Thank you for your encouragement.' (励ましてくれてありがとうございます) また、誰かが褒めてくれた時は: 'Thank you for the compliments, you are very kind.' (褒めていただいてありがとうございます。優しいですね) ↑という言い方もあります。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • You have a way of making one feel good.

  • You have a lovely way of praising teacher.

  • Your compliments honor me.

A way of making one feel good suggests that you are flattered by something someone has said. To have a lovely way of praising means that someone is good at giving compliments. To say that someone's compliments honor you suggests that you are honored by something someone has said. There are many other expressions one may use such as saying; You have a way with words. Your praise is always so gratifying. keyword: gratifying-Giving pleasure or satisfaction.
「a way of making one feel good」は、相手の言葉に喜んでいることを表します。 「have a lovely way of praising」は、褒めるのが上手という意味です。 「Your compliments honor me」は、相手の言葉を光栄に思っていることを表します。 そのほかにもいろいろな言い方ができます、例えば: You have a way with words.(言葉がうまいですね) Your praise is always so gratifying.(あなたに褒められるとすごくうれしい) キーワード: gratifying-満足させる、うれしい
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • You give me more confidence when you motivate me and compliment me.

  • I like the way you compliment me, it makes me push myself harder.

  • Thanks for the compliments, I feel flattered.

Thanking the teacher for the compliments will let the teacher know that you enjoy them and hopefully they will continue if you explain that they motivate you to do well. The feeling of flattery can make someone feel extra special and this is a nice feeling. Saying either of these three sentences will let your teacher know you like being complimented.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • You are very encouraging.

  • Thank you very much for your kind words.

  • You are very good at complimenting my efforts.

All three of these sentences can easily be used to either thank a teacher for the compliments/kind words, tell someone that they are encouraging or acknowledging that they are excellent at complimenting your strong efforts. Although they thank the person in different ways, they are all excellent at simply acknowledging the teacher's kindness in different ways.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • You are very kind.

  • You are so nice.

  • You always have something nice to say.

You are very kind. You are so nice. You always have something nice to say. When you want to let someone know that they are good at compliments you can say one of these three sentences. I would use, 'you are very kind,' it is short and simple and straight to the point. I hope it helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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