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tired of considering でいいのかな?
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2018/08/28 14:01
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  • I’m tired of thinking about it.

  • I don’t want to think about it anymore.

1. そのことを考えることに疲れた。 2. もうそのことは考えたくない。
Tomomi I 英語講師
  • I'm fed up of thinking

Tired of considering でも良いと思いますが consider は考えるのフォーマルな感じな表現になるので 一般的に使うなら thinking の方が良いです。 うんざりするぐらい疲れたって意味でもよければ fed up って表現も使えます。
  • Too beat out

  • Too worn out

I'm too beat out to think. I'm too worn out to think. I'm too tired to think. I feel weary for thinking too much. I'm tired of thinking. I'm totally weary for thinking too much. I'm burned out for thinking too much. Explanation: exhaustion is expressed in so many different ways. Words like beat out, worn out, too tired, totally weary, burned out and so many more, are only osme of the expressions that can be used. Check the examples above to see how theyre used in a sentence.
I'm too beat out to think. I'm too worn out to think. I'm too tired to think. I feel weary for thinking too much. I'm tired of thinking. I'm totally weary for thinking too much. I'm burned out for thinking too much. これらは全て考えるのに疲れたという意味です。疲れたことを表すフレーズはたくさんあります。 beat out, worn out, too tired, totally weary, burned out はどれも、疲れたという意味です。これらの例を参考にしてみてくださいね。
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • I can't think about this anymore right now.

  • I'm overthinking this, and it's making me tired.

  • Time to put this an the back burner, and get a new perspective on it later.

The first phrase uses the word "can't" which means the person is unable to continue, which could be because the problem is an emotional or overwhelming one. The second phrase uses the term "overthinking" which tells us that the person realises they are spending too much time on something, and it's making them tired. The third phrase hints at frustration, as the person feels they are losing perspective on the problem. To "put this on the back burner" is an idiom, which means to forget about it for now, and come back to it later.
一つ目のフレーズでは、「できない」という意味の "can't" という語を使っています。このフレーズは「感情的に耐えられない」などといったときに使います。 二つ目のフレーズでは、"overthinking" という語を使っています。これは、「考えすぎて」疲れてしまったという意味合いです。 三つ目のフレーズからは、話し手の「いら立ち」を感じます。「考えがまとまらない」という意味合いです。"put this on the back burner" は「いったん忘れて、もう一度考え直す」という意味のイディオムです。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • Thinking about this is exhausting.

  • Thinking about this is draining.

  • It's too taxing for me to think about it right now.

Exhausting is a good term to use in order to express that something is tiring.The expression, "this is exhausting" is commonly used to indicate that an experience is overwhelming or requires a lot of energy. When expressing that something is "draining" or "emotionally draining," it implies that the matter is causing a person to feel fatigued. Also, for something to be "taxing" means that it is requiring a large amount of physical or mental energy, and this usually results in fatigue.
「疲れる」と言いたいときは、"Exhausting" が使えます。"This is exhausting" はよく使われるフレーズです、「耐えられない」「しんどい」などの意味を表します。 "draining" または "emotionally draining" も「人を疲れさせる」という意味合いです。 "taxing" は「肉体的・精神的に負担のかかる」という意味です。普通これは「疲労」につながりますね。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • I have had enough of thinking about this.

  • I don't want to think about this anymore.

  • I'm tired of thinking about this.

1. You are emphasising that you had enough and that it's time to stop. 2. You are expressing your resentment towards thinking about the topic and focusing on the fact that you do not want to think about this anymore.. 3. In this sentence, you are simply stating that you are tired of thinking about this.
1. 「もう十分考えたので考えるのをやめる」と伝えています。 2. ここでは、いら立ちを表しています。「これについてもう考えたくない」という意味です。 3. ここでは、単に「もう考えるのに疲れた」と伝えています。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so tired of thinking about this!

  • This topic is wearing me out!

  • I don't want to think about this subject anymore!

When you're tired of thinking about something, you want to say that you are tired of thinking? Any of the above examples would be quite adequate for that kind of scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am tried of thinking about it.

  • I can't think about it any longer.

I am tried of thinking about it. I can't think about it any longer. One of these two sentences should help you out and get you easily understood. I hope it helps. Have a great day. Will
I am tried of thinking about it.(考えるのに疲れた) I can't think about it any longer.(これ以上考えられない) どちらか一つ選んで使ってみてください。この気持ちを伝えることができると思います。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • mentally exhausted (adj)

  • to be tired of thinking about something

  • I am mentally exhausted.

Some expressions used for when your mind is tired and you do not want to continue thinking about something are: -mentally exhausted (adj) This expression is literally saying that your mind is tired. From this, the listener/reader can infer that you do not want to think anymore -I am tired of thinking about it. Again, this saying is literally saying that your mind is tired and you do not want to continue thinking.
考えるのに疲れたときは、以下の表現が使えます。 -mentally exhausted(形容詞) この表現は文字通り「頭が疲れた」という意味です。ここから、もう考えたくないと思っていることが“推測”できます。 -I am tired of thinking about it.(考えるのに疲れた) これも、「頭が疲れたのでもう考えたくない」という意味です。
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • I'm tired of going over it.

  • I can't face thinking about it anymore.

I'm tired of going over it. - To go over something means to repeat an action again. This means you have to check it/think about it/examine it one or more times. I can't face thinking about it anymore. Face has many meanings but when we can't face something it means we are unwilling or unable to deal with something. e.g.I can't face going to work tomorrow as I have so much work to do.
I'm tired of going over it.(もう面倒くさい) "To go over something" は「繰り返し行う」という意味です。繰り返し確認したり、考えたり、調べることをいいます。 I can't face thinking about it anymore.(もう考えたくない) "Face" にはいろいろな意味がありますが、"can't face something" は「~したくない/~できない」という意味を表します。 例: I can't face going to work tomorrow as I have so much work to do. (仕事がありすぎてあした会社に行くことを考えたくない)
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • I can't handle thinking about this anymore.

To be able to "handle" something it be able to complete it or work with it. If you are too tired then you can say that you cannot handle something that you are not capable of doing. This usually communicates tired as in exasperation instead of being physically tired.I hope that this helps. :)
"I can handle something" は「終わらせることができる/対処できる」という意味です。 「疲れて~できない」は "I can't handle something" で表すことができます。これは普通、「肉体的な疲れ」ではなく「怒り」などといった「感情的な疲れ」を表します。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I'm too tired to think right now.

  • I don't want to think about it right now, I am too tired.

If you would like to explain that you are too tired to think about something, you can say something like "I'm too tired to think right now." or "I don't want to think about it right now, I am too tired.".
「疲れて考えることができない」は、次のように言えます。 "I'm too tired to think right now."(今は疲れて考えられない) "I don't want to think about it right now, I am too tired."(今は疲れていて、考えたくない)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I'm stumped

  • I give up.

  • I don't want to think about it anymore.

When people don't know what to do or say, they sometimes say "I'm stumped". Of course, the situation will determine whether you can use it or not. It should be used when you are unable to think of an answer or unable to solve a problem, etc. It comes from a time in the past, when settlers did not know how to clear the land from tree stumps. That is how this expression was created. When you don't want to do something anymore, you can say "I give up". It means that you will not continue with the action you were doing at that time. Finally, the last option is the safest option and can be used in any situation where you are unable to think about something or when you simply don't want to think about it anymore.
何をしたら(あるいは言ったら)いいか分からないとき、"I'm stumped" という表現が使われることがあります。もちろん、この表現が適切かどうかは状況によります。これは、答えが思いつかないときや、問題が解けないときに使われます。 この表現は、かつて開拓者たちが木の切り株で土地を耕せなかったところから来ています。 何かをもうやめたいときには、"I give up" と言えます。「もうやめた」という意味です。 最後の例は最も無難です。「もう考えたくない」という意味で、どんな状況でも使うことができます。
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • "I'm tired of thinking about it"

  • "I am thinking too much about this"

  • "It is wearing me out thinking about this so much"

If you are tired of thinking about something so much and wanted to express this, you could say any of the following: "I'm tired of thinking about it", "I am thinking too much about this" or "It is wearing me out thinking about this so much".
「考えるのに疲れた」は、次のように言えます。 "I'm tired of thinking about it"(考えるのに疲れた) "I am thinking too much about this"(ちょっと考えすぎてしまっている) "It is wearing me out thinking about this so much"(考えるのに疲れた)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I am tired of thinking about it.

  • I am over thinking about this.

When you have been thinking about something a lot and are tired of doing so; you may express this in the following ways: -I have thought about this situation too much. I'm exhausted now. -I am tired of thinking about it. -I am over thinking about this.
考えすぎて疲れてしまったときは、次のように言えます。 -I have thought about this situation too much. I'm exhausted now.(考えすぎて疲れてしまった) -I am tired of thinking about it.(考えるのに疲れた) -I am over thinking about this.(これについて考えすぎてしまっている)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm tired of thinking about it

  • Thinking about this is giving me a headache.

  • I feel as though my brain is about to split into two, I'm so tired of thinking about this.

If you want to express that you are tired of thinking you can use any of these sentences:- 1. I'm tired of thinking about it. You can use this sentence if there has been something that you have been thinking about until you have become tired, weary or exhausted thinking about it. 2. Thinking about this is giving me a headache. This sentenced is used both in the literal sense (when someone actually has a headache) and in the figurative sense ( used as an expression to indicate you are tired of thinking.)
「考えるのに疲れた」は次のように言えます。 1. I'm tired of thinking about it.(考えるのに疲れた) この表現は、考えすぎて疲れてしまったときに使うことができます。 2. Thinking about this is giving me a headache.(考えていたら頭が痛くなってきた) この表現は文字通りの意味(本当に頭が痛い)でも、比喩的な意味(考えるのに疲れた)でも使われます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I'm over it.

  • I don't want to think about it anymore.

  • I'm tired of thinking about it.

"I'm over it" - can be used to express one's exasperation or disappointment with a situation. It can literally mean the person has resolved their feelings toward a situation or it can used in a sarcastic way, to express one's derision. If you no longer want to discuss something or think about something you can say, "I'm over it." "I don't want to think about it anymore" - This can mean you are either tired of "overthinking" something or you are ready to take action. "I'm tired of thinking about it." - This can mean you no longer wish to think about a situation.
"I'm over it"(もうやめた)は、怒りや失望を表します。文字通りの意味は「気持ちの整理がついた」。これは皮肉っぽく使われることもあります。「もう話し合いたくない」「考えたくない」ときは、"I'm over it." と言えます。 "I don't want to think about it anymore"(もう考えたくない) これは「考えるのに疲れた」もしくは「行動する準備は整った」という意味を表します。 "I'm tired of thinking about it."(考えるのに疲れた) これは「もう考えたくない」という意味です。
Lizzo DMM英会話講師
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