世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




普段家にいらっしゃる仕事の方に質問する時、 例: 主婦など 「夕飯の買い物にはいつも何時くらいに出られますか?」と聞きたいです。 仕事、学校以外の目的で出かける習慣があるとき、家を出る時間を尋ねる表現を教えて下さい。 よろしくお願いします。
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2018/09/01 11:11
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2018/09/03 06:28
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  • What time do you usually go shopping?

What time do you usually go shopping?(普段は何時に買い物行きますか?) What time do you usually go grocery shopping?(普段、食料品の買い物は何時くらいに行きますか?) 少し砕けた表現として、Around/About what time?(何時頃?)と聞くこともできます。
  • What is the best time for you to go shopping?

  • When do you usually go shopping?

Here are two ways you can ask this question! "What is the best time for you to go shopping?" Best time - morning, afternoon, or evening that is best or the most convenient time for you. "When do you usually go shopping?" When - this is asking about the time. Usually - when is it normal for you to go shopping?
この質問に答える二通りの言い方です。 例文 "What is the best time for you to go shopping?" (あなたが買い物に行く一番良い時間はいつですか?) Best time(一番良い時間)- 午前、午後、夜で一番良い又は都合の良い時間 例文 "When do you usually go shopping?" (いつもはいつ買い物に行きますか?) When(いつ)- 時間について尋ねています Usually(普通は、いつもは)- いつもはいつ買い物に行くのかということです
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • When do you have time to go out shopping?

  • When during the week do you go shopping?

  • What time do you usually go shopping?

Most housewives or people who work from home are so busy that they won't have time everyday to go shopping, and so they may have a routine which allows them to go shopping at the same time every week. Any of these answers are a good way to find out when someone goes shopping.
主婦や在宅勤務の人の多くは、忙しくて毎日買い物に行く時間はないので、毎週同じタイミングで買い物に行くルーティンがあるかもしれません。 これらの例文はいずれも、いつ買い物に行くのか尋ねる時に使えます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • What time do you do your shopping?

  • What time do you usually go shopping?

When you want to ask someone what time they usually do their shopping, then you can ask in the following ways: -What time do you do your shopping? -What time do you usually go shopping?
誰かにいつもは何時に買い物に行くか尋ねたい時は、次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例文】 -What time do you do your shopping? (何時に買い物に行きますか?) -What time do you usually go shopping? (いつも何時に買い物に行きますか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • When do you normally go shopping?

The word "normally" is similar to "usually." "When" is the best question word to use.
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • What time do you go grocery shopping?

  • When do you go to the grocery store?

"What time do you go grocery shopping?" This is a straightforward question asking them at what time of the day they go to buy food from the grocery store. "When do you go to the grocery store?" This is the same as before. You can change the name of the place to mall/ gym/ store etc.
What time do you go grocery shopping? (食品は何時に買い行きますか) これは、食材を買うために何時にスーパーに出かけるのか単刀直入に聞いています。 When do you go to the grocery store? (スーパーには何時に行きますか) これも、前文と同じ意味です。ショッピングモール、ジム、お店など場所を変えることができます。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • When do you usually do your shopping?

  • What time do you usually do your shopping?

In time related questions, you may start your enquiry either with a 'When' question or a 'What time' question.
時間に関する質問は、「When(いつ)」か「What time(何時)」かで始めることができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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