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飛行機が遅れることが多く、 遅れる = delay , postpone という表現はよく使うので知っています。ただ、今回フライトのキャンセルがあり、帰国予定が早まったのですが、早まったという表現がわかりませんでした。
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2015/11/16 13:36
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  • My flight was moved up a day.

「遅れる」を英語で表現する方法はいくつもありますが、「[早まる](」を英語でどう表現するかは少し難しい問題ですね。 【主な表現】 1. My flight was moved up a day. 2. My flight has been rescheduled to a day earlier. 3. My flight departure was advanced by a day. これらのフレーズはすべて「私のフライトが1日早まった」という意味になります。 特に表現1 "`moved up`" は、イベントや計画が早くなった、つまり前倒しになったことを表しています。ちなみに逆の意味、つまり「遅らせる」は "`moved back`" となります。 また、3番目のフレーズに出てくる "`advanced`" という単語も、「進める、早める」を意味するので、予定が早まったことを表現するのに役立ちます。 なお、これらの表現には"has been"の形を使うことで完了形を作ることもできます。これは特に、すでに予定が変更になった後でそのことを話すときに役立ちます。例えば: - My flight has been moved up a day. - My flight has been rescheduled to a day earlier. なお、これらの表現は一般的で、航空会社によるフライトの変更だけでなく、予定全般が前倒しになったことを表すのにも使えます。 以上の情報が参考になれば幸いです。"
Tolly ネイティブバイリンガル翻訳家
  • My flight was brought forward a day.

  • My flight was advanced a day.

  • My flight was moved up a day.

トリー先生に付け加えて 早まった は次のようにも言えます。 be brought forward be advanced どれも「[前に](動く」という意味を含んでいますよね。 My fright was brought forward a day. My fright was advanced a day. ([フライト](が一日早まりました。)
  • My flight was rescheduled to depart a day earlier.

  • My flight was changed to one day earlier, than before.

  • My flight has been moved forward one day.

「早まる」はearly です。でも、遅れる、の動詞と違って形容詞なので、使い方を工夫しないといけないですね。動詞で表現したいなら、move forward でしょう。
Hiyumi ソレイユインターナショナルスクール学長
  • My flight was rescheduled and advanced 24 hours

  • My flight was cancelled and I'm leaving a day earlier than planned

  • I decided to take an earlier flight

Yes, some may call it rescheduling, but really, that is a cancelled flight. You are simply taking an earlier flight - in the case of the airline arranging this. However, as you don't mention who is rearranging the flight, it could be that your boss or even you, yourself have done this. In that case, it could be a 'rescheduled' flight....or a rescheduled itinerary. Or you could just say:"I decided to take an earlier flight."
はい、reschedulingと呼ばれるかもしれませんが、実際はフライトキャンセルです。これを手配する航空会社の早いフライトにのるということですね。しかし、フライトをどのように予約しているかについては言及していないので、上司、あなた自身がこれを行っている可能性があります。その場合、それは a 'rescheduled' flight.といってもよいし、あるいは、"I decided to take an earlier flight."と言うこともできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My flight date has been rescheduled to Thursday, a day earlier.

  • My flight date has been moved forward a day earlier from Friday to Thursday.

Sometimes airport management do change travelers' travel schedules due to some reasons such as availability of seats or overbooking on certain flights. This may cause them to randomly reschedule some passengers' travel dates by moving them to either earlier or later flights depending on the situation. This may either be advantageous or disadvantageous to the affected passenger. Whatever the case may be, you may say: My flight date has been rescheduled to Thursday, a day earlier. or My flight date has been moved forward a day earlier from Friday to Thursday.
航空会社は時に座席予約状況やオーバーブッキング等の事情で乗客の旅程を変更することがあります。この場合、ある乗客の搭乗日が早まったり遅れたりします。変更に遭遇した乗客にとっては迷惑だったり、ラッキーだったり様々でしょう。どのような状況であったにしろ、下記の表現を使うことが出来ます。 My flight date has been rescheduled to Thursday, a day earlier. (私の搭乗便が一日早い木曜日に変更になりました。) My flight date has been moved forward a day earlier from Friday to Thursday. (私の搭乗便が金曜日から一日早い木曜日に変更になりました。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • My flight has been rescheduled for a day earlier.

The time for the departure of the flight has been brought forward by 24 hours
The time for the departure of the flight has been brought forward by 24 hours フライトの出発時間が、24時間前倒しになった。
Paul By DMM英会話講師
  • moved up

  • brought forward

  • I flight was moved up from 8pm to 6.40pm this evening.

You can use the phrasal verbs "moved up" or "brought forward" to show that something that was originally at another time or date has been moved closer to the present time. Example: "The meeting was moved up from Tuesday to today."
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • My flight date has been postponed to Thursday.

  • My flight date has been moved to Thursday

  • My flight date has been rescheduled to Thursday.

You can use the following sentences to express yourself: 1)My flight date has been postponed to Thursday. 2)My flight date has been moved to Thursday 3)My flight date has been rescheduled to Thursday.
こういった表現ができます 1)My flight date has been postponed to Thursday. 飛行機の日が木曜日に延期された。 2)My flight date has been moved to Thursday 飛行機の日が木曜日に移動した。 3)My flight date has been rescheduled to Thursday. 飛行機の日が木曜日にリスケされた。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • My flight is going to leave a day earlier than scheduled.

  • My flight was rescheduled to one day earlier than the original date.

If you would like to tell someone that your flight has been brought forward a day, you can say something like "My flight is going to leave a day earlier than scheduled." or "My flight was rescheduled to one day earlier than the original date.". These are some easy ways to say this.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • My flight got rescheduled to a day earlier.

Examples: My flight got moved forward one day, so now I am leaving next Tuesday instead of next Monday. My flight got rescheduled, so I have to depart a day early now! My airline moved my flight forward one day, due to scheduling issues at the airport, this time of the year is very busy for people who want to travel!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • My flight was moved up a day.

  • My flight day changed from ___ to ___.

  • My flight was brought forward a day.

In the first and third example, we can use the verbs, "moved up," or, "brought forward," interchangeably to have the same meaning within the phrase. Within the second example, we can be more specific to talk about which dates to show this move forward in days.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I have to leave a day earlier.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、想定している文脈にもよりますが、 I have to leave a day earlier. 「私は1日早く出発しないといけない」 のように表現しても良いと思います(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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