この3つの分の中でEverybody starts from somewhereは1番いいと思います。
Everybody starts from somewhere - 皆どっかで始まるよ。 皆は最初は同じだから皆未経験とかわからないことがいっぱいある。何お仕事でも皆始める時習いことがいっぱいありますって感じ。
Everyone has to learn - 誰でも習えないと
Everyone has things that they don’t know - 誰でも分からないことがあるよ。
多分仕事始まる人は周りの人と自分を比べってる。この時 everyone has things they don’t knowがいいです。あなたはbさんの方ができると思うけどBさんも分からないこともある。そうしてあなたもできることもわからないこともある。
未経験 は inexperienced などになりますが、まだ見習いという
意味で beginner、いわば初心者も使えます。
"I only just started work and don't understand many things but get told off....
Isn't everyone a beginner at first though...." など
3. Nobody knows what they're doing at the beginning.
1. To "start from scratch" is a common idiom used to say we start from the beginning without any prior knowledge of something.
2. We can also say that since everyone begins without experience, we all have to start from the same place - the beginning.
3. When we are new at a job, we're often unsure about what we are doing but we learn from our mistakes.
1. "start from scratch" は一般的なイディオムです。これは全く予備知識のない状態から始めることを表します。
2. みんな初めは経験がないわけなので、「スタートする場所は全員同じ、ゼロからだ」という言い方もできます。
3. 始めたばかりの仕事では、自分が何をしているのか分からないということがよくあります。ただ、人は失敗から学びます。
Everyone' and 'Everybody'
this means that everyone in the context of the situation.
To start from the bottom is implying that for example in an working office, to become the boss you must start from the bottom of the company, you cannot become a boss on your first day, you must find out how the company and business will work.
Everyone'(全ての人)と 'Everybody'(全ての人)
'Start from the bottom'(底辺からスタートする)は例えば、会社の社長になるにしてもまずはその会社の底辺からスタートすることになります。すぐに責任ある立場につくことはできません。まずはその会社についてしっかり勉強しなければなりません。
Nobody starts with experience. We all have to start somewhere.
Everyone has to start somewhere
When you want to explain that everyone in the beginning has no experience; then you can express this in the following ways:
-Nobody starts with experience. We all have to start somewhere.
-Everyone has to start somewhere
-Nobody starts with experience. We all have to start somewhere.(最初から経験のある人なんていない、みんな初めは素人)
-Everyone has to start somewhere(みんな初めは素人)
We use this phrase with someone who feels frustrated about not having the experience or skills that they would like to or need. This is common in American English and can be understood in British English. I hope that this helps. :)
There are a few ways to express that you have no experience at the beginning: "...from zero", "...from nothing", "...from the bottom", "...as a beginner". These are all ways to express that.
Another way to express having little to or no experience is saying "everyone starts from somewhere". This is a little more ambiguous as to whether the person has no experience at all or has a little.
An expression is "You have to walk before you start running" which means you can't immediately be good at something, you have to start slow first and get experience and then you'll be good at it.
"...from zero"(ゼロから)
"...from nothing"(ゼロから)
"...from the bottom"(最初から)
"...as a beginner"(初心者として)
また、"everyone starts from somewhere"(みんな始めは初心者)でも、「経験が全くない」あるいは「ほとんど経験がない」を表せます。これは、その人が全く経験がないのかあるいは少し経験があるのかについて少し曖昧です。
"You have to walk before you start running" は「すぐにうまくはならない」という意味です。初めはゆっくりで経験を積んでそれから良くなっていくことを表します。
Everyone starts from zero.
Everyone is a beginner at first.
everyone は「全員」「みんな」の意味です。
beginner で「初心者」を表現することができます。