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いろいろな考えの人がいる中、仕事をしていると うまくまとまらない事も多いです。 人を変えることは難しいので自分が成長して結果をだしていければと思っています。
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2016/03/24 16:59
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  • It is difficult to try to change others.

  • Changing other people is a hard thing to do.

  • We can't change others but we can change ourselves.

他人を変えるのは、try to change others / change other people. We can't change others but we can change ourselves. (他人は変えられないが、自分自身は変えることができる)
  • It is not easy to change other peoples thoughts.

  • Changing a person's mind and thoughts are never easy.

-It is not easy to change other peoples thoughts. >This means that to get another person to think differently about something will be difficult. -Changing a person's mind and thoughts are never easy. >This means that is always difficult to change another person's mind about something or his/her thoughts.
-It is not easy to change other peoples thoughts. これは、他の人に違った考えを持たせることは難しいという意味です。 -Changing a person's mind and thoughts are never easy. これは、他の人の意見、または考えを変えるのはどんな場合でも難しいという意味です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It's hard to change someone's mind.

Konanさん、ご質問ありがとうございます。 {解説} 「人の考えを変えるのは難しい」という意味です。 change someone's mind は「人の考えを変える」です。 it is hard の it は「形式主語」です、意味はありません。 意味上の主語は to change someone's mind です。 It is hard to do で「〈to 以下〉は難しい」となります。 ~~~~~~~~ {例} But it's hard to change someone's mind. You have to have proof. でも、人の考えを変えるのは難しいよ、証拠がないと。 【出典:Tattletale Traitor by Jan Fields】 お役に立てば幸いです。 ありがとうございました。
  • It's hard for people to change.

  • People are difficult to change.

"It's hard for people to change." expresses that people can be difficult to change themselves or how they think.
"It's hard for people to change."は、人が自分自身または考え方を変えるのは難しいという意味です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Changing other people is almost impossible.

  • It is difficult to change other people.

When you want to explain that it is hard to change someone and how they think, then you can say: -Changing other people is almost impossible. -It is difficult to change other people. -It's difficult to change what's in people's hearts.
人や、人の考え方を変えるのは難しいと説明したい時、次のように言えます。 -Changing other people is almost impossible. 他人を変えることは、ほぼ不可能です。 -It is difficult to change other people. 他人を変えることは、難しいです。 -It's difficult to change what's in people's hearts. 人の心の中にあるものを変えるのは、難しいです。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • It's hard to change a person.

  • People never change.

  • You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

The three sentences you see above are terrific ways to express to your listener that it is difficult to change other people. The third sentence is a very common sentence we use in English when describing how hard it is to change a person's thinking or personality. I hope these three sentences and this explanation help you out.
上記3つの例文は、他人を変えるのは難しいと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 3番目の例文は、人の考えや性格を変えるのが難しいことを表す時によく使われます。 これらの例文と説明が手助けとなることを願います!
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • A leopard never changes its spots

The above expression means that it is difficult or impossible to change someone's innate character. It is often used when confirming some typical and probably negative behaviour by someone. "John ran away from his first wife and now he's run away from his second. A leopard never changes its spots."
例文は、人の生まれながらの性格は(なかなか)変えられないという意味です。 人が頻繁にする(多くの場合ネガティブな)行動について使うことが多いです。 〔例〕 "John ran away from his first wife and now he's run away from his second. A leopard never changes its spots." 「ジョンは最初の奥さんを捨てて、今度は二人目。性格は変えられない」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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