1.) People hardly win the lottery (宝くじを買う人はほとんど当たらない) 「宝くじは当たる」は英語でwin the lotteryと訳せます。「宝くじはほとんど当たらない」はhardly win the lotteryと訳せます。Hardlyという副詞は否定の意味がありますので、別の否定形の言葉はその文にいりません。Hardlyのほうが話ことばです。
1.) People rarely win the lottery. (宝くじを買う人はほとんど当たらない) 「宝くじはほとんど当たらない」は英語でrarely win the lotteryと訳せます。Hardlyのようにrarelyは否定な意味がありますので、別の否定形の言葉はその文にいりません。Rarelyのほうが書き言葉です。
very low を入れ替えて他の表現にすることも可能です。
The chance of winning the lottery is almost zero.
The chance of winning the lottery is very high.
The chance of winning the lottery is 1 in 1,000,000.
もちろん、hardly / rarely も使えます。
People hardly/rarely wins the lottery.
Well, you may give an opinionated view as in the first example sentence, or a slightly more objective statement as in the second. It depends exactly why you are making this point?
The odds of winning the lottery are extremely low.
The chances of winning the lottery are 1 in 13,983,816
To explain that winning the lottery is an extremely lucky event, use the sentences above.
Your chances of winning are 1:13,983,816.
This means that out of 13,983,816 chances you only have one chance to win.
Odds: chances of something happening
Probability: the likelihood of something happening
"Winning the lottery is not an easy affair."
"You can play the lottery all your life and still not win!"
Your chances of winning are 1:13,983,816.(宝くじに当選する確率は13,983,816分の1)
Odds: 可能性
Probability: 可能性、見込み
"Winning the lottery is not an easy affair."(宝くじを当てるのは簡単ではない)
"You can play the lottery all your life and still not win!"(宝くじは一生にやって1回も当たらないことだってある)
There's basically no way you can win at the lottery.
・There's basically no way you can win at the lottery.
The chances of winning the lottery are one in a million.
The chances of winning the lottery are extremely slim.
It is almost impossible to win the lottery.
When trying to tell someone that the chances of winning the lottery are very low, one can say something like "It is almost impossible to win the lottery." or "The chances of winning the lottery are one in a million.". The phrase "one in a million" is a common phrase used to describe something that is very unlikely and almost impossible to happen.
"It is almost impossible to win the lottery."(宝くじを当てることはほぼ不可能)
"The chances of winning the lottery are one in a million."(宝くじに当たる可能性は100万に一つ)
"one in a million" はよく使われるフレーズです。これは、起こる可能性がほぼない事を表します。
When talking about gambling and betting money we refer to the chance of winning as the odds
so if a horse was 10-1 then you would get ten pounds back for putting one pound on
Is there is little chance if doing something you would say your chances are 'slim' meaning very low
ギャンブル・賭け事についていう場合、その勝算は 'the odds' と呼ばれます。
もしある馬の倍率が '10-1 (ten to one)' なら、これは「1ドルを賭けたら10ドル戻ってくる」という意味です。
何かが起こる可能性がほとんどないなら、これは 'chances are "slim"' で表すことができます。'slim' は 'very low'(すごく低い)の意味です。