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If you don't get enough sleep, you'll tend to make a mistake. でいいのでしょうか。
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2018/11/28 08:02
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  • If you don't get enough sleep, you tend to make more mistakes.

In this sentence, "you" is used in general to talk about anyone. "tend" is a verb that means "normally." I hope that this helps :)
この文では、"you"は一般的な人を表すのに使われています。"tend"は「通常は」という意味の動詞です。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • We tend to make mistakes if we don't have enough sleep.

  • You will make more mistakes if you sleep less.

"tend to~"「~しがちである、~する傾向がある」 "if we don't have enough sleep"と"if you sleep less"は「睡眠不足だと」や「十分に睡眠をとらないと」といった意味です。 "make a mistake"や"make mistakes"は「ミスをする」という意味ですが、一般論を言ってるので複数形で表現するとgoodかと思います。 ということで、 "If you don't get enough sleep, you'll tend to make mistakes." ですと、バッチリです!:) お役に立てれば幸いです!
H. Kurumi 英語講師
  • Lack of sleep can cause you to make mistakes.

★ 訳 直訳「睡眠不足はあなたがミスを犯す原因となり得る」 意訳「睡眠不足のせいでミスを犯すことがある」 ★ 解説  ご質問の内容と少しずれるかもしれませんが、多少かたい表現の仕方でこういう言い方もできます。 ・lack of sleep「睡眠不足」 ・can「〜し得る」 ・cause 人 to do「人に〜させる」 ・make a mistake / mistakes「ミスを犯す」  ご参考になれば幸いです。
English Otchan 英会話講師と発音矯正のプロ Buddy's English College 代表のバイリンガル夫婦
  • Sleep deprivation can lead to mistakes.

  • Lack of sleep equals loss of focus.

  • Losing sleep may result in poor judgement.

"sleep deprivation" is the condition of not having enough sleep. To "lack" means to have less. "Focus" is the ability to see or think clearly without being distracted. "Losing sleep" means not being able to sleep. "Poor judgement" is not making good decisions.
"sleep deprivation"とは「睡眠不足」という意味です。 "lack"とは「不足」という意味です。 "focus"とは集中力のことです。 "losing sleep"は寝ないことを表します。 "poor judgement"とは、悪い判断という意味です。
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • Less sleep may mean more mistakes.

  • Sleep deprivation can cause lapses of judgment.

Deprivation' means 'a state of being without something vital or necessary.' A 'lapse' is 'an instance where something crucial is missing.'
Deprivation'とは、必要なものが欠けた状態をいいます。 'Lapse'は、重大なものが欠けることを表します。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • Lack of sleep can lead to mistakes

  • Less sleep will lead to more mistakes

If you would like to explain that lack of sleep leads to mistakes, you can do so in the following ways: "Lack of sleep can lead to mistakes." "Less sleep will lead to more mistakes."
「睡眠不足だとミスを犯しやすくなる」は次のように言えます。 "Lack of sleep can lead to mistakes." "Less sleep will lead to more mistakes." (睡眠不足だとミスを犯しやすくなる)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • A lack of sleep can affect your performance.

  • If you don't get enough sleep, you're more likely to experience miscalculations.

A lack of sleep can affect your performance. - This sentence can be used to express the result of not having enough sleep. Someone who doesn't get enough sleep may experience a problem in their performance. If you don't get enough sleep, you're more likely to experience miscalculations. - This sentence can be used to express that a lack of sleep can negatively affect how someone focuses during their day.
A lack of sleep can affect your performance.(睡眠不足は仕事の出来に影響する) この文は睡眠不足の影響について伝えます。「睡眠不足は仕事の出来に影響する」という意味です。 If you don't get enough sleep, you're more likely to experience miscalculations.(睡眠不足だと、判断を間違えやすくなる) この文は「睡眠不足だと集中力が鈍ることがある」という意味です。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • Lack of sleep may give rise to mistakes

  • Sleep deficiency may propagate errors

You would like to explain that, lack of sleep may lead to mistakes being made. Above are a couple of suggestions as to to how you may say that. to give rise to = to cause to happen
これらは、睡眠不足は、ミスをおかしがちであることを表すフレーズです。 to give rise to = ~を起こしがちである
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Not getting much sleep will lead to mistakes being made.

If you wanted to express to someone that lack of sleep can lead to mistakes that you could use the following example i have written above.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • A lack of sleep is unhealthy for your body.

  • Not enough sleep can cause your body to make mistakes.

  • If you don't get enough sleep you will make a lot of mistakes.

"A lack of sleep is unhealthy for your body/can lead to mistakes." Is saying that if a person does not get the much needed sufficient daily sleep, that the body can start to make mistakes because you are tired you tend to be forgetful and make a lot of unnecessary mistakes that can be prevented if you just get enough sleep.
"A lack of sleep is unhealthy for your body/can lead to mistakes."(睡眠不足は体に良くない/ミスにつながる) は「睡眠を十分にとらないと、疲れがたまり、集中力も落ち、不要なミスを犯しやすくなる」という意味です。
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Not sleeping enough can lead to mistakes.

  • Sleep deprivation can cause you to make many mistakes.

  • You can make lots of mistakes if you are not getting enough sleep.

Sleep deprivation or being sleep deprived means to have not had enough sleep. Lack of sleep can be unhealthy as it can lead to making many mistakes due to not being able to concentrate. It is important to get enough sleep to ensure we can fulfill our duties throughout the day.
"sleep deprivation" または "sleep deprived" は「睡眠不足」を表します。 睡眠不足は健康に良くありません。集中力が低下し、ミスも多くなります。朝から晩までしっかりと働けるだけの睡眠をとっておくことが大切です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
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