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2018/12/01 05:13
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  • There's no use in setting the alarm if you don't get up when it rings.

  • There's no point in setting an alarm if you're just going to go back to sleep.

目覚め時計 = an alarm clock -> the alarm セットした時間 = the time you set に = at 起きなきゃ = have to wake up -> unless I wake up 意味がない = there's no point / there's no use もう一つの言い方は以下です。 Unless you get up when it goes off, why even set an alarm?
  • What's the point in setting the alarm if you're not going to get up?

  • An alarm clock is there to wake you up, not just disturb your sleep.

Both of these answers question the point of someone setting an alarm clock if they don't wake up when it goes off.
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • It's pointless to set an alarm if you're not going to wake up when it goes off.

If something is "pointless," it has no use or purpose. An alarm in American English can ring or go off. I hope that this helps! :)
"pointless"は「無意味な」という意味です。アメリカ英語では、アラームが鳴ることは"to ring"(鳴る)や"to go off"(鳴る)といいます。 参考になるといいです! :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Don't bother setting an alarm if you aren't going to get up when it rings.

  • "Why do you bother setting an alarm, but you do not get up?"

Bother and get up mean Bother - to take the time, the effort, or the trouble to do something, such as setting an alarm. So you should not bother or take the time to set the alarm if you are not going to respond to it. Get up - To wake up from sleep and leave the bed. To ask a question you could say you could rephrase the statement to ask, "Why do you bother setting an alarm, but you do not get up?"
"Bother"と"Get up"の意味: Bother - 時間・労力などをかけて何か(アラームをセットするなど)をする。鳴っても起きないのなら、わざわざアラームをセットすべきでないと言っています。 Get up - 眠りから覚めてベッドを離れること。 質問をするなら、以下のように言い換えられます: "Why do you bother setting an alarm, but you do not get up?" (起きないのならなんでアラームをセットするの)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • What's the use of setting the alarm clock if you're not going to get up when it rings?

  • It makes no sense setting the alarm clock if you don't wake up when it rings.

Any one of these sentences can be used :- 1. What's the use of setting the alarm clock if you're not going to get up when it rings? 2. It makes no sense setting the alarm clock if you don't wake up when it rings. When we use the phrases "what's the use....." or "it makes no sense to do....."means that we don't see the logic behind the action we are taking.
どちらの文も使えます: 1. What's the use of setting the alarm clock if you're not going to get up when it rings?(鳴っても起きないのなら何で目覚まし時計をセットするの) 2. It makes no sense setting the alarm clock if you don't wake up when it rings(鳴っても起きないのなら目覚まし時計をセットする意味ないよ) "what's the use....."や"it makes no sense to do....."は、相手の行動の理屈が分からないときに使います。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • "There's no meaning in setting an alarm clock if you don't wake up when it rings"

  • "There is no point in setting the alarm if you don't get up when it rings"

In order to explain that it is completely pointless to set an alarm clock if you don't wake up when it rings, you can state "There is no point in setting the alarm if you don't get up when it rings". This sentence explains that there is no logic behind creating an alarm if you will not use it for its purpose.
「鳴っても起きないのなら目覚ましをセットする意味はない」と伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "There is no point in setting the alarm if you don't get up when it rings". (鳴っても起きないのなら目覚ましをセットしても仕方がない) この文は「鳴っても起きないのなら目覚ましをセットする意味はない」という意味です。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • It doesn't make sense to set an alarm if you don't wake up when it rings.

  • Why would you set an alarm if you aren't going to wake up when it goes off?

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that there is no meaning in setting an alarm if you aren't going to wake up when it goes off. The second sentence is in the form of a rhetorical question. This type of question is used to emphasize a particular point or make a statement rather than get information.
上記二つの例文は、アラームが鳴っても起きないのないなら目覚まし時計をセットする意味はないと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文は修辞疑問文です。この種の質問は、情報を得ることではなく、自分の主張を強めることを目的とします。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Why would you set an alarm if you don't wake up when it rings?

  • I don't set an alarm because it doesn't wake me up

If you are talking to someone else where an alarm is ineffective say "Why would you set an alarm if you don't wake up when it rings?". This puts the emphasis on them to explain why the alarm doesn't work but they keep using it. If it is you than you can say "I don't set an alarm because it doesn't wake me up".
目覚まし時計の効果がないことを誰かに伝えるときには、"Why would you set an alarm if you don't wake up when it rings?"(目覚まし時計がなったときに起きないならどうしてセットするの?)と言うことができます。これは、アラームの意味がないのにどうして使い続けるのかと誇張した表現になります。 自分のことなら、"I don't set an alarm because it doesn't wake me up"(起きられないから、目覚ましをセットしない)と言うことができます。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
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