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外国の方に魚の良さを伝える時に 刺身も焼き魚も美味しいと紹介したいのです
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2018/12/05 23:04
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  • The fish taste good raw or cooked

  • It tastes great cooked or raw

When you want to talk about a fish that tastes good both cooked and/or raw; then you may express this in the following ways: -The fish taste good raw or cooked -It tastes great cooked or raw -It doesn't matter if you cook it or have it raw, the fish tastes good.
「生でも焼いてもおいしい魚」について言いたいなら、これは次のように表せます。 -The fish taste good raw or cooked(この魚は生でも焼いてもおいしい) -It tastes great cooked or raw(生でも焼いてもおいしい) -It doesn't matter if you cook it or have it raw, the fish tastes good.(この魚は生でも焼いてもおいしいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Fish is delicious both raw and cooked.

  • Fish tastes really good whether it's grilled or freshly filleted.

1) Fish is delicious both raw and cooked. 「魚は生でも調理されても美味しいです。 「生」は raw cooked は「加熱して」 2) Fish tastes really good whether it's grilled or freshly filleted. 「魚は焼いてもおろしたてでもとても美味しいです。」 grill で「焼く」」 fillet で「(魚を)おろす」」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • It doesn't matter if you cook it or not, fish is delicious.

  • Fish is always tasty even if you don't cook it.

  • Fish is good, cooked or uncooked.

In this situation, "doesn't matter if..." is a good word choice because you're talking about a situation where there is more than one possibility."Even if..." is suitable for this situation as well.It's also common to form the statement that "fish is good" and then define that situation that this statement is true.
"doesn't matter if..."(~しようと構わない/関係ない)は、1つ以上の可能性があるときに使うことのできるフレーズなのでこの場合ぴったりと言えるでしょう。 "Even if..."(たとえ~でも)もこの場合ぴったりです。  "fish is good"(魚はおいしい)と言ってから、 そのことが本当である状況を説明します。
Justin H DMM英会話講師
  • Cooked or uncooked, The fish tastes good.

  • The fish was delicious, raw or cooked.

Examples: The fish was tasty. The fish was delicious. The fish was flavorful. The fish tasted great.Explainantion: People have different tastes in food and its for that reason that food taste may be explained using a variety of words. The words tasty, flavorful and great are only some of the ways to describe a good tasing food, and there are a lot more.
例: The fish was tasty. The fish was delicious. The fish was flavorful. The fish tasted great. これらはどれも魚がおいしかったという意味です。人の味の好みは違うので、色々な言葉を使って説明するといいでしょう。 tasty, flavorful やgreatという言葉は、おいしいという意味を表す言葉で、これ以外にもたくさんあります。
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • "Fish tastes good both raw and cooked"

  • "I like fish both ways, raw and cooked"

  • "I always like the taste of fish, whether it is raw or cooked"

If you were talking about fish and you want to say that it tastes good both raw and cooked, you could say any of the following: "Fish tastes good both raw and cooked", "I like fish both ways, raw and cooked" or "I always like the taste of fish, whether it is raw or cooked".
「魚は生でも火を通してもおいしい」は次のように言えます。 "Fish tastes good both raw and cooked"(魚は生でも火を通してもおいしい) "I like fish both ways, raw and cooked"(生の魚も火を通した魚もどちらも好きです) "I always like the taste of fish, whether it is raw or cooked".(生の魚も火を通した魚もどちらも好きです)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I like fish when it's both raw, and cooked.

  • I think fish tasted good both raw and cooked.

If you would like to tell someone that you enjoy fish both when raw and when cooked, you can say something like "I like fish when it's both raw, and cooked." or "I think fish tastes good both raw and cooked.".
「生の魚も火を通した魚もどちらも好き」は、次のように言えます。 "I like fish when it's both raw, and cooked."(生の魚も火を通した魚もどちらも好きです) "I think fish tastes good both raw and cooked."(生の魚も火を通した魚もどっちもおいしいと思う)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • This fish tastes raw and cooked at the same time.

  • At the same time, this fish tastes raw and cooked.

This fish tastes good, raw and cooked at the same time. At the same time, this fish tastes good raw and cooked. In all honesty, these are two ways of saying the same thing. The only difference is the wording. I hope this help. Have a great day. Will
This fish tastes good, raw and cooked at the same time. At the same time, this fish tastes good raw and cooked. (この魚は生でも火を通してもおいしい) この二つは同じ意味です。ただ、言い方が違うというだけです。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Fish is delicious whether or not it israw or cooked

  • It doesn't matter if fish is raw or cooked, it still tastes good.

  • The taste of fish is good regardless of if it's raw or cooked.

If you like the taste of fish whether it is raw or cooked, then you can express that in the following ways:- 1. Fish is delicious whether or not it is raw or cooked. If something is describes as delicious it means it has a pleasant taste. The expression "whether or not" is an expression that means either something is the case or something is not the case. So this sentence is basically saying, if its the case that the fish is raw it is delicious, and if its the case that the fish is cooked, it is still delicious. 2. It doesn't matter if fish is raw or cooked, it still tastes good. This sentence has the same meaning as the previous example statement. It means that whether the fish is raw or cooked it does not affect the fact that the fish tastes good. 3. The taste of fish is good regardless of if it's raw or cooked. The meaning of this sentence is the same as the two previous examples.
「生魚も火を通した魚も好き」なら、次のように言えます。 1. Fish is delicious whether or not it is raw or cooked.(魚は生でも火を通しておいしい) "delicious" は「おいしい」という意味です。"whether or not" は「~であってもなくても/~かどうかに関わらず」という意味です。この文では「魚は生でも火を通してもおいしい」と伝えています。 2. It doesn't matter if fish is raw or cooked, it still tastes good.(魚は生でも火を通してもおいしい) これは一つ目の文と同じ意味です。「魚は生でも火を通してもおいしい」と伝えています。 3. The taste of fish is good regardless of if it's raw or cooked.(魚は生でも火を通してもおいしい) この文は上の二つの文と同じ意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoy eating fish both raw and cooked.

  • Fish tastes good raw and cooked.

Either one of the expressions above tells then person you're speaking to that you enjoy eating fish two ways: cooked and raw. For example if you were dining at a restaurant where they prepare the fish raw and cooked, you could say "I enjoy eating fish both ways, raw and cooked. So I'll have the..." and then proceed to order your meal.
上の文どちらも、「魚は生でも火を通してもおいしい」という意味を表します。 例えば、生魚と火を通した魚どちらも食べられるレストランで食事をしているなら、 "I enjoy eating fish both ways, raw and cooked. So I'll have the..."(魚は生のものも火を通したものも好きです、なので...をください) と言えます。この後に料理を注文します。
Elain DMM英会話講師
  • Fish tastes great either way, whether it's raw or cooked!

  • If you like fish raw or cooked then you are not fussy!

Some people like raw fish, some people like cooked fish, and other people don't like fish at all. "Fish tastes great either way" is a way of saying that it doesn't matter if it is cooked or raw. It can still be enjoyed in whatever way it is presented. "Fussy" means that you are picky and hard to please
生魚が好きな人もいれば、火を通した魚が好きな人もいます。魚自体好きでない人もいます。 "Fish tastes great either way" は「生でも火を通してもおいしい」という意味です。 "Fussy" は「好き嫌いが激し/好みがうるさい」という意味です。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • You can eat the fish raw or cooked, either way it is delicious!

  • I eat my fish cooked, but you can eat it raw

With these sentences, the only difference is the wording. If you want to tell someone that they can eat their fish raw and cooked you could say - 'Fish is very enjoyable either cooked or raw, both are ok to eat' - 'I like fish raw and cooked'
この二つの文は言い方が異なるだけで、言っていることは同じです。 「魚は生でも火を通してもおいしい」は次のように言うこともできます。 - 'Fish is very enjoyable either cooked or raw, both are ok to eat'(魚は生でも火を通してもおいしいです) - 'I like fish raw and cooked'(生魚も火を通した魚も好きです)
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • I think that it tastes good both raw and cooked.

By adding "I think" to the beginning of the sentence, it makes it clear to your listener that you are expressing an opinion. If they already know that you are talking about fish then you can replace the word "fish" with "it." I hope that this helps. :)
"I think" で始めると、それがあなたの意見であることが明確になります。 文脈で魚について言っていることが明確な場合には、"fish" は "it" に置き替えることができます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • This fish is delicious whether it has been cooked or not.

  • This fish is good whether you have it raw or cooked.

  • You can enjoy this fish either way, raw or cooked.

We use expressions like, "whether or not" to describe that something can work in more than one way. We also say, "either way" when something will go ahead and function in two different ways. In this case, we don't have to use the word, "delicious" if we use words like, "enjoy" or "good" in the sentence. I also chose to use, "this fish" to be specific, as perhaps not all fish is good to eat raw.
"whether or not" は「~であるかどうかに関わらず」という意味です。"either way" も同じ意味を表します。 この場合、"enjoy" や "good" を使えば、"delicious" を使う必要はありません。 すべての魚が生で食べてもおいしいわけではないでしょうから、より限定的に "this fish"(この魚)を使いました。
Amy H English teacher
  • Raw (adj)

  • prepared (adj)

  • cooked (adj)

EX) Fish tastes delicious both raw and cooked. 'Raw' describes something that is not cooked, so it would be very fitting for this situation. 'Cooked' or 'prepared' describes something that has been exposed to heat (using a pan, grill, oven, fire, etc). 'Cooked' or 'prepared' is the opposite of 'raw.'
例: Fish tastes delicious both raw and cooked.(魚は生でも火を通してもおいしい) 'Raw' は「生の/火を通していない」という意味です。ですから、この状況にピッタリです。 'Cooked' または 'Prepared' は「〔フライパン・グリル・オーブン・火などを使って〕火を通した」という意味です。'Cooked' または 'Prepared' は 'Raw' の対義語です。
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
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