Spoon me!
シンプルに hug を使うこともできます。
Give me a hug や Hug me で「ハグして」となります。
ちなみに"Hold Me Tight"はビートルズの曲のタイトルにもなっています。
a big hugは、ぎゅーっとハグ(抱き締める)するイメージです。
Come here, I give you a big hug.など。
もしくは、Come here.だけで、a big hugをする場合もあります。
または、旅行に行く時や遠く離れた場所に住んでいる人と会って別れる時などに、Give me a big hug. と言ってハグします。
Some of these expressions are slightly gender biased. Phrase 2 is more likely to be said by a woman than a man. Of course, men are too strong and independent to 'need' support from a woman! :-)
1. This phrase is suitable for a man or a woman to say. There is no mention of need or protection in this phrase so it's OK for a man to say!
3. This phrase is most likely to be said by a woman. If a man holds a woman in response to this request, it is for reassurance and protection. Men never need protection and reassurance because they are always strong! :-)
If I wanted my girlfriend to hug me the examples above are things that I might say.
Although you can express this without words if you give your partner the right look and hold your arms out, if they know you they should pick up on the message.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being direct with your partner. Saying "hug me" is pretty straight to the point.
If you say "gimme," what you're saying is "give me." You wouldn't use this word in writing, but in conversations it's totally fine. You can use it like this:
- Gimme a hug.
- Hey, gimme that cup.
- Gimme five! (a high-five)
Lastly, another direct phrase. "I want a hug" cannot get much more clear.
パートナーに対しては直接的な言い方をして全く問題ありません。"Hug me" はかなり単刀直入な言い方です。
"gimme" は、"give me" のことです。書き言葉で使うことはありませんが、会話では全然オッケーです。こんな風に使います:
- Gimme a hug.(ハグして)
- Hey, gimme that cup.(ほら、コップ貸して)
- Gimme five!(ハイファイブ)
最後、これもストレートな言い方です。"I want a hug"、これ以上ないくらいはっきり言っています。
Hello :-) I hope this helps
A) All i need right now is a big bear hug from you.
*Bear hug-Tight embrace/ A big hug
B)I just really want you to hold me right now.
*Hold me- A hug/ holding someone close to you
A) All I need right now is a big bear hug from you.
*Bear hug- 強い抱擁、強く長く抱きしめること
B)I just really want you to hold me right now.
*Hold me- 抱きしめること、ぎゅっと抱きしめること
Most often we wouldn't have to ask our lover or partner for a hug but on occasions we do and we cold simply say; give me a hug or I want a cuddle.
If we wanted to hug a friend we could say; give me some love
恋人やパートナーにハグをしてほしいとはお願いする必要がないことのほうが多いですが、時として言う場合には、単純にgive me a hugやI want a cuddleと言うことができます。
友達をハグしたい場合は、give me some loveと言うことができます。
To hug means to hold someone close to your body with your arms, usually to show that you like, love, or value them. When you are in a such situation, both of these sentences will be hopeful. I would prefer to use the second one because it's a better version.
To hug' は「好きなこと・愛していること・大切にしていることを示すために抱きしめる」という意味です。
1. Hug me.
2. Give me a big hug.
3. Can I have a hug?
I want a hug(ハグが欲しい)のような言い方も良いですね。
・Can you hug me?
・I want a hug.
・Give me a hug.