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来年への願いを英語で表現したいです。 今年は家族が救急車で運ばれたり、ネットで買い物をしたら多く請求されたり、違う商品が来たり、仕事仲間がけがをしたり、事故にあったり、大きく体調を崩したり、そしてその為、仕事量が増えたりと、とにかく心配事が多く忙しく、疲れた一年でした。平凡でいいので、来年は平穏に過ごしたいです!
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2018/12/25 12:36
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  • A lot of bad things happened this year so I really hope that next year can be a lot better.

最初の部分は "A lot of bad things happened this year" を書いてます。これは日本語にしたら「今年はいろいろな[悪い](ことが起こった」になります。 そして、"so I really hope that next year can be a lot better"は「ので、[来年](は良い年になるように願います。 A lot of bad things happened this year so I really hope that next year can be a lot better. 「今年はいろいろな悪いことが起こったので、来年は良い年になるように願います。」 <ボキャブラリー> a lot of = たくさんの bad things = 悪いこと happened = 起こった hope = 願う better = もっと良い pukuさん、来年は良い年になるように私も祈ります。
  • A lot of not-so-good things happened this year. I'm hoping next year will be better!

  • A lot of bad things happened this year. It would be great if next year was better.

「今年はいろいろありました。[来年](は良い年になるといいな!」の日本語の文のかわりにこの英語の文が使えます: 1)A lot of not-so-good things happened this year. I'm hoping next year will be better! 2)A lot of bad things happened this year. It would be great if next year was better. 今年= this year いろいろありました= lots of (bad/not-so-good) things happened 来年= next year 良い年になる= to be a good (better) year いいな= it would be great/nice (I wish/hope) 「いろいろありました」って言うの暗黙な意味は「悪いことが起こった」ことです。"Not-so-good" は "bad" って言う意味ですが、口語的な単語です。
  • This was not a good year, I hope next year is better.

  • This year was not good, I'm wishing for a better year next year.

At the end of the year it is normal to reflect on the past year, on the good and the bad.If we have had a year where a lot of bad things have happened then it is natural to wish for a better year in the new year to come. Lots of things went wrong last year therefore I am hoping for a better year next year. This is why it is traditional in many countries to wish friends and family "A happy new year".In England this is something we do every new year, we wish our friends and families good health, wealth and happiness for the coming year.
年末はその年の良かったことや悪かったことを振り返る時期ですね。 1年間あまり良いことがなかったなら、次の年こそ良い年であってほしいと願うのは当然ですね。 Lots of things went wrong last year therefore I am hoping for a better year next year. (今年は悪いことばかりだったから、来年こそ良い年であってほしい) 多くの国で "Happy new year"(良いお年を)というあいさつが交わされるはこのためです。これはイングランドでも同じです、毎年新年には友達や家族の健康や繁栄、幸せを願います。
Pamela E DMM英会話講師
  • This has been a truly disastrous year, hopefully next year will be better.

Bad experiences and dreadful things that happened this year make everybody look forward to a better upcoming year. After all the bad things that happened this year, next year can only be better. I am looking forward to next year, this year was full of bad things and I want to put it behind me.
Bad experiences and dreadful things that happened this year make everybody look forward to a better upcoming year. (今年起こった悪いことや恐ろしいことは、来年より良い年になることを楽しみにさせてくれる。) After all the bad things that happened this year, next year can only be better. (今年起こった悪いことの後で、来年はいいことしかないだろう。) I am looking forward to next year, this year was full of bad things and I want to put it behind me. (来年楽しみにしている。今年は、たくさん悪いことが起こって、もう忘れたい。)
Leren DMM英会話講師
  • This hasn't been a good year so I hope that next year will be better!

It can be difficult to talk about bad things that happen to us so you can just say that it has not been a good year and people will understand. "Better" is the best way to describe an improvement. I hope that this helps. :)
嫌な思い出についてはなかなか話しづらいこともあると思います。ですから、単に "This hasn't been a good year"(あまりいい一年ではなかった)のように言えます。これで、十分伝わります。 「改善」を表すときは、"Better" を使うのがベストです。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Many terrible things hapenned this year but I really hope next year will be much better.

  • Lots of bad things happened this year and I got tired of them.However, I am hopeful that next year will be a lot better.

  • Horrible things have happened throughout the year, but, I hope next year will bring us the much-needed happiness.

When talking about bad things that can happen, there are equally appropriate words that can be used to describe them, such as 'terrible', an adjective that has been used in the first statement.It means 'very bad'.There are other synonyms but the other most commonly used word is the adjective 'horrible', which has been used in the third statement.If 'very bad', or 'terrible', or 'horrible' things happen throughout the year, people become tired of them and hope for a better year ahead. So, if you are asked by someone how your year was like, you may say: Many terrible things hapenned this year but I really hope next year will be much better. or Lots of bad things happened this year and I got tired of them.However, I am hopeful that next year will be a lot better. or Horrible things have happened throughout the year, but, I hope next year will bring us the much-needed happiness.
「悪い出来事」の「悪い」に使える言葉はいくつかあります。例えば、一つ目の例にある 'terrible' 。これは「とても悪い」という意味の形容詞です。他に、'horrible' もよく使われます。 'very bad'、'terrible'、'horrible' な出来事ばかり起きたら、うんざりして、「来年こそは良い年であれ」という気持ちになるでしょうね。 「今年はどんな年でしたか」と聞かれたら次のように言えます。 Many terrible things hapenned this year but I really hope next year will be much better.(今年は悪いことばかりだったから、来年は良い年であってほしい) Lots of bad things happened this year and I got tired of them. However, I am hopeful that next year will be a lot better.(今年は悪いことばかりで大変だったけど、来年は良い年になるのではないかと思っている) Horrible things have happened throughout the year, but, I hope next year will bring us the much-needed happiness.(今年は悪いことばかりだったけど、来年は良い年になってほしい)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • This year wasn't my best year, I hope next year will be better!

  • I didn't have a great year this year, my hope is that next year will bebetter.

  • I'm not impressed with my performance this year, I hope next year will be better.

If you want to express that many bad things happened this year and you got tired, and you hope that next year to be better, you can express that in the following ways:- 1. This year wasn't my best year, I hope next year will be better! Example sentence:- How was your end of year sales profits? This wasn't my best year in terms of sales, I hope that next year will be better. 2. I didn't have a great year this year, my hope is that next year will bebetter. Example sentence:-How did you perform in college this year? Did you get good grades? I didn't have a great year this year, my hope is that next year will bebetter. 3. I'm not impressed with my performance this year, I hope next year will be better. Example sentence:-As a professional singer, how would you rate your performance this year? I'm not impressed with my performance this year, I hope next year will be better.
「今年は嫌なことが多かったので来年はもっといい年になってほしい」は、次のように言えます。 1. This year wasn't my best year, I hope next year will be better!(今年はあまりいい年ではなかったから、来年はもっといい年になってほしい) 例: How was your end of year sales profits?(今年の売上成績はどうでしたか) This wasn't my best year in terms of sales, I hope that next year will be better.(売上に関してはあまりよくありませんでした。来年はもっとよくなるといいです) 2. I didn't have a great year this year, my hope is that next year will be better.(今年はあまりいい年ではなかったから、来年はもっといい年になってほしい) 例: How did you perform in college this year? Did you get good grades?(今年は大学でよい成績が残せましたか) I didn't have a great year this year, my hope is that next year will be better.(今年はあまりよくなかったです。来年はもっとよくなるといいです) 3. I'm not impressed with my performance this year, I hope next year will be better.(今年のパフォーマンスには満足していません、来年はもっと頑張りたい) 例: As a professional singer, how would you rate your performance this year?(プロの歌手として今年のご自身のパフォーマンスをどう評価されていますか) I'm not impressed with my performance this year, I hope next year will be better.(今年のパフォーマンスには満足していません、来年はもっと頑張りたいです)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • This wasn't my year but I hope things will improve in the coming year.

  • It really hasn't been a good year but I hope the next one will be better

When you want to express that this year has not been very good and you were tired but hope the next year will be better; you may say it in the following ways: -This wasn't my year but I hope things will improve in the coming year. -It really hasn't been a good year but I hope the next one will be better
「今年はあまり良いことがなく大変な1年だったから来年こそ良い年であってほしい」は、次のように言えます。 -This wasn't my year but I hope things will improve in the coming year -It really hasn't been a good year but I hope the next one will be better (今年はあまり良い年ではなかったから、来年はもっと良い年であってほしい)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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