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2018/12/27 15:37
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  • In Japan's restaurants the customers are like gods.

In Japan's restaurants the customers are like gods. "日本のレストランでは客が神のようです" という訳出です. 西洋文化で: "The customer is king"/"お客が王様" がつかわれています.
  • Customers are like gods in restaurants in Japan.

  • Customers are treated like gods in restaurants in Japan.

"Customers are like gods"は 「客が神のような存在」との意味になります。 "Customers are treated like gods"は 「客が神のように接客される」との意味です。 どちらでも自然な言い方です! ちなみにアメリカでは 「客が神のような存在」の代わりに 「客(の言っていること)が常に正しい」とよく言われます。 英語では"The customer is always right"になります。
  • Customers are treated very well

  • Customer satisfaction is a priority

  • Customers expect to be treated well

Japan is famous for customer service and how customers are treated. To explain this you could say "Customers are treated very well.. This implies that the customer experience is a good one. "Customer satisfaction is a priority" means that the customer experience is one of the things the staff focuses on. "Customers expect to be treated well" means that the customers themselves demand excellent service from the staff.
日本はカスタマーサービスやお客さんがどのようにもてなされるかで有名です。これを説明するには、 "Customers are treated very well.(客はよくもてなされます)と言うことができます。これはお客さんがよく扱われるということを指します。 "Customer satisfaction is a priority" とは、顧客サービスはスタッフが気を付けることの一つであることを意味します。 "Customers expect to be treated well" は、顧客がスタッフからすばらしいサービスを期待されているという意味です。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • Customers in Japan are treated with the highest respect

  • Customers are treated like gods in Japan

"Customers in Japan are treated with the highest respect" This sentence is explaining that customers of shops/restaurants etc. are treated very well, the 'Highest respect' is a phrase used when you treat,respect,care etc for individual(s) at the highest possible manner. "Customers are treated like gods in Japan" To be 'Treated like a god' is another sentence that implies being treated with very high respect.
"Customers in Japan are treated with the highest respect" (日本では顧客はとても気遣われます) この文は、お店やレストランの客がとてもよく扱われるということを表しています。'Highest respect'とは、とても高いマナ―で人を気遣う、敬意を払うときに使うフレーズです。  "Customers are treated like gods in Japan" (日本では顧客は神様のように扱われます) 'Treated like a god' は、とてもよく扱われることを表す別の表現です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Customers in Japan are treated like deities.

  • In Japan, customers are deified.

  • Customer in Japan are treated like "gods".

To "treat someone like a god" can mean one of two things. One, can be that the person or group of people are treated with the utmost respect or two, it can be that the person or group of people are held high and they mean everything to everyone. If the group of people are held high and they are being idolized, you would use the expressions in the samples given. * Deity - god or goddess or divine status. * Deify - giving someone the highest compliment. Both words deity & deify can be used to show "god-like" gratitude to someone or to a group of people. The easiest is to express yourself as in the third sentence. The most common expression today is to say that someone is treated like a "god", but you should also be careful of how you express it because it can also be offensive to the listener.
"treat someone like a god" には二つの意味があります。 一つは、「最大限の敬意を持って(個人・グループ)に接する」。もう一つは、「神様のように(個人・グループ)をあがめる」。 もしお客さんが神様のようにあがめられているなら、上記の表現が使えます。 * Deity - 神、女神、神であること * Deify - 人に最大の賛辞を送る "deity" と "deify" はどちらも、ある個人やグループが神のようにあがめられているときに使うことができます。 三つ目の例が最も簡単な言い方です。"someone is treated like a 'god'" という表現が今日では最も一般的です。ただ、これは言い方によって侮辱的になることもあるので注意が必要です。
Anqia DMM英会話講師
  • Restaurant customers are treated like Gods in Japan.

  • In Japanese restaurants, customers are treated like Gods.

By using these sentences, it expresses to people that by treating customers as 'Gods' they are treated with great respect and are of top priority. -Restaurant customers are treated like Gods in Japan. -In Japanese restaurants, customers are treated like Gods.
これらの文では「'Gods'(神)のように扱われる」と言って、客が敬意を持って大切に扱われることを表しています。 -Restaurant customers are treated like Gods in Japan. -In Japanese restaurants, customers are treated like Gods. (日本のレストランでは客は神のように扱われる)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan, customers are treated like gods

  • In restaurants in Japan customers are treated like gods

When really looking after someone and treating them well you can say you 'treat them like a god' so 'in Japan, customers are treated like gods' by adding 'in restaurants' you are explaining where in Japan they are treated this way
いろいろ面倒を見てもらって良い扱いを受けることは 'treated like a god' で表すことができます。 ですから、 'in Japan, customers are treated like gods'(日本ではお客さんは神様のように扱われる) と言えます。 'in restaurants' は、日本のどこでお客さんがそのような扱いを受けるのかを伝えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • In Japanese restaurants, the customer is Lord and Master

  • In Japanese restaurants, customers are really given the red carpet treatment

You want to explain how customers are treated in restaurants in Japan. You want to say that customers are treated like gods. There are a couple of suggestions above which may suit your purposes.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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