If you don't feel comfortable with it, maybe it's best to turn down the date.?
Don't go through with it if you're not comfortable with it.
If you don't feel comfortable with it, 気が進まないなら maybe it's best to turn down the date.? 断った方がいいんじゃない
Don't go through with it if you're not comfortable with it. 気が進まないなら しない方がいいよ
If you are not in the mood, it's better to say no.
If you are not in the mood, you can say no.
If you don't feel like it, just say no.
just が入ることで、きっぱりNOと言う感じが出るように思います。
If you are not in the mood, it's better to say no.
you can say no. 「NOと言うこともできるんだよ?」というような言い方もありだと思います。