世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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  • This isn’t want I ordered

  • I ordered something different

  • I didn’t order this

いろんな言い方がありますが、以上のフレーズを主に使います。 This isn’t want I ordered = これは注文した物ではありません。 I ordered something different = 違う物を注文しました。 I didn’t order this = これを注文していません。 もし丁寧に言いたいのであれば、先に「I’m sorry, but」をつけておきます。 I’m sorry, but This isn’t want I ordered. I’m sorry, but I ordered something different. I’m sorry, but I didn’t order this.
  • I did not order this.

  • This is not what I ordered.

どちらでもいいと思います。 "... I ordered ~ " と加えると「〜を注文しました」と言えます。 "I didn't order this, I ordered salad."
  • I'm sorry, I didn't order this!

  • What is this called? I didn't order it!

  • Could you bring me what I ordered please? This isn't it.

The first one is the simplest and the usual answer.
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, but this is not what I ordered.

  • I ordered XX, I don't think this is it.

すみませんがこれ自分が頼んだものじゃないです。 XXを頼んだんですが、これは違いますよね。 正しいのを持ってきてくれたら That's what I ordered! Thanks! そう、それを頼んだの!ありがとう! This is it. Thanks! そうそうこれだよ。ありがとう。 
  • I want to return this meal. It's not what I ordered.

  • This is not what I ordered.

I want to return this meal. It's not what I ordered. return - means to send the food back to the kitchen. This lets the waiter know that he/she made a mistake. Example: A: I want to return this food B: Why? A: It's not what I ordered. B: I apologize. A: I ordered the butternut soup. __________________________________________________________________ This is not what I ordered this - refers to the plate of food/meal that was brought to you Example A: Excuse me! B: How can I help? A: This is not what I ordered. B: I'm so sorry.
I want to return this meal. It's not what I ordered.この料理を返却したいです。私が頼んだものと違います。 return - キッチンに料理をさげてもらう この表現は、ウェイターがミスをしたことを知らせます。 例: A: I want to return this food この料理は下げてほしいです。 B: Why?どうしてですか? A: It's not what I ordered. それは頼んでないからです。 B: I apologize.申し訳ありませんでした。 A: I ordered the butternut soup.バターナッツスープを頼んだんです。 __________________________________________________________________ This is not what I ordered これは注文したものと違います。 this - あなたに運ばれてきた料理のことです。 例 A: Excuse me!すみません。 B: How can I help?どうしました? A: This is not what I ordered.これは私が頼んだ料理ではありません。 B: I'm so sorry.申し訳ありません
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, this isn't mine.

  • I think this is someone else's order.

  • Excuse me, but I didn't order this.

Any of these statements is fine.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't order this!

  • This is not my order.

You can say " I didn't order this" or "this is not my order" and tell the waiter/waitress what you ordered.
" I didn't order this" または "this is not my order" といってから、自分のオーダーを言えば良いでしょう。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I did not order that.

You can then go ahead and explain what you ordered so that you can get the right order.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't order this!

  • I think you made a mistake, that's not my order.

If you are at a restuarant and you have been served with something that you did not order, you can express this the following ways:- 1. I didn't order this! Sometimes,if a waiter or waitress brings you the wrong order, you may become angry and upset. This statement is used by someone who may have become angry. 2. I think you made a mistake, that's not my order. It is likely that if you are presented with something that you did not order, a mistake wasmade by the waiter or waitress. This sentence can be used to indicate this to the waiter. Some other suggestions can be:- 1. This must be someone else's order, becasue I did not order this. 2. This can't be for me, it's not my order.
レストランで注文していない物を出されたら、次のように言えます。 1. I didn't order this!(これは注文していません) ウェイターやウェイトレスに注文していない物を持ってこられたら、頭にくることもあると思います。この表現は頭にきたときに使えます。 2. I think you made a mistake, that's not my order.(間違いだと思います、それは注文していません) 注文していない物を出されたときは、ウェイターまたはウェイトレスが間違いを犯した可能性が高いですね。この文ではそれについて指摘しています。 その他の言い方: 1. This must be someone else's order, becasue I did not order this.(これは他の人のだと思います。私は注文していません) 2. This can't be for me, it's not my order.(それは私のではありません、注文していませんから)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I think you have given me the wrong order.

  • This is not the meal I ordered. I ordered the (seafood special)

When you have been given the wrong order at a restaurant and want to inform the waiter that they have given you the wrong order; then you may do so in the following ways: -I think you have given me the wrong order. -This is not the meal I ordered. I ordered the (seafood special)
レストランで注文していない料理を出され、これについてウェイターに指摘したいということですね。次のように言えます。 -I think you have given me the wrong order. 「注文が間違っていると思います」 -This is not the meal I ordered. I ordered the (seafood special) 「これは私が注文したものではありません。私は(シーフードスペシャル)を注文しました」
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I think there's been a mix-up with the order

Mix-up is a common phrase that is used to describe a situation where there has been some confusion between things e.g where food in a shop is incorrectly priced or where there is a mistake made that causes confusion such as the waiter writing down the wrong food dish. Examples: "There has been a mix-up with the price of the bottled water." "There has been a mix-up with the food order." Mix-up is an informal expression and is good to use as it doesnt directly blame anyone for the confusion or in this case the wrong food.
Mix-upは何かが混じってしまった状況を説明する時によく使います。 例えば、ウエイターが間違った料理をメモしたとき、店で商品の値段が間違っているなどに使えます。 例文としては、 There has been a mix-up with the price of the bottled water. 「この水の値段は他のものになっています。」 There has been a mix-up with the food order. 「注文したものに頼んでないものが混じってます」 などです。 Mix-upはくだけた表現なので、店員を責めるような感じを出さずに間違いを指摘できます。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • " I didnt order this particular meal, I think a mistake has been made"

  • "This is not what I order"

  • "I think this is someone else's order, I didn't request this"

If you were at a restaurant and you have been served something that you did not order, you could say any of the following: " I didn't order this particular meal, I think a mistake has been made", "This is not what I order" and "I think this is someone else's order, I didn't request this".
レストランで注文していないものを出されたときは、次のように言えます。 "I didn't order this particular meal, I think a mistake has been made"(この料理は注文していません、何か間違いがあったのだと思います) "This is not what I order"(これは注文していません) "I think this is someone else's order, I didn't request this"(これは他の人の注文だと思います。私は頼んでいません)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • There's been a mistake with my order.

  • My order is incorrect.

  • This isn't what I ordered.

"There's been a mistake with my order" - is a polite way of pointing out that the dish presented to you isn't correct. "My order isn't correct" is a more direct way of saying that someone in the restaurant has made a mistake. But it is still considered polite and not rude. "This isn't what I ordered." - The food that's been brought to you is incorrect. It's another direct way of pointing out an error but can sometimes be taken as brusque or rude. It depends on your tone of voice.
"There's been a mistake with my order"(注文に間違いがあります) は、注文が間違っていることを指摘する丁寧な言い方です。 "My order isn't correct"(注文が間違っています) は、より直接的な言い方です。ただ、これも丁寧です、失礼にはなりません。 "This isn't what I ordered."(これは注文していません) は「注文が間違っている」という意味です。これも直接的な言い方で、場合によって無愛想あるいは失礼にとられるかもしれません。声のトーンによります。
Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, this is not the dish that I ordered.

Using the phrase "excuse me" is a polite but definite way to get someone's attention. You don't need to use the word "dish" but it can help to make sure that the waiter understands what you are talking about. I hope that this helps. :)
"excuse me" は、丁寧かつ明確に相手の注意を引く表現です。 "dish" を使わず言うこともできますが、使った方が意味が明確になります。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
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