世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2019/01/01 09:06
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  • If i was another 5 seconds late, I would have missed boarding the train.

  • I would have missed the train if i was another 5 seconds late.

遅かったら:〇〇たら=if 〇〇, in case〇〇
乗り遅れてた:I would have missed boarding (今から考えると、〇〇を恐れていたがそうはならなかった。)

If i was another 5 seconds late, I would have missed boarding the train.
I was afraid if i was 5 seconds late, I would have missed the train.

  • If I was 5 seconds later, I would have missed the train!

  • I was 5 seconds away from missing the train!

  • I can't believe I very nearly missed the train.

If I was 5 seconds later, I would have missed the train!
I was 5 seconds away from missing the train!
= I was __ away from - meaning I was this close to this happening. This could be a time word like minutes/hours/ days/ weeks
*I can't believe I very nearly missed the train.

You could also say:

  • If I had a been just a little bit later I would have missed the train!
  • If I had been just 5 seconds later than I was, I would have been very late and missed my train!
  • Wow I got here just in time!

    Hope this helps! ^ ^

*If I was 5 seconds later, I would have missed the train!

*I was 5 seconds away from missing the train!

= I was __ away from は、あることが起こるのにもう一歩だったという意味です。これは、minutes(秒)/hours(時間)/ days(日)/ weeks(週)のような言葉を使うことができます。

*I can't believe I very nearly missed the train.


  • If I had been just a little bit later I would have missed the train!

  • If I had been just 5 seconds later than I was, I would have been very late and missed my train!

  • Wow I got here just in time!


Beki DMM英会話講師
  • in the nick of time

  • at the last moment

  • as the doors were closing

These three phrases are idioms or phrases that can be used to explain doing something with little or no time remaining.

I got on the train in the nick of time.

I got on the train at the last moment.

I got on the train as the doors were closing.

I got on the train in the nick of time.

I got on the train at the last moment.

I got on the train as the doors were closing.

Michael Hu DMM英語講師
  • If i had arrived 5 seconds later, I would have missed the train.

  • I would have missed the train had i been 5 seconds later.

If you want to tell someone that you almost missed your train, you can say something like "If i had arrived 5 seconds later, I would have missed the train." or "I would have missed the train had i been 5 seconds later."


"If i had arrived 5 seconds later, I would have missed the train."

"I would have missed the train had i been 5 seconds later."

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • if I was just another 5 seconds late, I would of missed the train

  • Just five more seconds later, and I would have missed the train

  • Luckily I had not arrived 5 seconds later, as I would of missed the train

These phrases explain that if you were only another 5 seconds late, you would have missed the train.
They all mean the same thing that if you were just 5 more seconds later than when you had arrived, you would have missed the train and would of had to catch another one.


Summer G DMM英会話講師
  • Had I arrived 5 seconds late at the station, I would have missed the train.

  • I was right on time to catch the train, otherwise had I been as little as 5 seconds late, I would have missed it.

Trains have a habit of departing a station right on time.They do not wait for late comers as taxis or buses do.So, being late to arrive at the train station even by as little as 5 seconds, a commuter can miss the train. As in the first statement, suppose you had arrived 5 seconds late at the train station, you definitely would have missed it.So, to catch a train, you must arrive at the station earlier than the departure time or right on time.If you arrive at the train station 5 seconds after the departure time, you miss the train.
So, you may say:
Had I arrived 5 seconds late at the station, I would have missed the train.
I was right on time to catch the train, otherwise had I been as little as 5 seconds late, I would have missed it.



 Had I arrived 5 seconds late at the station, I would have missed the train.

I was right on time to catch the train, otherwise had I been as little as 5 seconds late, I would have missed it.

Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • If I was five seconds later, I would have missed the train.

  • I would have have missed the train by five seconds if I didn't get here when I did.

  • I caught the train by five seconds.

"If I was five seconds later, I would have missed the train." is a good way to say that you got to the train station and there was five seconds before the train left.
Similarly, the phrase "I would have have missed the train by five seconds if I didn't get here when I did." is a good option.
"I caught the train by five seconds." is a modern and perhaps shorter and more efficient phrase. We use 'to catch' to say that you get on the transportation. So to say that you 'caught the train by five seconds' means you were on the train on time by only five seconds.

"If I was five seconds later, I would have missed the train."

"I would have have missed the train by five seconds if I didn't get here when I did."


 "I caught the train by five seconds."

これは、短く効率的なフレーズです。 'to catch'は、交通機関に乗るという意味です。 ですので、 'caught the train by five seconds' とは、5秒の差で電車に間に合ったという意味です。

Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • I would have missed the train if I was another five seconds late.

  • If I had arrived five seconds later, I would have missed the train.

I would have missed the train if I was another five seconds late.
If I had arrived five seconds later, I would have missed the train.


miss the/a train で「電車に乗り遅れる」ことを表現できます。

You're going to miss the train! Hurry up!


  • I almost missed the train by five seconds.

  • If I was any later than five seconds I would have missed the train.

  • If I was any later than five minutes the train would have left without me.

You can use these sentences to say that you missed the train by five seconds. It also helps to explain that you actually would have stayed and not boarded if you arrived more than five seconds late.


Esmeralda DMM英会話講師
  • I got into the train five seconds before it left!

  • I caught the train in the nick of time!

  • I was five seconds away from missing the train! I made it just in time.

To express that you were able to catch the train seconds before it departed, the sentences above can be used.
In life, we have many moments where we find ourselves late for something and we arrive just before the allotted time.
This can happen in many different situations like arriving for a movie just as it about to begin or arriving to see your friend at your place just before they left because they didn't find you there.

"Wow, you arrived just as I was about to leave."
"The movie started just as I arrived."
"I made it there just in time!"


"Wow, you arrived just as I was about to leave."

"The movie started just as I arrived."

"I made it there just in time!"

Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I would have missed the train if I had gotten to the station five seconds late.

  • If I'd gotten to the station five seconds later, I would have missed the train

When you want to express that you would have missed the train if you had gotten to the train platform five seconds later; then you may express this in the following ways:
-I would have missed the train if I had gotten to the station five seconds late.
-If I'd gotten to the station five seconds later, I would have missed the train


-I would have missed the train if I had gotten to the station five seconds late.(駅に着くのがあと5秒遅かったら電車に乗り遅れていた)

-If I'd gotten to the station five seconds later, I would have missed the train

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • If I was another five seconds late, I would have missed the train.

  • I would have missed the train if I was another five seconds late.

If I was another five seconds late, I would have missed the train.
I would have missed the train if I was another five seconds late.

They both mean the same thing, and as you can see they are just worded the opposite way round, just depends on your preference.

I hope this helps.
Have a great day.

If I was another five seconds late, I would have missed the train.
I would have missed the train if I was another five seconds late.



Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Five more seconds and I would've missed the train.

  • I was five seconds away from missing the train.

  • That was close! Five more seconds and I wouldn't be on the train.

"I'm glad I made the train! Five more seconds and I would have been too late." This sentence conveys the idea that you barely made the train and if you had arrived 5 seconds later, you wouldn't have boarded the train. "That was close" gives the idea that it was a close call, or in other words, that you were very close to missing the train.

"I'm glad I made the train! Five more seconds and I would have been too late."(電車に間に合ってよかった。あと5秒遅かったら乗り遅れていた)

"That was close" は「ぎりぎりだった」、つまり「もう少しで乗り遅れるところだった」という意味です。

Elain DMM英会話講師
  • If I had arrived just five seconds later, I would have missed the train!

The word "just" in this sentence is very helpful because it shows exactly how close you were to not making it to the train on time. By starting the sentence with the word "if," it shows both the cause and effect of the situation that you were in. I hope that this helps. :)

"just" はこの文で大切な役割を果たしています。「5秒差」を強調しています。

"if" は原因と結果を表します。


Natalie A DMM英会話講師
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