「① We look forward to hearing back from you.」
↑ まず気をつけることは、全ての会社がこういうスタイルであるとは限りませんが、一般的に会社・組織として返事を待つならば「we」、すなわち「我々・当方」を使うことがポイントとなります。
ビジネスではこれが一般的な「ご返答お待ちしております」になりますね。look forward to は「〜を楽しみにする」、hear back from you で「あなたから返事が来るのを」となります。
Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing back from you.
文書の最後に挿入してから「Best regards」などを書いてください。
It is always important to be more formal when communicating in a business setting.
Therefore always be polite and avoid short requests such as "please respond".
"I look forward to your response", "Please respond at your earliest convenience" and "I hope to hear from you soon" are all excellent ways to ask the receiver to reply to your email.
いつも「丁寧」を心掛け、"please respond" などの「短いお願い」は避けるようにしましょう。
"I look forward to your response"、"Please respond at your earliest convenience"、"I hope to hear from you soon"、これらはどれも相手にメールの返信を求めるオススメの言い方です。
I hope to hear from you soon. Tells them that you will be waiting for their response.
I look forward to your reply. "Look forward" means you are eager to read their reply.
"I hope to hear from you soon.
I look forward to your reply.
Look forwardは返信を早く読みたいという意味です。"
① RSVP(コンマをいれなくてもいい)=(フランス語で)"Please reply."のことです。
② "within the week"と入れると、相手に一週間あげることになります。そして、必ず返事が欲しいと言うメッセージが伝わります。お使いになってみて下さい。
“await”は他動詞として使うことが多く、その場合は、“wait for ~”とほぼ同じように使います。 ただ、少しニュアンスの違いを感じます。私の個人的な印象かもしれませんが、“await ~”の方が、「心待ちにしている」というニュアンスを出せます。従って、仕事上の必要性に迫られている時には、“I am waiting for you reply.”よりも、“I am awaiting your reply.”の方がしっくり来ます。
We completely understand your busy schedule. Kindly contact us at your convenience.
We completely understand your busy schedule. Kindly contact us at your convenience.
Best regards, ;敬具
"I hope to hear from you soon" is a more informal expression between friends but "I will be looking forward to your reply" is a common expression to use for business emails.
"I hope to hear from you soon" (すぐにご連絡を頂けることをお待ちしています)は、どちらかというと友人の間で使う砕けた表現ですが、"I will be looking forward to your reply"(お返事をお待ちしています)は、ビジネスメールでよく使われる表現です。
The most common way to politely ask for a reply in an email is to say, "I look forward to hearing from you." However, you can say, "I look forward to your response/reply."
"Please reply at your earliest convenience." - It is very formal and direct. It's completely appropriate in a business email, however, it may come off as too direct or brusque. This is a phrase one should use with discretion as you don't want to put off potential clients or business partners by coming off as too demanding.
Eメールで「お返事お待ちしております」と伝えるときの最も一般的な言い方は "I look forward to hearing from you." です。
ほかに、"I look forward to your response/reply." と言うこともできます。
"Please reply at your earliest convenience."(なるべく早くご連絡ください)
A business email requiring a response can be ended by saying either of the following sentences:
We await your reply.
We anticipate your reply.
We look forward to your reply.
We await your reply.
We anticipate your reply.
We look forward to your reply.
I am eagerly awaiting your reply!
"Eager" is a word that native speakers often use and it means that you are strongly expecting or wanting to do something. This indicated that you would like a reply.
"Awaiting" is also often used by native speakers to express that you are waiting for something. In this case, it implies that you are expecting and waiting for a reply.
In conclusion, this answer indirectly suggests that you are expecting (or want) a reply and that you will wait to hear back from the person.
I hope to hear from you soon.
This is answer is very similar to the first one as it is expressing your hope to receive a reply from the person. This is also a very commonly used phrase for native speakers.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience.
"Convenience" is a term that native speakers use very often. It simply means that it fits well with the person's needs and life.
In conclusion, this answer differs from the previous two, because this time you are directly asking the person to respond to your email as soon as they can.
I am eagerly awaiting your reply!(お返事楽しみにお待ちしています)
"Eager" は、ネイティブスピーカーがよく使う単語です。これは「待ち望む/楽しみに待つ」という意味です。ここでは、相手から「返事」を待ち望んでいることを表します。
"Awaiting" も、ネイティブスピーカーがよく使う単語です。これは「~を待つ」という意味です。ここでは、「返事を待っている」と伝えています。
I hope to hear from you soon.(お返事お待ちしています)
Please contact me at your earliest convenience.(できるだけ早くご連絡ください)
"Convenience" はネイティブスピーカーがよく使う単語です。これは「都合がいい/好都合」という意味です。
I look forward to your reply.
I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
look forward to ... は「〜を楽しみにする」という意味になります。
reply が「返事」、hear back from ... は「〜から返事をもらう」です。
・We look forward to hearing back from you.
・We look forward to your reply.
reply は名詞の場合「返事」という意味の英語表現です。
These expressions are used when writing an email or letter, this is usually what you'd write at the end of the email, this implies you would like to receive an email or letter back from the receiver.
"I look forward to hearing from you" is used more in a formal context, a very polite phrase and re-assuring you'd like a response.
you can either say "i look forward to hearing from you" or you could say "i will be awaiting your response." to let the person you have emailed know that you are wanting them to respond.
Please reply/respond to this email as soon as possible.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Let me know if you have any questions.
At the end of an email when you want the person you are writing to, that you want them to reply/respond to the email you can say write "I look forward to hearing from you." This can be used for a business or personal email. If you want the person to email you back if they have any questions, you can say "Let me know if you have any questions." Finally, you can say if you want them to respond quickly you can say "Please reply to this email as soon as possible."
I look forward to hearing from you.
I look forward to hearing you thoughts on this.
I think these are subtle ways of asking for a reply, which is usually the better way to be, subtle, especially when it comes to email communication.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
I look forward to hearing from you.(お返事お待ちしています)
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this.(お考えをお聞かせください)
When native speakers want to say that they want someone to respond to an email/phone call/etc, they use a combination of the phrasal verb "to look forward to" and the noun "a response." "To look forward to" means "to hope for" or "to be excited for" and "a response" is the person's answer to your call/email/ect.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response!
電話やメールに対して返信してもらいたいとき、ネイティブスピーカーは句動詞 "to look forward to" と名詞 "a response" を組み合わせて使います。
"to look forward to" は「期待している」や「楽しみにしている」という意味です。
"a response" は「(電話やメールに対する)返信」を指します。
Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response!(お時間いただきありがとうございました。お返事楽しみにお待ちしております)
I'd like you to respond to me by March 15th.
メールの終わりに"Thank you in advance for your cooperation." のように付け加えれば丁重な感じが伝わるでしょう。
All of these can be used in a formal email when you want the reciever to reply.
If you are in need of an urgent response you could say 'Please get back to me at your earliest convenience.' - This means, please get back to me as soon as possible.
'Please get back to me at your earliest convenience.'
↑これは「Please get back to me as soon as possible(できるだけ早く返事をください)」という意味です。