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ホテルのカウンターに洗濯物を頼んでおいた時に電話で連絡する時です。 When will my laundry come in my room? で通じますかね?
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2016/04/07 21:20
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  • I had some cleaning done, but it hasn't been returned yet. When will it be brought to my room?

ホテルでしてもらう洗濯物はクリーニング、"cleaning"と言います。 先ほどクリーニングの話をしていたので、いつ届くか聞く時は"it"だけていいです。もちろん、"when will my laundry be brought to my room?"でもいいです。"come in my room"を使うと洗濯物が自分で来るみたいになってしまうので"come"を使うとしても"when will my laundry come?"で終わらします。 ①は、「洗濯物をしてもらいましたが、まだ届いてないです。いつ届きますか?」という意味です。
  • the laundry is not here yet. Do you know when is coming?

「洗濯物」は英語でlaundryです。 「こちらにまだ来ていない」はis not here yet. 「いつ(こちらに)届くか分かる?」はDo you know when is coming?です。 「こちらに来る」という表現なので、comingという単語を使います。
  • When will my laundry be ready please

  • When will i receive my laundry back please

  • Has my washing been done yet please

Laundry is also called washing clothes but laundry is a nicer word and used more when out or in a hotel To receive something is to get given it so to say " when will i receive my laundry back" means when will i get my laundry back to me Please is always nice to add to the end of any sentence as it is a nice polite term
「Laundry」は「washing clothes」とも言えますが、「laundry」はより良い言葉で、どちらかと言うと外、ホテルで使われます。 「receive」は「受け取る」という意味です。したがって、「When will I receive my laundry back」は、いつ洗濯物が戻ってくるかという意味になります。 どんな文でも、文末に「Please」を付けるといいですね。丁寧な言い方になります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Hello, may I ask when my laundry will be ready? Thank you.

  • Please could you tell me when I can collect my laundry?

  • I have got to go out today. Could my laundry please be placed in my room when it is ready? Thank you.

When requesting something at a hotel it is always polite to the staff to say 'thank you' and 'please' as there will be a lot of people who are not so courteous. You are also more likely to get better service because of your politeness. The third answer here is an example of a scenario that may occur if you are on business (or pleasure) and need to leave the hotel for a few hours. It is always nice to have fresh clothes when returning from a day out, and if the hotel staff are able to, they may fulfil this request.
ホテルで何かを頼むときには、スタッフに「thank you」「please」と言うと丁寧です。そんなことを言わない人もたくさんいるので。また、礼儀がしっかりしていると、より良いサービスが受けられるかもしれません。 3番目は、ビジネス(またはホリデー)で、ホテルを数時間離れる場合に使えるかもしれません。外出先から戻ったとき、綺麗な服があったらいいですよね。ホテルのスタッフは、それが可能なら、この希望をかなえてくれるかもしれません。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • When will I get my laundry back?

  • When will they return my laundry?

  • When can I expect my laundry?

The three sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to ask the hotel when you will receive your laundry. In the first sentence you will see the term get something back. That means to have something returned to you. This is a term that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記3つの例文は、いつ洗濯物を受け取れるかホテルに聞くすごく良い言い方です。 最初の例文には、get something backという表現があります。これは「~を返してもらう」という意味です。この表現は日常会話でよく使われるので、語彙に加えておくといいと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • When will the laundry arrive?

  • When will the laundry get here?

Do you know when the laundry will arrive? Do you know will the laundry will get back? Do you know when the laundry will be available for me to pickup? When can I expect the laundry to be available? Laundry is used to refer to clothe that are dirty or have been recently cleaned. You can also just refer to it as washed or cleaned clothes. For example: When will my cleaned clothes arrive?
Do you know when the laundry will arrive? (いつ洗濯物は届くかわかりますか?) Do you know will the laundry will get back? (いつ洗濯物が戻ってくるかわかりますか?) Do you know when the laundry will be available for me to pickup? (いつ洗濯物を取りにいけばいいですか?) When can I expect the laundry to be available? (いつ洗濯物が仕上がりますか?) "laundry"は、汚れている服か、洗濯したての服を指します。"washed/cleaned clothes"(洗濯した服)と言うことも出来ます。 (例文): When will my cleaned clothes arrive?(いつ洗濯物は届きますか?)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • When will my laundry be finished?

  • When will my washing be done?

  • When will I get my laundry back?

"When will I get my laundry back?" is a question you can ask if you want to know when your clothes that you sent for washing at a hotel, will be returned to you, clean.
”When will I get my laundry back?"(私の洗濯物はいつ届きますか?)は、貴方がホテルで洗濯物に出した服がキレイな状態でいつ届くのかについて尋ねるときの例文です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • When will I get my laundry back?

  • I want to find out when I'll receive the laundry.

  • I had my laundry done (earlier). I want to find out when I will be getting it back.

When you're in a hotel and want to find out when they will return your laundry; you can ask in the following ways: -When will I get my laundry back? -I want to find out when I'll receive the laundry. -I had my laundry done (earlier). I want to find out when I will be getting it back.
ホテル滞在中に洗濯物がいつ戻ってくるか確認したい場合は、次のように尋ねることが出来ます。 【例文】 -When will I get my laundry back? (洗濯物はいつ戻ってきますか?) -I want to find out when I'll receive the laundry. (洗濯物がいつ戻ってくるか知りたいです) -I had my laundry done (earlier). I want to find out when I will be getting it back. (洗濯をしてもらったのですが、いつ戻ってくるか知りたいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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