I shop at convenience stores→私はコンビニで買い物をします
quite a bit→結構
shop=〈人が〉買物をする, 〔…を〕買いに行く
quite=かなり, ずいぶん, とても
bit=[a ~として; 副詞的に]《口語》すこしだけ, ちょっと, やや(a little)
quite a bit=相当に, かなりたくさんの
「結構」をどう訳すかが難しいなと思ったんですが、私は「quite a bit」を使ってみました。
I go to church quite a bit.→教会には結構行きます。
I use spinnerbaits quite a bit.→スピナーベイトは結構[かなり]使います。
I used to snowboard quite a bit.→昔は結構スノーボードをしてました。
I do a lot of my shopping at the convenience store
I usually shop at the convenience store (around the corner)
I often buy a few things at the convenience store (around the corner)
When you want to explain that you often shop at convenience stores, then you can say:
-I do a lot of my shopping at the convenience store
-I usually shop at the convenience store (around the corner)
-I often buy a few things at the convenience store (around the corner)
-I do a lot of my shopping at the convenience store
-I usually shop at the convenience store (around the corner)
-I often buy a few things at the convenience store (around the corner)
>I enjoy shopping at the convenience store.
*This sentence explains that you like shopping at the convenience store.
>I prefer shopping at the convenience store.
*prefer=like better than another.
I enjoy shopping at the convenience store.
I prefer shopping at the convenience store.
To frequent = visit a place often, visit, visit often, be a regular visitor to, be a regular client of, go to regularly, go to repeatedly, attend, attend frequently.
"Many of these old pubs were frequented by soldiers."
To be found somewhere = if something is found somewhere, it lives or exists there naturally
"This species is only found in West Africa."
To frequent =頻繁に訪問する、良く行く、定期的に訪れる、ある店のお得意様である、頻繁に出席する、繰り返し行く、高い頻度で参加する。
例:"Many of these old pubs were frequented by soldiers."
To be found somewhere = 何かがある場所でfoundな時、それはその場所に自然に存在している、または住んでいるということです。
例:"This species is only found in West Africa."
Small local shops are called convenience stores or in the UK we call them the corner-shop. This phrase means that the shop is local as it is on the corner or your street.
The first two examples are meant to show that you can either use the verb, "to shop," or, "to go," to express that this is somewhere we go or shop at, along with the adverb, "often," to explain how frequent we go. Notice the adverb, "often," can either go before the verb or at the end of the sentence.
・「I often shop at the convenience store.」
(意味) よくコンビニで買い物します。
<例文> I often shop at the convenience store. I know it's expensive shopping there but it's near my house.
<訳>よくコンビニで買い物します。 すごく高いのはわかっているんですけど家の近くにあるんです。