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絶対言わないで って英語でなんて言うの?

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2019/02/07 06:37
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  • Don’t tell anyone!

  • I don't want you to tell anyone this.

  • Can you keep a secret?

Don’t tell anyone! 訳;誰にもいわないで! I don't want you to tell anyone this. 訳;これからいうことは誰にも言わないでね Can you keep a secret? 訳;秘密にできる?  keep a secret で秘密を守るという意味があります。 誰にも言わないでという直訳ではありませんが、こういう言い方もできます。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
Shiori S 英語講師
  • Please keep it between us.

訳) ここだけの話にしておいて下さい。 Keep it between us 私たちの間に保っておく "Please"なしで"Let's"を使うと、「ここだけの話にしておこうね。」のようになります。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Don't tell anyone about this

  • This is a secret. Keep it between us

  • Do not breathe a word of this

When you want to tell someone not to tell anyone about something, then you may say it in the following ways: -Don't tell anyone about this -This is a secret. Keep it between us -Do not breathe a word of this
「これは誰にも言わないでね」は次のように言えます。 -Don't tell anyone about this(これは誰にも言わないでね) -This is a secret. Keep it between us(これは秘密、誰にも言わないでね) -Do not breathe a word of this(これは誰にも言わないでね)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Don’t tell anyone!

  • It’s just between us.

❶Don’t tell anyone! (誰にも言わないでね!) ❷It’s just between us. (このことはここだけの話だからね)。 と言えますよ。 強めに口止めしたいなら、 Promise you won’t tell anyone! (誰にも言わないと約束して!) と言えますよ。参考に!
  • You better not tell anyone!

  • Don't tell anyone.

強めに言いたかったら、 "You better not tell anyone!" がおすすめです。強い命令のニュアンスがあります。「これ(誰にも言わないこと)をしないと、まずい」というニュアンスです。 "Don't tell anyone"の方が”You better not tell anyone!"のほど強くありません。
  • Please don't tell anyone!

  • Can you keep a secret?

  • Don't breathe a word of this to anyone

When you want to tell someone something but don't want them to tell anyone or anyone else to know then you could simply say before hand 'can you keep a secret?' this tells them that you don't want anyone else to hear or know about it 'don't breathe a word' is a common phrase meaning not to say a word to anyone else and keep it to themself
他の人に言って欲しくないことを人に伝えるときは、前もって 'can you keep a secret?'(秘密を守れますか)と確認できます。これで、それを他の誰にも知られたくないことが伝わります。 'don't breathe a word' は「秘密にしておいてください」という意味の一般的なフレーズです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't tell anyone.

  • Don't tell anybody!

  • This is a secret.

A polite way to say this would be: "Please don't tell anyone." Another way that you could say this to a friend would be: "Don't tell anybody!" You could also say: "This is a secret." When you say something is a secret, it already implies that they should not tell anybody else what you are about to tell them. I hope this helps! :)
丁寧な言い方としては "Please don't tell anyone."(誰にも言わないで)があります。 あるいは、"Don't tell anybody!"(誰にも言わないで)と言うこともできます。 他に、"This is a secret."(これは秘密だよ)という言い方もできます。「秘密だよ」と伝えれば、「これから言うことは他の誰にも言ってはいけない」という意味になります。 参考になれば幸いです!
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • Don't tell anyone!

  • Don't say a word about this!

  • This is just between you and me.

1) Don't tell anyone! 「誰にも言わないで」 2) Don't say a word about this! 「誰にも一言も言わないで!」 "a word”は「一言」という意味で、この表現も他の人から内緒にしてほしいという意味です。 3) This is just between you and me. 「これは私達だけの話です。」 "just between you and me"は「私達だけの〜」という意味です。 友達ともう話しているから「話」の言葉を使わなくても相手がどういう意味かもう知っています。 もし「話」という言葉を使いたかったら、 "This conversation is just between you and me." を使えばいいと思います。 This is just our secret, okay? このフレーズは「これは私達だけの秘密ですね。」という意味ですから、これを使っても大丈夫です。
  • This is a secret

  • This is just between us

  • Please don't tell anyone else

If you want to tell a friend something but don't want them to tell anyone else then you can do it in a number of ways, you can say "this is a secret, you mustn't tell anyone", Or you could ask them "If I tell you a secret can you promise not to tell anyone"? "This goes no further" is a way of telling someone that they must not repeat what you have told them.
Pamela E DMM英会話講師
  • Can you keep a secret for me?

When you say: can you keep a secret for me? You are asking that person to keep the information you are about to share with them private/to themselves. You would generally say this to someone who you know quite well or someone that you trust a lot.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Don't tell anyone!

  • Don't tell anyone this!

  • Keep this a secret!

The first two examples given are basically the same thing with an additional, "this," to refer to what exactly you just told them. In the last example, we can also refer to the information as a secret so they know that it is something confidential that should not be shared.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Don’t tell anyone.

  • Don’t you dare tell anyone.

  • It’s a secret.

1) Don’t tell anyone. 「だれも言わないで」の意味です。 真剣に言う時は強い口調が必要です。 2) Don’t you dare tell anyone. 「絶対だれも言わないで」の意味 Don't you dareは「もしも誰かに言ったら許さない」と言う強いニュアンスがあります。 3) It’s a secret. 「内緒だよ」という意味 Don’t tell anyone, it’s a secret. 「誰にも言わないでね。内緒だよ」と使う機会が多いです。
  • Can you keep this a secret?

  • Don't tell anyone.

  • Keep this to yourself.

Can you keep a secret? Yeah, of course. Keep this to yourself........ Are you serious? One hundred percent. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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