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2015/11/20 20:48
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  • There are pros and cons.

Prosが賛でConsが否にあたります。 例: There are pros and cons 賛否両論ある 例: There are pros and cons of gun control regulations. 銃の[規制](には賛否両論ある gun = 銃 gun control regulations = 銃の規制
  • arguments for and against

  • pros and cons

There are both arguments for and against on that subject. それに関しては賛否両論あるよね。 arguments は「[議論](」、for and against が「賛否」ですね。 for 〜 で「〜に[賛成](」、against 〜 で「〜に反対」と言えます。 祐希さんの言う通り pros and cons もとてもよく使う表現なので、お好きな方の表現を使うと良いと思います〜!
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • We need to look at both sides of this.

  • There are ins and outs for this situation we should explore.

  • Every coin has two sides.

More interesting ways of saying there is a negative and positive side to the argument.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Opinions are divided about ○○

「○○については意見が分かれている」の意味です。 英語でニュースを見ているとよく聞く表現です。
  • There are two sides to this argument, for and against.

The example states that the argument has a positive and negative side. By claiming that there are two sides, you are essentially stating that there is an opposite view in the argument. An argument for implies you agree with it, an argument against, states you disagree against the argument.
ポジティブな側面とネガティブな側面が述べられています。 2つの側面を述べることで逆側の見方があることを示しています。 主張は、議論で賛成意見を言うこと、反論は議論に対する反対意見を言いうことを意味します。
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • There's an upside and downside to everything.

  • There's are pro's and con's to everything.

pro's - pro literally means for, so a "pro" is a positive con's - con literally means against, so a "con" is a negative upsides - to be up is to be on top, so an upside is a positive downsides - to be down means to be underneath, so a downside is a negative
"pro's" (賛成の) -"pro"とはまさに"賛成"と言う意味です。 ですので "pro"は賛成、肯定的という意味になります。 "con's"(反対の) - "con" とは文字通り"反対"と言う意味になります。 ですので "con" とは否定的と言う意味になります。 "upsides"(利点) - 物の上にあるという事は、いい事と言う意味になるので肯定的と言う意味になります。 "downsides"(不利な点) -物の下にあるという事は、よくない事と言う意味なので否定的な意味になります。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • There are advantages and disadvantages to this.

  • There are pros and cons

Advantage - a favourable or desirable feature Disadvantage - an unfavourable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness ___________________________________________________________________ There are pros and cons Means that there are reasons or arguments for and against something
Advantage - a favourable or desirable feature Advantage=メリット。好ましい、望ましい特徴 Disadvantage - an unfavourable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness Disadvantage=デメリット。成功率が下がるような望ましくない状況や状態。 ___________________________________________________________________ There are pros and cons Means that there are reasons or arguments for and against something Pros and cons=賛否両論。何かに対する賛成論と反省論。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Let's weigh up the pros and cons and make an informed decision

  • There are both positive and negative aspects to this

  • We should assess both the upside and the downside implications

There are a lot of situations ranging from emotional, financial and matrimonial to legal, political and ecological, when you may find yourself in the position of having to make a decision based on good points being contrasted with the bad points of a suggestion, proposal or idea. EX: "James, shall we open a new supermarket in Rio or Paris?" "Good question. Let's weigh up the p[ros and cons and make an informed decision.."
感情から財政、婚姻、法律、政治、環境まで提案やアイデアの良い点と悪い点を対比して判断をしなければならない状況は多くあります。 例: "James, shall we open a new supermarket in Rio or Paris?" (ジェームス、新しいスーパーをリオかパリにオープンしましょか) "Good question. Let's weigh up the pros and cons and make an informed decision.." (良い質問ですね。長所と短所を検討して十分な情報に基づいた判断をしましょう)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There are always two sides to one story.

  • There are pros and cons.

  • We can approach this from multiple angles.

To explain that there are arguments for something, as well as against something, you can say: "There are always two sides to one story." "There are pros and cons." "We can approach this from multiple angles."
「賛否両論ある」は、次のように言えます。 "There are always two sides to one story.(何事にも賛否両論ある) "There are pros and cons."(賛否両論ある) "We can approach this from multiple angles."(これはいろいろな見方ができる)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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