Please accept my (sincere) apologies for late reply.
sorry よりも apologize の方が丁寧な印象があります。apologize は「謝る」という意味になります。
I apologize for this late reply.
I am sorry for the delay in my response.
Please accept my (sincere) apologies for late reply.
I am really sorry I was unable to get back to you sooner.
I apologize for getting back to you later then expected.
My sincerest apologies for replying late to this matter.
Each of these three options explains that you are sorry and that you are apologizing for the situation. In order from the top to the bottom, they get more professional as you go down. Depending on the case and depending on the person you are emailing, you can use one of these three. The first is to generally say sorry and this would be best used for a coworker or a manager you know in person. The second would be a person you are working with on a business deal or someone you do not know but still need to make sure to impress. The third is the most formal and is meant to be used for the highest level of person you are responding too. Each of these explains that you are sorry for replying late to an email. Each works but keep in mind the context and the person you are emailing back. This matters a great deal when responding to business emails.
"I'm sorry" is the usual, standard apology for most English speakers. However, it is also correct to ask someone to excuse you for an offense, such as a late reply. Furthermore, telling someone that you didn't "get back to them" is the same as saying that you had not replied until now. Personally, I would use any of these three sentences as a way to apologize.
"I'm sorry"はほとんどの英語話者にとって、スタンダードな、普通の謝罪表現です。しかし、遅い返事などの無作法に対して許しを求める(= to excuse)のもまた正しいです。
"to get back to"(返事をする)は"to reply"と同じ意味です。
"I Apologize for the late reply"
This is a more formal and polite way of expressing that you are sorry for not messaging them sooner.
To 'Apologize' is to express that you are sorry.
If something is 'late' this is often used to refer to something being not on time.
"Sorry for the delay" This is more of a casual and widely used phrase for this context.
"I Apologize for the late reply"(返信が遅くなり申し訳ありませんでした)
'Apologize' は「謝罪する」ことをいいます。
'Late' は時間に遅れることを表します。
"Sorry for the delay"(遅れてごめんなさい)
最初の "I sincerely apologize" という表現はとても丁寧です。丁寧に謝罪するとき、"I sincerely apologize for..."と言います。
この場合、返事が遅くなりましたので、説明したいとき、"for my late response" と言えます。
ですので、「返事が遅くなり誠に申し訳ございません」とは "I sincerely apologize for my late response." と翻訳できます。
ちなみに、誤解するとき、"I sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding"と言えます。
"I'm sorry for not getting back to you sooner" is a good way of telling someone you are aware that you most likely should have replied sooner. You could then follow this up by stating "Please accept my apologies for replying late", this is a polite way of telling this person that it was not meant maliciously.
"I'm sorry for not getting back to you sooner"(返信が遅くなってしまいすみません)
"Please accept my apologies for replying late"(返信が遅れてしまい申し訳ございませんでした)
Use the form: 'Sorry for....' when you wish to apologise for something.. Of course you may also possibly offer a reason for your part.
Eg. 'Sorry for arriving late, but the train was cancelled.'
何かについて謝りたいときに、'Sorry for....'の形を使います。
例)'Sorry for arriving late, but the train was cancelled.'
'I apologize for my late reply.'
'Sorry for the late reply.'
・I sincerely apologize for my late reply.
・Please accept my apologies for the late reply.
apologize は謝るときに使える sorry よりもフォーマルな表現です。
I apologize for the late reply.
I sincerely apologize for the late reply.
sincerely apologize で「誠に申し訳ない」のようなニュアンスを英語で表現することができます。
sincerely は「心から」のような意味です。