Even if they were a little on the pricey side, I'm really glad you bought those shoes after all!
Even if they were a little pricey, I'm really happy for you you got them after all!
- Even if they were a little on the pricey side, I'm really glad you bought those shoes after all!
- Even if they were a little pricey, I'm really happy for you you got them after all!
--- be on the pricey side, be pricey = 高い
--- be glad that = ~て良かった
--- be happy for ... = ~のことに対して嬉しい気持ちを感じる
I'm glad we got these shoes, they were a bit pricey but worth it.
靴を購入して結果的に満足している場合の感想は、「I'm glad we got these shoes, they were a bit pricey but worth it.」と表現することができます。「I’m glad」は「嬉しい」「満足している」という意味で、日常的な表現です。「a bit pricey」は「少し高かった」という意味で、「pricey」は「高価な」をカジュアルに言い換えた言葉です。「but worth it」は「それだけの価値があった」という意味で、高額を払っても満足できる結果だったというニュアンスを示します。