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2019/04/07 15:13
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  • I always end up eating too much.

「〜すぎる」とは do X too much と言います。 「やりすぎる」 do too much 「飲みすぎる」 drink too much 「買い物をしすぎる」 go shopping too much. 「食べすぎる」も同じように、 eat too much になります。 「〜しまう」は end up doing X という形の文章になります。 そして「食べてしまう」は to end up eating... であれば、 「食べ過ぎてしまう」が to end up eating too much になります。 always をつけると「いつも」や「よくそうなる」という意味合いします。
  • I always overindulge because the food tastes so good.

  • If we go to a buffet, I will overeat

To express this thought, you can say, "I always overindulge because the food tastes so good." Indulge - Meaning that you allow yourself to partake (enjoy) of something you like. However, Overindulge means that you have had too much of something you enjoy. Example, "Tom overindulged on chocolate, and it made him sick." "If we go to a buffet, I will overeat." You can use this sentence to explain why you do not want to go to a buffet or other type of restaurant or simply to tell someone that you will eat a lot. Overeat - To eat too much food.
この気持ちは次のように表せます。 "I always overindulge because the food tastes so good."(食べ物がおいしいのでついつい食べ過ぎてしまう) Indulge -「好きなものを楽しむ」という意味です。 "Overindulge" になると「好き放題やり過ぎる」という意味になります。 例: "Tom overindulged on chocolate, and it made him sick." (トムはチョコレートを食べ過ぎて、気持ち悪くなった) "If we go to a buffet, I will overeat."(バイキングに行ったら食べ過ぎてしまう) これは、バイキング(あるいはその他のレストラン)に行きたくない理由を説明するときや、あるいは単純に「食べ過ぎてしまう」と言いたいときに使えます。 Overeat - 食べ過ぎる
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I eat too much.

  • I over ate.

The meal was too good, I couldn't resist eating too much. The food was extremely good, I over ate. The meal was insanely good that I over ate. The food was remarkably good, that I over ate. The food was tasty so I over ate.
The meal was too good, I couldn't resist eating too much. (料理がおいしすぎて、食べ過ぎてしまった。) The food was extremely good, I over ate. (食べ物がとてもおいしくて、食べ過ぎた。) The meal was insanely good that I over ate. (料理がすごくおいしくて食べ過ぎた。) The food was remarkably good, that I over ate. (食べ物がすごくおいしくて、食べ過ぎた。) The food was tasty so I over ate. (食べ物がおいしかったので、食べ過ぎた。)
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • Everything always tastes so good and i always end up over eating.

  • I eat too much because everything is so delicious!

If you are trying to explain to someone that you eat too much because everything tastes so good, you can say something like "Everything always tastes so good and i always end up over eating." or "I eat too much because everything is so delicious!".
全てがおいしくて食べ過ぎてしまったことを伝えるには、以下のように言うことができます。 "Everything always tastes so good and i always end up over eating." (全ていつも通りすごくおいしくて、結局食べ過ぎてしまう。) "I eat too much because everything is so delicious!" (全部すごくおいしいから、食べ過ぎてしまう!)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I often end up overeating because everything is so delicious.

If you "end up" doing something it means that it happens even though you did not plan on it or originally intend to do so. "Delicious" is a good word to describe food that tastes really good. I hope that this helps. :)
"End up doing something" は「するつもりがないのにしてしまう」という意味です。 "Delicious" は「〔食べ物が〕とてもおいしい」という意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I always have a habit of overeating when the food tastes delicious.

  • I always overeat when the food tastes good.

"I have a habit" is used to express that you always do something. For example, you can say, " I have a habit of watching TV while eating dinner." This sentence means that you usually always eat dinner and watch TV. "overeat" is used to express eating too much or eating much more than you wanted to.
"I have a habit"(癖がある)は、自分がいつもすることを表します。 例えば、 " I have a habit of watching TV while eating dinner."と言うことができます。これは、夕食を食べているときにテレビを見る癖があるという意味です。    "overeat"は、食べ過ぎるという意味です。
Noelie DMM英会話講師
  • I love trying different foods but sometimes I overindulge.

  • I overeat because I am greedy.

  • I ate way too much food last night.

"overindulge" is another way to say "eat too much." Usually used when trying new food or sweets and desserts. "overeat"can be used to say "eat too much." "greedy" means to want too much of something. Can be used for things other than food such as attention, success or even tangible objects.
"overindulge" は "eat too much"(食べ過ぎる)の別の言い方です。これは普通、初めて挑戦した食べ物や、スイーツやデザートについて使われます。 "overeat" は "eat too much"(食べ過ぎる)の意味を表します。 "greedy" は「欲張りな/欲深い」という意味です。これは食べ物の他、注目や成功、あるいは形のある物についても使うことができます。
Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • I always overeat because everything is so delicious

  • I always eat too much because I can never get enough of tasty food

  • I always overeat because everything tastes great

When you want to explain that you always eat too much because everything tastes really good; then you may explain this in the following ways: -I always overeat because everything is so delicious -I always eat too much because I can never get enough of tasty food -I always overeat because everything tastes great
「どの料理もおいしいので、いつも食べ過ぎてしまう」は次のように言えます。 -I always overeat because everything is so delicious -I always eat too much because I can never get enough of tasty food -I always overeat because everything tastes great (どの料理もおいしいので、いつも食べ過ぎてしまう)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I always eat too much.

  • I tend to over eat.

  • I often over eat because I love food too much.

Here we can use these three sentences to relay the same ideas. The first two examples talk about over eating either by using, "too much," or the verb, "to over eat." In the last example, we can provide a little bit of extra information to describe the reason why we over eat. We can also say because, "everything is so delicious," or, "everything tastes so god," but the concept would remain the same.
これら三つの文はすべて同じ意味を伝えます。 一つ目と二つ目の例では「食べ過ぎ」を "too much" と "to over eat" という動詞で表しています。 最後の例では、食べ過ぎてしまう理由について説明しています。 ほかに、 "everything is so delicious"(全部おいしい) または "everything tastes so good"(全部おいしい) と言っても、同じ意味を伝えることができます。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I have a weakness for certain foods and I overdo it sometimes

  • I can't control myself when it comes to tasty food and I go overboard

To have a "weakness" for something means that you have a passion for something. A weakness for food means that you enjoy eating and you find it hard to stop, especially if it's something you really enjoy. "To overdo something" means to do too much of a certain thing, so overdoing it with food means that you have eaten way too much "To go overboard" has a similar meaning. It means you have gone too far.
"To have a weakness for something" は「~が大好きだ」という意味です。食べ物について、「一度食べると止まらなくなってしまう」などの意味を表します。 "To overdo something" は「やり過ぎる」という意味です。食べ物について使うと「食べ過ぎる」という意味を表します。 "To go overboard" も似た意味です。「やり過ぎる」という意味を表します。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I always eat a lot because everything is so moreish!

  • I really enjoy my food - lots of it - because so many things are so tasty!

  • I'm a compulsive eater because the world is just full of irresistible dishes!

You want to explain that you always eat too much because everything tastes so good. In that case, one of the above suggested example comments may be appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I ate too much because it was all so good.

  • I am stuffed because it was all amazing.

  • Everything was fantastic, and, now, I am full

I ate too much because it was all so good. I am stuffed because it was all amazing. Everything was fantastic, and, now, I am full They are all more or less saying the same thing, the only difference is the wording. Also, the word 'stuffed' is probably a bit informal, so only use that word with friends. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
I ate too much because it was all so good.(全部おいしかったから食べ過ぎてしまった) I am stuffed because it was all amazing.(全部おいしかったから、お腹いっぱい) Everything was fantastic, and, now, I am full(全部おいしかった、お腹いっぱい) これらは言い方が違うだけで、言っていることはほとんど同じです。 'stuffed' は少しカジュアルな言葉なので、友達にしか使わない方がいいです。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I always overeat, because everything is so delicious!

  • Everything tastes so good! I definitely overindulge at times.

I always overeat, because everything is so delicious! To "overeat" means to eat more than you should or to eat too much. So in this answer, you are clearly saying that because you find all food to be delicious, you eat too much of it. Everything tastes so good! I definitely overindulge at times. "Overindulge" is a word that native speakers often use. If you overindulge, it means that you are having too much of something. Ex. food, drinks. It is also a synonym for overeat. A synonym is a word that means the same (or has a similar meaning) to another word. In conclusion, in this answer you are stating that you sometimes eat too much food, because everything tastes good to you.
I always overeat, because everything is so delicious!(どの料理もおいしいから、いつも食べ過ぎてしまう) "Overeat" は「食べ過ぎる」という意味です。ここでは、「どの料理もおいしいから食べ過ぎてしまう」と明確に伝えています。 Everything tastes so good! I definitely overindulge at times.(どの料理もすごくおいしいんです、だから食べ過ぎてしまうことがあります) "Overindulge" はネイティブスピーカーがよく使う単語です。"Overindulge" は「食べ過ぎる/飲み過ぎる」といった意味を表します。"Overeat" の 'synonym' です。 ※ 'synonym' とは、同じまたは似た意味を持つ語のことです。 この文では、「どの料理もおいしいので食べ過ぎてしまうことがある」と伝えています。
Arne DMM英会話講師
  • I always overeat because everything tastes so delicious.

  • I always overindulge because everything tastes so good.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you always eat too much because everything tastes so good. In the first sentence you will see the word overeat and in the second sentence you will see the word overindulge. Both of these words mean to eat too much. These words would make great additions to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は「どの料理もおいしいからいつも食べ過ぎてしまう」の良い言い方です。 一つ目の例には "overeat"、二つ目の例には "overindulge" という語がそれぞれ使われています。これらはどちらも「食べ過ぎる」という意味です。どちらも語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I love food so much that I always end up overindulging.

  • I ate so much last night, but everything was just so tasty!

  • I always eat too much because the food is just so delicious

When using adjectives like tasty and delicious this makes the food sound really good in a positive way. 'overindulging' means you ate too much for your stomach to handle. Often someone can be sick if they indulge a little too much! I love food so much that I always end up overindulging.
tasty' や 'delicious' などの形容詞を使うと、その料理がとてもおいしいことが伝わります。 'overindulge' は「食べ過ぎる」という意味です。'overindulge' して気持ちが悪くなる場合もあります。 I love food so much that I always end up overindulging (私は食べるのが大好きで、いつも食べ過ぎてしまう)
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
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