世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




オンラインレッスンで色々な国の先生と話すと、ネイティブのような流暢さに驚きます。 そこで、各国で行われている英語教育の方法(=先生たちが受けてきた英語教育)について題名のように聞きたい時に、どんな言い方が有るのか教えて欲しいです! よろしくお願いします。
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2019/06/22 14:17
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  • How do you learn English at school in the Philippines?

How do you learn English at school in the Philippines? フィリピンでは、どのように学校で英語を習うのですか? フィリピンは正式名称が the Republic of the Philippines で、the Philippines とtheが着くのが一般的です(抜かしている表記もたくさんありますが)。日本語ではフィリピンズとは言わないので間違えがちですが、s がつきます。ただ、つくからといって複数形ではありません。 I'm interested in how people in the Philippines learn English at school. フィリピンの人たちが学校で英語をどのように学んでいるか興味があります。 〜の仕方、〜法はほとんどの場合 how 「どうやって」を使って表現します。 フィリピンの方々の英語力はすごいですよね。フィリピンは110にも及ぶ言語があるため、実際に国内の色々な人と意思の疎通をしようと思ったら英語を使わざるを得ないのだと思います。また、歴史的に、学校では母国語の使用を禁止され、アメリカ式の教育で英語のみが教えられたりもしましたので(それがいいかは別として)… 私が個人的に思うのは、聞くだけの授業でなく、発言や討論の機会が多いからじゃないでしょうか。学校外でも使う機会があるかなども大きいと思います。
  • "What kind of English education do you have in school in the Philippines?"

  • "When do you start learn English in the Philippines?"

If you were in an online English lesson, and you want to ask your teacher what kind of English education they have at schools in the Philippines, you could say either of the following: "What kind of English education do you have in school in the Philippines?" or "When do you start learn English in the Philippines?".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • What is English education like in your country?

  • What is English education like where you are/you’re from?

  • How is English taught in your country?

You could also say something like: Can you tell me a bit about how English is taught in your country please? All of these questions ask your tutor to tell you about English education when they’re from.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • In the Philippines what is the English education like?

Examples: What's the English education like in the Philippines? What type of English education did you have in the Philippines? Is the English education good in the Philippines? Is it compulsory to learn English at school in the Philippines?
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • What is the English Education like in the Philippines?

  • What age does one start to learn English in the Philippines?

Asking either of these questions, is a good way of asking your teacher how English is taught in the schools of Philippines. This can be a formal or informal way of asking and your teacher will understand. - What is the English Education like in the Philippines?
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • What's the schooling like in the UK?

  • What's education like in the UK?

During online English lessons. you want to ask your teacher(s) what kind of English education they had at school in their country (for example the Philippines). You wish to explain that. In that case, one of the above suggestions should be fine.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What is the education like in your country in the Philippines?

  • What kind of English education systems do you use back in your hometown in the Philippines?

If you would like to ask someone how their education systems work in their country, you can say something like "What is the education like in your country in the Philippines?" or "What kind of English education systems do you use back in your hometown in the Philippines?".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • What kind of English education do you have in your country?

  • What was your English education like?

  • Tell me about the English education in your country.

Here are three different ways we can ask this question to get informed about the English education process in a particular country. If you wanted to be specific you can change, "your country," to the name of the country such as, "the Philippines."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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