Worry だけで「悩む」という解釈はできますが、「心配する」という意味もあるので、worry about things の方が、「悩む」だけの意味が伝わります。
この場合の「疲れた」はtired of ~ing(動詞のing形)という表現を使います。「もういやだ」というニュアンスです。
一人で → by myself。基本的にセンテンスの最後につけます。
If I could share my anxiety with a caring person, unload this burden I am carrying, it would be such a relief. Is there somebody I can reach out to and unburden myself from this distress? The stress and strain of this situation are too much for me to carry by myself.
"I don't like" this describing the feeling. This is something negative and bringing a negative feeling to myself.
"Worrying" something that is deeply concern myself
"by myself" meaning that I am alone and not with anyone else
"I don't like" は、~が好きではないという感情を表します。これはネガティブなことなので、自分にネガティブな気持ちを与えてしまいます。
"Worrying" は、すごく心配しているという意味です。
"by myself"は、1人で、自分でという意味です。
I'm tired of not having anyone to share my worries with
I wish I had someone to talk to about my worries
When you want to explain that you are worried about something but there is nobody to talk to about it; then you may express this in the following ways:
-I'm tired of not having anyone to share my worries with. I feel really alone.
-I wish I had someone to talk to about my worries. At least that way I would not worry as much.
-I'm tired of not having anyone to share my worries with. I feel really alone.(一人で悩むのに疲れた。とても孤独だ)
-I wish I had someone to talk to about my worries. At least that way I would not worry as much.(誰か相談する相手がほしい。そうすれば悩みが少しは和らぐと思う)
"It makes me stressed when I worry about things by myself"
"I wish I had someone to express my worries too"
If you are worried about something and there's nobody around I can talk to about it, and you want to express that you are tired of worrying by yourself, you could say any of the following: "I'm tired of worrying by myself", "It makes me stressed when I worry about things by myself" or "I wish I had someone to express my worries too".
"I'm tired of worrying by myself"(一人で悩むのに疲れた)
"It makes me stressed when I worry about things by myself"(一人で悩むのは疲れる)
"I wish I had someone to express my worries too".(悩みを相談できる相手がほしい)
I am tired of worrying about my problems all by myself.
I am sick and tired of worrying about my troubles on my own
When you worry about your problems and try to solve them all by yourself without confiding or seeking help from someone, you can definitely become tired of doing so.To 'confide' in someone is to share a secret with someone or tell someone you trust about something very private.A 'problem' is an unwelcome situation in your life which is troubling and requires a solution.Oftentimes people are unable to solve their problems and have to 'seek' help from someone.It always helps to confide in someone.One can definitely become 'sick and tired' of worrying about one's troubles on one's own.The idiom 'sick and tired' means to be frustrated or annoyed to the point of losing one's patience or temper.
So, you may say:
I am tired of worrying about my problems all by myself.
I am sick and tired of worrying about my troubles on my own
'confide' は「秘密を打ち明ける/プライベートな相談をする」という意味です。
'problem' は解決策を必要とするネガティブな状況をいいます。
人生では、一人ではなかなか解決できない問題を抱えることがあります。そんな時は、人に打ち明けることで気持ちが楽になるかもしれません。一人で悩みを抱え込んでしまうと 'sick and tired' になってしまいます。
'sick and tired' は「うんざりした」という意味のイディオムです。
I am tired of worrying about my problems all by myself.(一人で悩むのに疲れてしまった)
I am sick and tired of worrying about my troubles on my own(一人で悩むのに疲れてしまった)
If I had someone to talk to when I feel so worried, I would feel better
Worrying by myself is going to make me go crazy
In the first example, we use the second conditional because it is an imaginary clause. The speaker is unsure if this person exists. The first verb goes in the past subjunctive, which is identical to the indicative simple past tense and the second verb goes in the conditional.
In the second example, we don't use the conditional tense, we use the present tense in the dependent clause and in the main clause we use a gerund which acts as the subject. We often use this phrase "to go crazy" if something is bothering you and you feel like you are becoming consumed.
二つ目の例では仮定法を使っていません。従属節では現在形を用いていて、主節は動名詞です。ここでは、主節が主語の働きをしています。"to go crazy" は、気が変になるほど悩んでいるときに使われます。
I wish I had someone to talk to about my worries/problems.
Now there are many ways that you can say this example as this is a complicated but interesting type of sentence. In the first example we can use the verb, "to confide," as this goes beyond just talking about one's worries, but also about anything in general. It goes to say that, you wish you had someone to talk to about all aspects of a more personal life with someone.
The next example talks more in a direct way because we are using the word, "worries," but we can also use the word, "problems," to relay the same meaning. Notice in this example we have to include the verb, "to talk," in order for the sentence to make sense, whereas in the other we don't.