"If you eat all of it, you’ll get dessert!”
“You’ll get dessert if you eat it all!”
“I’ll give you dessert if you eat everything!”
“I can’t eat everything!”
“I can’t eat all of it!”
“Then you won’t get dessert.”
“I’ll eat it!”
“What’s for dessert?”
“What’s dessert?”
cake - ケーキ
ice-cream - アイスクリーム
milkshake - ミルクシェイク
mousse - ムース
pudding - プディング
custard pudding - プリン
You can have dessert if you finish everything on your plate.
You got to finish your meal first, and you can have dessert later.
"You can have dessert if you finish everything on your plate."
"You got to finish your meal first, and you can have dessert later."
* have dessert: デザートを食べる(eat dessert でも可能)
* if: もし
* finish: 終わらせる
* everything: 全て
* on the plate: お皿に乗っている
* meal: 食事、ご飯
* first: まず、第一に
* later: 後で
・「If you finish your meal, you'll get dessert.」
(例文)I want dessert now!// If you finish your meal, you'll get dessert.
dessert デザート