「A Translator in Texas-日本とアメリカで働く翻訳者のブログ」
My daily commute to work is 2 hours long
My daily commute to work is 2 hours long
The busiest time for travelling anywhere is during the rush hour. In big cities, the rush hour is, of course much longer than an 'hour.' The rush hour is the time when everyone travels to and from their workplace. The time spent travelling is sometimes referred to as the commuting time.
"I commute from London to Bristol every day and the commuting time is 2 hours each way.
The rush hour is: 'the worst time to travel' so if you can avoid travelling at that time, life will be much more comfortable.
ラッシュアワー時は移動がもっとも忙しいときですよね。特に大きい街では、一時間以上そんな時間は続きますよね。ラッシュアワーはみんなが職場ー家の双方間を移動する時間のことを指します。これはcommuting timeと言われることもあります。
例:"I commute from London to Bristol every day and the commuting time is 2 hours each way.
Commuting time can also be explained as "Travel time."
通勤時間は、"Travel time"とも説明できます。
DMM英会話講師 Jody R(ジョディ)
1.I enjoy reading during my travelling time.
Travelling time is self-explanatory.It means the time that it
takes you to get to work and back home again.
Example: My travelling time is an hour in the morning and an
hour at night.
2.My commute time is about an hour to and from.
Commute time means the time that it takes you to travel
from your home to your place of workor your school
on a regular basis.To and from means in one direction
and then back again.In other words, your journey to
work/school and then the return back home.
I enjoy reading during my travelling time.(通勤の時間によく本を読みます)
"Travelling time" は分かりやすい表現ですね。これは自宅から会社に行くまでの時間と会社から自宅に帰るまでの時間を指します。
My travelling time is an hour in the morning and an hour at night.
My commute time is about an hour to and from.(通勤は行き帰りで約1時間かかります)
"Commute time" は、自宅から会社または学校に行くまでにかかる時間を指します。
"To and from" は「行き帰り」という意味です。ここでは、会社/学校に行って帰ってくるまでを指します。
"To commute" is another way of saying "to travel" and it is always used when you want to talk about how much time it takes you to get to and from work.
"I always commute to work using the subway and I have the advantage of working a bit later so it is never too busy"
"Your daily commute" is what you do every day if you are a fulltime worker. You travel to and from work so basically, this is your daily travel to and from your place of work.
"What is your daily commute like? Is it long, short, or hectic?"
Sometimes people travel during rush hour which is a certain period of the day when everybody travels and at the same time and the traffic can be chaotic and there can be many delays. There are two times of the day when rush hour happens: In the morning and in the evening
"I hate travelling during rush hour, it's so uncomfortable. If I have to stand up while riding the train my back gets sore"
"To commute" は「移動する」という意味です。これは常に通勤時間について用いられます。
"I always commute to work using the subway and I have the advantage of working a bit later so it is never too busy"(私はいつも地下鉄で通勤しているので、少し遅くまで仕事ができます。だから、仕事にはいつも余裕があります)
フルタイムで働いている人にとっては、通勤は毎日のことですね。"Your daily commute" は「毎日の通勤」を指します。
"What is your daily commute like? Is it long, short, or hectic?"(通勤はいつもどんな感じですか。長いですか、短いですか、忙しいですか)
"I hate travelling during rush hour, it's so uncomfortable. If I have to stand up while riding the train my back gets sore"
The time spent commuting is travel time to a destination.
For this example, we can actually use the word, "commute," as the main noun or verb within this, and it can describe the amount of time it would take by using descriptive words that depict time.
Example sentences :
- My commute is 2 hours long.
- I have a 1 hour commute by train.
- I commute 1 hour and 20 minutes every day.
この場合、"commute" を名詞または動詞として使うことができます。"commute" は、時間を表す言葉と共に使われ、「通勤時間」を表します。
- My commute is 2 hours long.(私は2時間かけて通勤しています)
- I have a 1 hour commute by train.(電車で1時間かけて通勤しています)
- I commute 1 hour and 20 minutes every day.(毎日通勤に1時間20分かかります)
"daily commute"
「通勤時間が長い。」は、"My commute is long."
「通勤時間が短い。」は、"My commute is short."
"I enjoy my commute to work."
Commute means a regular journey of some distance to and from one's place of work.
Therefore commuting time is the time it takes to get from home to work.
Q. How long is the commute to Tokyo from Osaka?
Commute =通勤という意味です。”commuting time ” は家から会社までの通勤時間の事を意味します。
Q. How long is the commute to Tokyo from Osaka?
To 'commute' means to travel to work. Someone who lives in the countryside but works in the city may have a long commute.
The most popular times to commute may also be referred to as 'rush hour' because this is when a lot of people are commuting at the same time, causing a lot of traffic.
commute' は「通勤する」という意味です。「田舎に住んでいるけど職場は町中」という人は 'commute' が長いかもしれません。
通勤する人で交通機関が最も混雑する時間帯のことは 'rush hour'(ラッシュアワー)と呼ばれます。
The time it takes you to get from your home to work is 'commuting' or 'travel' time.
As this is quite a busy period with everyone trying to get to work on time around the same time, people will refer this period of time as 'rush hour'
'I need to set off a little earlier in the morning as I don't want to get stuck in rush hour'
家から職場に行くまでにかかる時間のことは 'commuting time' または 'travel time' と呼ばれます。
「出勤者が集中する時間帯はとても忙しい時間帯」ということで、これは 'rush hour' と呼ばれます。
'I need to set off a little earlier in the morning as I don't want to get stuck in rush hour'
Commuting time.
In English, I think we would just call it a commute, however, you can refer to it as commuting time, it is totally your call.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
Commuting time.
英語ではこれは単に 'Commute' と言います。ただ、'Commuting time' とも言えます。どちらでも好きな方を使ってください。
通勤時間が長いか短いかはlong, shortを使います。
How long is your commute?(通勤時間はどのくらいですか?)
Do you have a long/short commute to get to work? (仕事に行くまでの通勤時間は長いの?/短いの?)