世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2019/09/19 22:59
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  • profile picture

  • That is me in my profile picture!

To say refer to the picture that you have on an online, you can call this a 'profile picture.' Most people have profile pictures on websites in which they have accounts.

Ex) That is me in my profile picture.

Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • The person in my profile picture is me!


「アイコン」は profile picture と言うことが多いです。

・The person in my profile picture is me!

A: I would love to see a photo of you.
B: Check my profile pic! That's me!


Erik 日英翻訳者
  • You can see me in my profile picture

  • You can see a picture of me in my profile icon


It is a bit more common to say 'profile picture' instead of 'Icon'.
So if someone asks to see a photo of you, you could reply by saying
'You can see me in my profile picture'

Another possible way to explain this is by saying:
'That is me in my profile picture'
Or if you want to use the word 'icon' you could say something like this:
'You can see a picture of me in my profile icon'

Hope this helps

Benyarmin H DMM英会話講師
  • That's me in my profile picture!

When you want to identify yourself in media or other places, you can use the phrase "that's me."Make sure that you use the pronoun "my" in front of "profile picture"to make sure to reinforce that it belongs to you. I hope that this helps :)

Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • If you press my display picture, you will see me!

  • I am in my profile picture!

  • If you press the icon, you can see me

The picture is commonly known as icon, display picture or profile picture. Sometimes some people may shorten display picture for DP.
- I can see you have changed your DP.
The icon is also known for the picture that will show for your profile.

Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • The person in the profile picture is me.

  • It is me in the profile picture.

  • My profile picture is of me.

The person in the profile picture is me.
It is me in the profile picture.
My profile picture is of me.

If you want to let someone know that the profile picture is of you, you can use one of these three sentences. They all are saying the same thing, and should be able to help you out.

I hope that helps.
Have a good day.

Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • That's me in my profile picture.

  • I'm the person (in the middle, to the left, or to the right) in my profile picture.

When someone asks for a picture of you when you meet online, sometimes they may want additional photos or if your profile picture has more than one person in it they may want to know which person you are.

If your profile picture has only you in the picture then you can say "That's me in my profile picture".

If you have more than one person in your profession picture, you can say "I'm the person (where you are in the picture, either; to the left, to the right, or in the middle, or at the bottom, or the tall one) in my profile picture"

Sam Dee DMM英会話講師
  • "The profile picture is a photo of me".

  • "That photo there is of me."

"The profile picture is a photo of me".

"That photo there is of me."

Both examples are a direct and straightforward way of letting the person you are speaking with know that they can see what you look like in your profile picture, as the photo displayed is of you. Depending on the formality of the conversation, e.g. you are speaking on a professional social platform, you could also use "that's me in the profile picture" but to be honest all of these would be acceptable in any conversation.

Rada DMM英会話講師
  • My profile picture is of me.

People who have online accounts generally have a picture of themselves as the profile picture for their account, the reason for this is that their friends/family/colleagues can identify them more easily.

Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Profile picture

  • This is my profile picture.

  • This is me in the picture.

A, "profile picture," is a definition we give online for a picture for the main picture on a Facebook account, for example. A profile picture outside of the online world is just a picture of a single person, typically a picture of someone above the shoulders. In the examples you can see two sentences of how we might say this to someone.

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I am the person in my profile picture.

  • My picture is up on my profile.

  • That's me in my profile pic

When you want to tell someone that your picture is on your profile; then you may express this in the following ways:
-I am the person in my profile picture.
-My picture is up on my profile.
-That's me in my profile pic

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • It's me, actually!

You want to mention that the person in your profile picture is you - well, it usually would be, so the context here should not need much assistance. However, if you look different to your profile picture, it could be that you want to affirm that it is you and the following example would do that:
"The person in the photo is actually me!"
'Actually' is a great word for accentuating the veracity of a fact.

Ian W DMM英会話講師
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