伝えようとしている情報が正しいかではなく英語の表現が正しいかを確かめたいとのことですよね? "expression([表現](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36829/))" という言葉を使って "Is this expression correct? (この表現は[正しい](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36626/)ですか)" という言い方もできますし、「正しさ」というのとは少し離れますが、"Does it make sense?" や "Am I making sense?" を使えば、「私の言っていることがわかりますか」「意味が[伝わって](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/49954/)いますか」という言い方になります。
Is that . . . Is a simple and clear way of eliciting a yes or no response to whatever subject you are inquiring about. Remember, you can use any adjective at the end of the question. Is that expression accurate? Is that expression logically constructed? Etc.
Alternatively, after stating something in English you could ask your audience you evaluate your language skills. You might ask something like: Am i using proper English?/ is that proper English?
"Is that........" 、はあなたが質問するどのような話題にもイエスかノーで返事を引き出すシンプルで明確な方法です。 質問の終わりに形容詞を使用できることを忘れないでください。
”Is that expression accurate?” 「その表現は正確ですか?」
”Is that expression logically constructed?” 「その表現は論理的に構成されていますか?」
あるいは、英語で何かを述べた後、あなたの聴衆にあなたの言語スキルを評価させることができます。 あなたは次のようなことを尋ねることができます。
”Am i using proper English?”「私は適切な英語を使用していますか」
” is that proper English?”「英語は正しいですか?」
You could ask either an open qiestion such as: "How did that sound?" or a closed question such as, "Is that a natural expression?"
"Does that sound natural?"
"Yes you were perfectly correct, both on pronunciation and construction."
"How did that sound?" で相手の返答を待つか、 "Is that a natural expression?" YESかNOかで答えてもらう、どちらで尋ねてもいいでしょうね。
"Does that sound natural?" 自然に聞こえますか?
"Yes you were perfectly correct, both on pronunciation and construction."発音、文法ともに完璧だよ。
Is this is a common expression?
*A natural sentence is commonly used by people and therefore a person would be able to tell you whether your expression is okay or not.*
"Is this a common expression?"
.The proper way to express something... in any phrase is: "The correct usage".
In English there are many expressions that may sound odd to learners...it is good to be able to ask if we are in fact correct when we use an expression idiom or phrase!
"Is this correct usage of that expression?"
"The correct usage"(正しい用法)
"Is this correct usage of that expression?"
These are ways to ask if something sounds natural or if it is correct. When you are learning a language you can ask someone if it sounds natural to ensure it’s not sounding awkward or incorrect.
Ex: A-“Does this expression sound natural?”
B-“yes that sounds Perfect!”
A-“Is this expression correct?”
B-“You could try saying it this way...”
A-“Does this expression sound natural?”(この表現は自然ですか)
B-“yes that sounds Perfect!”(はい、完璧です)
A-“Is this expression correct?”(この表現は正しいですか)
B-“You could try saying it this way...”(こんな風に言ってみてはどうですか...)